(一)在商用密码产品的科研、生产过程中违反安全、保密规定的; (1) To violate the provisions of security and secrecy in the course of the scientific research and production of the commercial password products;(一)持票人对票据的出票人和承兑人的权利,自票据到期日起二年。见票即付的汇票、本票,自出票日起二年; (1) two years from the date of maturity of the negotiable instrument for the holder against the drawer or acceptor; two years from the date of issue of a bill or a promissory note payable at sight for the holder against the drawer or acceptor;(一)持股人的名称、住所; (1)? The stockholder's name and address;(一)违反本法第二十九条第一款的规定提供贷款的; (1)to provide a loan in violation of the provisions in the first paragraph of Article 29;(一)要求金融机构按照规定的比例交存存款准备金; (1)to require a banking institution to place a deposit reserve at a prescribed ratio;(十)可能造成环境污染的程度和解决措施; (10) The degrees of probable environmental pollution and the measures for tackling pollution;(十)拟任首席代表的身份证明、学历证明和简历; (10) the identity certificate, academic credentials and resume of the chief representative to-be; and(十)企业名称预先核准通知书; (10) the Notification of the Company's Name Pre-Approval; and10.其他贱金属及其制品(除已经取消和本次取消出口退税商品以及铝箔、铝管、铝制结构体等)出口退税率下调至5%; (10) The rate of export tax rebate for other base metals and their products (not including export rebates commodities which have been cancelled or which are being cancelled, as well as aluminum foils, aluminum pipes and aluminum structures, etc.) shall be lowered to 5%;(十)合作企业的期限、解散和清算; (10) The venture's duration, dissolution and liquidation.(十)作为国家的中央银行,从事有关的国际金融活动; (10)to engage in relevant international banking operations in its capacity as the central bank of the State; and11.刨床、插床、切割机、拉床等出口退税率下调至11%,柴油机、泵、风扇、排气阀门及零件、回转炉、焦炉、缝纫机、订书机、高尔夫球车、雪地车、摩托车、自行车、挂车、升降器及其零件、龙头、钎焊机器等出口退税率下调至9%; (11) The rate of export tax rebate for planers, slotting machines, cutting machines, and broaching machines, etc. shall be lowered to 11%, and the rate of export tax debate for diesel engines, pumps, fans, exhaust valves and the parts thereof, rotary furnaces, coke furnaces, sewing machines, staplers, golf carts, over-snow vehicles, motorcycles, bicycles, trailers, elevators and the parts thereof, faucets, soldering machines, etc. shall be lowered to 9%;(十一)场地选择和用地面积; (11) The selection of sites and the area of land to be used;(十二)基本建设和生产经营所需资金、能源、原材料及其解决办法; (12) The funds, energy resources, raw and processed materials needed in capital construction and in production and business operations and the solutions thereof;12.家具出口退税率下调至11%或9%; (12) The rate of export tax rebate for furniture shall be lowered to 11% or 9%;(十三)项目实施的进度计划; (13) The progress plan for the construction of the project; and13.钟表、玩具和其他杂项制品等出口退税率下调至11%; (13) The rate of export tax rebate for clocks, watches, toys and other miscellaneous products, etc. shall be lowered to 11%;(十四)拟设立外资企业的经营期限。 (14) The period of business operations of the foreign-capital enterprise to be established.14.部分木制品出口退税率下调至5%; (14) The rate of export tax rebate for some wood products shall be lowered to 5%;15.粘胶纤维出口退税率下调至5%。 (15) The rate of export tax rebate for viscose fiber shall be lowered to 5%.(二) 非居民企业在中国境内设立机构、场所,取得发生在中国境外但与该机构、场所有实际联系的应税所得。 (2) Taxable incomes obtained outside the territory of China by a non-resident enterprise having organs or establishments inside the territory of China, but having actual connection with such organs or establishments.(二)破产企业所欠税款; (2) taxes that are owed by the bankrupt enterprise; and(二)破产企业所欠税款; (2) taxes that are owed by the bankrupt enterprise; and(二)破产企业所欠税款; (2) taxes that are owed by the bankrupt enterprise; and(二)纳税人转让土地使用权,应当向土地所在地主管税务机关申报纳税。 (2) Taxpayers transferring land use rights shall report and pay tax to the local competent tax authorities where the land is located.