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中国商业贸易法律法规中英数据库(二)    A B C D E F G H I J K L M N O P Q R S T U V W X Y Z


6.服装出口退税率下调至11%;    (6) The rate of export tax rebate for garments shall be lowered to 11%;
(六)不得减少注册资金;    (6) the registered fund shall not be reduced;
(六)双方使用和改进技术的权利和义务;    (6) the rights and obligations of both sides to use and improve the technology;
(六)出票人签章。    (6) the signature of the drawer.
(六)出票人签章。    (6) the signature of the maker.
(六)拟设立外资企业所在地的县级或者县级以上地方人民政府的书面答复;    (6) The written reply given by the people's government at or above the county level at the place, where the enterprise is to be established;
(六)其他法律、行政法规规定禁止的。    (6) those being prohibited by laws or administrative regulations.
(六)发现保险公司、保险资产管理公司或者境外受托人投资指令违法、违规的,及时向中国保监会和国家外汇局报告;    (6) Timely reporting to the CIRC and the SAFE after finding illegal and regulation-violating investment instructions of an insurance company, an insurance asset management company or an overseas trustee;
(六)追回股东应缴而未缴的款项;    (6) To receive the payments from shareholders which have not yet been made;
6.铁路运输技术设备:机车车辆及主要部件设计与制造,线路、桥梁设备设计与制造,高速铁路有关技术与设备制造,通信信号和运输安全监测设备制造,电气化铁路设备和器材制造    (6)Technology and equipment for railway transportation: design and production of locomotives and main parts, design and production of equipment for railways and bridges, related technology and equipment production for rapid transit railway, production of equipment for communicational signals and transportation safety monitoring, production of electric railway equipment and instrument
(六)持有、管理、经营国家外汇储备、黄金储备;    (6)to hold,administer and manage the State foreign exchange reserve and gold reserve;
(七)收购所需资金额及资金保证;    (7) The amount of capital needed for the purchase and collateral for the capital;
(七)公安、消防部门对营业场所出具的安全、消防设施合格证明;    (7) The compliance certificates for the safety and fire control facilities of the business place as issued by the public security and fire control departments; and
(七)所在国家或者地区的金融监管制度完善,金融监管部门与中国金融监管机构已签订监管合作谅解备忘录,并保持着有效的监管合作关系;    (7) The country or region where it is located shall have a sound financial supervision system. Its financial supervisory authorities shall have signed memorandum of understanding for supervision cooperation with Chinese financial supervisory authorities and keep effective cooperative relationship in respect of supervision with their Chinese counterparts;
(七)证券公司的最高拆入限额和最高拆出限额均不超过该机构净资本的80%;    (7) The maximum amount of interbank borrowing or interbank lending for a securities company shall be no more than 80 percent of its net assets; and
(七)拥有2年以上境外投资经历的专业管理人员的数量符合有关规定;    (7) The number of its professional managerial personnel with over 2 years' overseas investment experience complies with relevant stipulations;
(七)自然灾害或者意外事故损失有赔偿的部分;    (7) the portion of losses due to natural disasters or accidents for which there has been compensation;
(七)不得向社会发行股票。    (7) the public issue of stocks shall not be permitted.
7.鞋帽、雨伞、羽毛制品等出口退税率下调至11%;    (7) The rate of export tax rebate for shoes, caps, umbrellas, and feather products, etc. shall be lowered to 11%;
(七)产品的销售方向、地区和销售渠道、方式以及在中国和国外市场的销售比例;    (7) The sales orientation and areas, the sales channels and methods, and the sales proportion between China's market and foreign markets;
(七)公司的董事长,三分之一以上的董事,或者经理发生变动;    (7) There is a change in the chairman or more than one third of directors or managers of the company;
(七)分配剩余财产;    (7) To distributs the remaining property;
(七)信托公司;    (7) trust companies;
(七)经理国库;    (7)to manage the State Treasury;
(八)报送上市公司收购报告书时所持有被收购公司股份数占该公司已发行的股份总数的比例。    (8) The amount of stocks in possession as a ratio of all the stocks issued by the listed company at the time when the report is submitted.
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