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中国商业贸易法律法规中英数据库(二)    A B C D E F G H I J K L M N O P Q R S T U V W X Y Z


(一)与该货物同时或者大约同时向中华人民共和国境内销售的相同货物的成交价格;    1. transaction value of the same goods that are sold into the People's Republic of China at the same time or at approximately the same time;
(一)与该货物同时或者大约同时向中华人民共和国境内销售的相同货物的成交价格;    1. transaction value of the same goods that are sold into the People's Republic of China at the same time or at approximately the same time;
十、 本通知自印发之日起实施。    10. The present circular shall enter into force as of the promulgation date.
(二)被其他机构吸收合并;    2. takeover by any other institution; or
(二)仲裁请求和所根据的事实、理由;    2. the arbitration claim and the facts and argument on which the claim is based;
(二)明确列举行政许可的条件;    2. The conditions of administrative licensing shall be enumerated clearly;
(二) 涉嫌走私或者违规,正在被海关立案调查的;    2. The consignor or consignee is suspected of smuggling or regulation-breaking and is being put on files by the customs for investigation;
(二)在本条第(一)项规定以外的其他区域设置的,由区、县工商局受理。    2. The district / county SAIC shall be responsible for accepting and handling the installation of outdoor advertisements in areas other than those in Item 1 of this Article.
(二)资源稀缺的少数商品价格;?    2. The few merchandises that are in shortage of resources;
(二)裁决的事项不属于仲裁协议的范围或者仲裁委员会无权仲裁的;    2. the matters of the award are beyond the extent of the arbitration agreement or not within the jurisdiction of the arbitration commission;
(二)仲裁事项;    2. the matters to be arbitrated;
(二)市或者区、县工商局对申请人的申请进行经营资质审核,经审核同意的,在《申请审批表》上加盖印章后,将其与申请材料一并转市或者区、县规划局;    2. The municipal or district / county SAIC shall examine and verify the business qualification of the applicant, and upon examination, verification and approval, shall stamp the application form with its official seal and then submit it to the municipal or district / county planning bureau together with the application materials;
(二)影响市政公共设施、交通安全设施、交通标志使用的;    2. The posting would affect the use of municipal public utilities, traffic safety facilities and marks;
(二)境内机构投资者、投资顾问有责任代表持有人确保交易质量,包括但不限于:    2. The QDII and the investment consultant has the responsibility of ensuring the trading quality on behalf of holders, and such responsibilities shall include, but not limited to:
(二)董事会同意发行人民币债券的决议或具有相同法律效力的文件;    2. the resolution of the board of directors on the approval of the issuance of RMB bonds or documents with equal legal force;
(二)所在国家或地区证券监管机构已与中国证监会签订双边监管合作谅解备忘录,并保持着有效的监管合作关系;    2. The surveillant organ of its country or region has signed a memorandum of understanding on bilateral surveillant cooperation with the CSRC, and keeps an effective surveillant cooperation with each other as well;
(二)从事律师工作满八年的;    2. they have worked as a lawyer for at least eight years;
(二)有具体的仲裁请求和事实、理由;    2. they must have a specific claim with facts and argument on which the claim is based;
㈡不按照国家规定将外汇卖给外汇指定银行的;    2. to act in defiance of the government regulations on the sale of foreign exchange to the designated foreign exchange banks;
(二)以资金或者其他形式财产协助恐怖组织、恐怖分子以及恐怖主义、恐怖活动犯罪。    2. to assist terrorist organizations, terrorists, terrorism or terrorist criminal activities with funds or other forms of property;
(二)能够满足招标文件的实质性要求,并且经评审的投标价格最低;但是投标价格低于成本的除外。    2. to be able to satisfy the substantial requirements set in the tender documents and to have the lowest bid price quotation upon assessment, with the exception of the bid price quotation which is below cost.
(二)取消金融机构直接负责的董事、高级管理人员和其他直接责任人员的任职资格、禁止其从事有关金融行业的工作。    2. to disqualify the directly liable directors, senior managers and other persons of the financial institution from their posts or to forbid them to work in the financial industry;
(二)在依法降价处理鲜活商品、季节性商品、积压商品等商品外,为了排挤竞争对手或者独占市场,以低于成本的价格倾销,扰乱正常的生产经营秩序,损害国家利益或者其他经营者的合法权益;?    2. To engage in dumping sales (except the cases of sales of fresh and live merchandises, seasonal merchandises and stockpiled merchandises at discount) at belowcost prices in order to attain an upper hand over rivals or dominate the market and disrupt the normal production and operation order to great detriments to the interests of the State or the lawful rights and interests of other business operators;
(二)在政府指导价规定的幅度内制定价格;?    2. To fix prices within the guided range as set by the government;
㈡违反国家有关规定,擅自在境外发行外币债券的;    2. to issue bonds denominated in foreign currency abroad without authorization and in violation of the relevant government regulations;
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