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中国商业贸易法律法规中英数据库(二)    A B C D E F G H I J K L M N O P Q R S T U V W X Y Z


(四)买卖双方没有特殊关系,或者虽有特殊关系但未对成交价格产生影响。    4. there is no special relationship between the seller and buyer, or the existing special relationship between the two parties exercises no influence on the transaction price;
(四)从事法律研究、教学工作并具有高级职称的;    4. they are engaged in legal research or legal teaching and in senior positions;
(四)利用医药科研单位、学术机构、医疗机构或者专家、医生、患者的名义和形象作证明的;    4. Titles or images of medical research institutes, academic institutions, medical organizations or experts, doctors or patients; and
(四)为恐怖组织、恐怖分子占有、使用以及募集资金或者其他形式财产。    4. to possess, use or raise funds or other forms of property for terrorist organizations or terrorists.
㈣未经外汇管理机关批准,擅自将外币存款凭证、外币有价证券携带或者邮寄出境的;    4. to purchase foreign exchange from designated foreign exchange banks with invalid documents, contracts and bills;
(四)在证据可能灭失或者以后难以取得的情况下,可以依法先行登记保存,当事人或者有关人员不得转移、隐匿或者销毁。?    4. To register and keep some evidences that are liable to be destroyed or kept out of hand or is hard to obtain for which people concerned or related personnel must not in any cases remove, hide or destroy.
(四)检举、控告侵犯其依法自主定价权利的行为。?    4. To report or claim against actions that have infringe upon their rights of independent pricing.
(四)利用虚假的或者使人误解的价格手段,诱骗消费者或者其他经营者与其进行交易;?    4. To resort to deceitful or misleading means in terms of prices to entice consumers or other business operators into trading in terms of prices;
㈣未经外汇管理机关批准,擅自将外币存款凭证、外币有价证券携带或者邮寄出境的;    4. to take or mail abroad through postal services certificates of foreign exchange deposit and securities denominated in foreign currencies without authorization of the exchange administration agencies;
(四)信托投资公司、金融资产管理公司、财务公司、金融租赁公司、汽车金融公司、货币经纪公司。    4. trust and investment companies, financial assets management companies, finance companies, financial lease companies, auto finance companies and currency brokerage companies;
(四)电信公司    4.Telecommunication Companies
五、 开展人民币外汇货币掉期业务应遵循以下规定:    5. The following provisions shall be observed in conducting RMB and foreign exchange currency swap business:
(五)对方当事人隐瞒了足以影响公正裁决的证据的;    5. the other party has concealed evidence which is sufficient to affect the impartiality of the award;
(五)当地县级以上地方人民政府禁止设置户外广告的区域。?    5. The posting is in areas prohibited for advertising by people's governments at and above the county level.
(五)被申请人的资格、条件发生重大变化,不符合行政许可的法定条件或者标准的。    5. The qualification and conditions of the applicant change materially and do not comply with the legal conditions or standards of administrative licensing.
(五)申请配额的数量情况;    5. the quantity of quotas applied;
五、国家工商行政管理局要会同有关部门,根据本通知精神,尽快制定传销企业的审批管理办法和对传销人员的监督管理办法。    5. The State Administration for Industry and Commerce and related offices, in the spirit of this circular, shall quickly draw up examination and approval guidelines for pyramid retail enterprises and methods of supervision for pyramid retail personnel.
五、 本通知自2008年1月1日起执行。    5. This Notification shall enter into force as of January 1, 2008.
(五)提供相同商品或者服务,对具有同等交易条件的其他经营者实行价格歧视;?    5. To discriminate in terms of prices same kinds of merchandises or services offered by certain business operators under same trading conditions;
(五)在本款第(一)项至第(四)项所列活动中使用的交通工具及特种车辆;    5. transportation vehicles and special types of vehicles used in activities listed in items 1 to 4 of this article.
(五)在本款第(一)项至第(四)项所列活动中使用的交通工具及特种车辆;    5. transportation vehicles and special types of vehicles used in activities listed in items 1 to 4 of this article.
六、工商行政管理机关要加强对边民互市和中外民贸市场的管理。    6. The administrative organs of industry and commerce should strengthen the administration of the frontier’s exchange marketing and the frontier market of the Chinese and neighboring countries.
六、各地方、各部门经过这次清理整顿以后保留的对外经贸公司及其经营范围,报经贸部审批;    6. The foreign trade companies with their business scope, which are attached to various localities and various government organs and have been retained after the checking up and rectification, shall be submitted to the Ministry of Foreign Economic Relations and Trade for examination and approval;
(六)采取抬高等级或者压低等级等手段收购、销售商品或者提供服务,变相提高或者压低价格;?    6. To disguisely raise or lower prices at irrational ranges by artificially raising or lowering grades of merchandises or services;
(六)音像制品(除电影外)的分销:限于合作,中方控股    6.The distribution of audiovisual products (excluding movies): Foreign investments shall be permitted no later than Dee.11, 2004.
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