- 中国商业贸易法律法规中英数据库(二) A B C D E F G H I J K L M N O P Q R S T U V W X Y Z
- (三)拟发债规模及期限; 3. the scale and term of the bonds to be issued;
- (三)曾任审判员满八年的; 3. they have been a judge for at least eight years;
- (三)检查与价格违法行为有关的财物,心要时可以责令当事人暂停相关营业;? 3. To checked property related to the price law violating acts and, if necessary, order the people concerned to stop business operation.
- (三)捏造、散布涨价信息,哄抬价格,推动商品价格过高上涨的;? 3. To fabricate and spread price rise information for pushing up the prices to excessively high level;
- (三)制定属于政府指导价、政府定价产品范围内的新产品的试销价格,特定产品除外;? 3. To fix prices for new products which are subject to government-set or guided prices, except special products for trial sales; and
- ㈢违反国家规定将外汇汇出或者携带出境的; 3. to invest in China on the part of overseas investors in Renminbi or with goods purchased locally without authorization of the exchange administration agencies;
- (三)责令金融机构对直接负责的董事、高级管理人员和其他直接责任人员给予纪律处分。 3. to order the financial institution to impose disciplinary punishment upon the directly liable directors, senior managers and other persons.
- (三)为恐怖主义和实施恐怖活动犯罪占有、使用以及募集资金或者其他形式财产。 3. to possess, use or raise funds or other forms of property for terrorist purposes or terrorist criminal activities;
- ㈢违反国家有关规定,擅自提供对外担保的; 3. to provide guarantee for external obligations without authorization and in violation of the relevant government regulations;
- ㈢违反国家规定将外汇汇出或者携带出境的; 3. to remit or take foreign exchange abroad in violation of the government regulations;
- (三)纺织业 3.Textile Industry
- (三)纺织业 3.Textile Industry
- (四)新的进口经营者的申请情况; 4. the applications filed by new import business operators;
- (四) 海关分类管理类别被降为C类或者D类的。 4. The classified customs management category is degraded to C or D.
- (四)裁决所根据的证据是伪造的; 4. the evidence on which the award is based is falsified;
- (四)准予行政许可的行为对公共利益或者保险业发展有重大损害的; 4. The granting of an administrative license has a serious negative effect on the public interests or the development of the insurance sector.
- (四)人民币债券募集说明书(附发行方案); 4. the introduction for collecting RMB bonds (with an attachment of issuance scheme);
- (四)合法有效的《申请审批表》。 4. The lawful and valid application form.
- (四)市或者区、县市政委办公室对申请人的申请进行市容审核,经审核同意的,在《申请审批表》上加盖印章。 4. The municipal or district / county office of municipal administration committee shall examine and verify the application for the purpose of city appearance, and upon examination, verification and approval, shall stamp the application form with its official seal.
- 四、各级人民政府要切实加强对停止发展多层次传销企业的领导工作,工商行政管理、公安、税务、海关、内贸等部门要密切配合,做好有关善后处理工作。 4. The people’s governments at all levels shall strengthen practical leadership work in stopping the development of pyramid retail enterprises; the industrial and commercial administrations, public security offices, tax offices, customs, domestic trade administrations, and other offices shall work in close coordination to handle all problems arising from this work..
- (四)国家机关、文物保护单位和名胜风景点的建筑控制地带; 4. The posting is in areas under the command of building structures of government organs, cultural relics protection units or scenic spots; and
- 四、要加强对生产企业的质量监督管理工作,禁止生产假冒伪劣产品。 4. The quality control procedures of manufacturing enterprises should be improved in order to halt the manufacture of fake and low-quality products.
- (四)行政许可被撤销、撤回或者行政许可资格被依法吊销的; 4. The revocation or withdrawal of an administrative license, or the revocation of administrative licensing qualification according to law;
- 四、 国家外汇管理局对人民币外汇货币掉期业务实行备案制管理。 4. The SAFE shall be responsible for archive-filing management to RMB and foreign exchange currency swap business.
- (四)买卖双方没有特殊关系,或者虽有特殊关系但未对成交价格产生影响。 4. there is no special relationship between the seller and buyer, or the existing special relationship between the two parties exercises no influence on the transaction price;