- 中国商业贸易法律法规中英数据库(二) A B C D E F G H I J K L M N O P Q R S T U V W X Y Z
- (二)查询、复制与价格违法行为有关的帐簿、单据、凭证、文件及其他资料,核对与价格违法行为有关的银行资料;? 2. To look into and duplicate account books, bills, vouchers, documents or other materias related to price law violating acts and verify banking materials associated with price law violating acts.
- ㈡不按照国家规定将外汇卖给外汇指定银行的; 2. to pay in Renminbi for local expenses on behalf others and get paid back in turn in foreign exchange;
- ㈡擅自以外汇作质押的; 2. to pledge foreign exchange in lien without authorization;
- (二)与该货物同时或者大约同时向同一国家或者地区出口的类似货物的成交价格; 2. transaction value of similar goods that are exported to the same country or region at the same time or at approximately the same time;
- (二)与该货物同时或者大约同时向同一国家或者地区出口的类似货物的成交价格; 2. transaction value of similar goods that are exported to the same country or region at the same time or at approximately the same time;
- (二)与该货物同时或者大约同时向中华人民共和国境内销售的类似货物的成交价格; 2. transaction value of similar goods that are sold into the People's Republic of China at the same time or at approximately the same time.
- (二)与该货物同时或者大约同时向中华人民共和国境内销售的类似货物的成交价格; 2. transaction value of similar goods that are sold into the People's Republic of China at the same time or at approximately the same time.
- (二)该货物的成交价格没有因搭售或者其他因素的影响而无法确定; 2. transaction value of the goods not identifiable due to bundle sales or other factors;
- (二)该货物的成交价格没有因搭售或者其他因素的影响而无法确定; 2. transaction value of the goods not identifiable due to bundle sales or other factors;
- (二)进口货物运抵境内输入地点起卸后的运输及其相关费用、保险费; 2. transportation and related fees and insurance incurred after the unloading of imported goods that have arrived at their destination within China;
- (二)进口货物运抵境内输入地点起卸后的运输及其相关费用、保险费; 2. transportation and related fees and insurance incurred after the unloading of imported goods that have arrived at their destination within China;
- (二)进口货物运抵境内输入地点起卸后的运输及其相关费用、保险费; 2. transportation fees and related fees and insurance of imported goods that have arrived at the destination within China and have been unloaded;
- (二)进口货物运抵境内输入地点起卸后的运输及其相关费用、保险费; 2. transportation fees and related fees and insurance of imported goods that have arrived at the destination within China and have been unloaded;
- (二)说明治愈率或者有效率的; 2. Treatment efficiency or curative rate;
- 2、标*的条目与我国加入世界贸易组织的承诺有关,具体内容见附件。 2.The items marked ""*"" are related to the commitment of China's accession to WTO. Please see the Attachment for details.
- (二)烟草加工业 2.Tobacco Processing Industry
- (二)烟草加工业 2.Tobacco Processing Industry
- (三)广告合同; 3. The advertising contract; and
- (三)仲裁庭的组成或者仲裁的程序违反法定程序的; 3. the composition of the arbitration tribunal or the arbitration procedure is in contrary to the legal procedure;
- (三) 进出口侵犯知识产权货物,被海关依法给予行政处罚的; 3. The consignor or consignee is subject to administrative penalties by the customs due to the import or export of goods infringing on intellectual property rights; or
- 三、下列商品改为出口免税 3. The following commodities shall be duty free when exported:
- 三、各边境省、自治区对挂靠在有边地贸易经营权企业下面并开展对外经营活动的各类企业(即“挂靠公司”),要认真进行清理,今年10月底以前要将清理结果报外经贸部。 3. The frontier provinces and autonomous regions should check conscientiously the various enterprises which are linked with the enterprises with the authority of management of frontier and local trade and carrying out activities of foreign relations and trade (i.e. ""linking company""). The result of the check-up should be reported to the Ministry of Foreign Economic Relations and Trade before the end of October this year.
- (三)市或者区、县规划局对申请人的申请进行规划建设审核,经审核同意的,在《申请审批表》上加盖印章后,将其与申请材料一并转市或者区、县市政委办公室; 3. The municipal or district / county planning bureau shall examine and verify the application form for planed construction, and upon examination, verification and approval, shall stamp the application form with its official seal and then submit it to the municipal or district / county office of municipal administration committee together with the application materials; and
- (三)妨碍生产者或者人民生活,损害市容市貌的; 3. The posting would affect production or people's life or be harmful to the view of the city;
- (三)申请人的生产能力、经营规模、销售状况; 3. the productive capacity, management scale and the sales of the applicant;