(三)在开发能源、发展交通运输方面提供专有技术所收取的使用费; (3) royalties received in providing proprietary technology for the development of energy resources and expansion of communications and transportation;(三)组织管理制度; (3) rules for organization and administration;(三)拒不接受或者不按照规定接受监督检查的; (3)refusal to accept supervision and inspection or accept supervision and inspection not in accordance with the provisions;(三)违反国家规定将外汇汇出或者携带出境的; (3)Remittance or carrying of foreign exchanges out of the country in violation of State regulations.3.废旧塑料的消解和再利用 (3)Reutilization and counteraction of waste and old plastic(四)拒绝接受《发票换票证》; (4) Refuse to accept the ""invoice- changing certificate"";(四)注册资金取得合法的验资证明; (4) registered fund shall have a legal certificate of capital verification;(四)拟设机构办公场所所有权或者使用权的有关证明,计算机设备配置及网络建设情况,内部机构设置及从业人员情况等。 (4) Relevant certificates of ownership or use-right of the office for the proposed branch, information regarding the configuration of computer facilities, network construction, and internal structure and staff.(四)境内或者境外公证机构出具的有关证明文件; (4) relevant documentation issued by public notary bodies within China and overseas;(四)居民身份证、护照或者其他合法证件; (4) residency certificate, passport or other legal documentation;(四)限制受让人从其他来源获得与让与人提供的技术类似的技术或者与其竞争的技术; (4) restricting the receiving party from obtaining technology similar to that supplied by the supplying party from other sources or from obtaining a competing technology;(四)拟设机构筹建负责人的简历及相关证明材料。 (4) Resume(s) of the person(s)-in-charge of the organization preparation and relevant certificates.(四)决定企业的工资制度和利润分配形式; (4) right of making decisions for the system of wages and salaries, and the forms of profit distribution;(四)在节约能源和防治环境污染方面提供专有技术所收取的使用费; (4) royalties received in providing proprietary technology in respect of energy conservation and the prevention and control of environmental pollution;(五)转借、转让、代开发票; (5) Re-lend, transfer or draw up invoices on a commission basis;(五)拒绝提供有关资料; (5) Refuse to provide related materials;(五)对会员之间、会员与客户之间发生的纠纷进行调解; (5) Resolve disputes among members and between members and clients;(五)按照国家价格管理规定,制定企业的商品价格和收费标准; (5) right of making out the price of the products and the standard of charges according to the regulations of the State on price control;(五)在开发重要科技领域方面提供下列专有技术所收取的使用费: (5) royalties received in providing the following proprietary technology in respect of the development of important fields of science and technology:(五)农村信用合作社县级联合社; (5) rural credit cooperative unions at county level;(六)拒绝提供境外公证机构或者注册会计师的确认证明; (6) Refuse to provide certificates confirmed by overseas notary organs or registered accountants;(六)注册资金(资本)、投资总额、开户银行及帐号; (6) registered capital, total investment, name of bank where an account is held and bank account number;(六) 租金收入; (6) rental income;(六)违反劳动合同应当承担的责任; (6) responsibility for breach of the labour contract;(六)从事境外投资的专业人员简历; (6) Resumes of its specialized personnel engaged in overseas investment;语际翻译 版权所有
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