- 中国商业贸易法律法规中英数据库(二) A B C D E F G H I J K L M N O P Q R S T U V W X Y Z
- 第二节 技术开发合同 Section Two Technology Development Contract
- 第二节:股东大会 Section Two. Shareholders' general committee
- 第二节:股份转让 Section Two. Transfer Of Shares
- 第二节:股份转让 Section Two: Assignment Of Shares
- 第二节:股东大会 Section Two: Shareholders' General Committee
- 证券公司不得将其自营帐户借给他人使用。 Securities companies shall not lend the accounts of their proprietary business to others.
- 证券公司不得超出核定的业务范围经营证券业务和其他业务。 Securities companies shall not operate securities or other types of business beyond the approved scope of business.
- 证券公司接受委托买入证券必须以客户资金帐户上实有的资金支付,不得为客户融资交易。 Securities companies shall only purchase, by authorization, securities with funds actually held in the customers' accounts and shall not finance securities transactions on behalf of customers.
- 证券公司的自营业务必须使用自有资金和依法筹集的资金。 Securities companies shall use their own funds or funds raised in accordance with the law when operating proprietary business.
- 证券公司应当加入证券业协会。 Securities firms shall join the stock brokers' association.
- 2、证券投资基金管理公司:允许外商投资,外资比例不超过33%;不迟于2004年12月11日允许外资比例达49% Securities investment fund management companies: The proportion of foreign investment shall not exceed 33%. The proportion of foreign investment shall be allowed to reach 49% no later than Dec. 11, 2004.
- 证券结算风险基金从证券登记结算机构的业务收入和收益中提取,并可以由证券公司按证券交易业务量的一定比例缴纳。 Securities registration and settlement organizations shall contribute to securities settlement risk funds by withdrawing from their business incomes and revenues. Meanwhile, securities companies shall also contribute to securities settlement risk funds in accordance with a certain ratio of their total stock transactions.
- 证券登记结算机构章程、业务规则应当依法制定,并须经国务院证券监督管理机构批准。 Securities registration and settlement organizations shall formulate their organization articles and rules of operations according to law, and must attain prior approval from the securities regulatory body under the State Council in this regard.
- 证券登记结算机构不得将客户的证券用于质押或者出借给他人。 Securities registration and settlement organizations shall not mortgage their clients' securities or lend them to others.
- 证券登记结算机构应当保证证券持有人名册和登记过户记录真实、准确、完整,不得伪造、篡改、毁坏。 Securities registration and settlement organizations shall truthfully, accurately, and thoroughly maintain the list of securities owners and a record of transfers of securities. They shall not fabricate, change without authorization, or destroy them.
- 证券监督管理机构、证券交易所、承销的证券公司及有关人员,对公司依照法律、行政法规规定必须作出的公告,在公告前不得泄露其内容。 Securities regulatory bodies, securities exchanges, and underwriting securities companies and their personnel shall not prematurely leak out the contents of the public announcements which these companies are required to announce by the law and administrative regulations.
- 各种传播媒介传播证券交易信息必须真实、客观,禁止误导。 Securities trading information disseminated by all media must be factual and objective and not misleading.
- 具体商品名称及税则号见附件1。 See Appendix 1 for the names and HS codes of the specific commodities.
- 具体商品名称及税则号见附件2。 See Appendix 2 for the names and HS codes of the specific commodities.
- 具体商品名称及税则号见附件3。 See Appendix 3 for the names and HS codes of the specific commodities.
- ?? (三)有具备任职专业知识和业务工作经验的高级管理人员; senior management with professional knowledge and operational experience;
- 有上述两种或者两种以上行为的,可以分别处罚。 Separate punishments may be meted out on two or more of the above-mentioned acts.
- 序号 ? Sequential Order
- (四)清偿公司债务。 servicing of the company debts.
- (一)依法提取或者结转各项准备金; setting aside or carrying forward various technical reserve funds in accordance with laws;