

(五)依法监督检查证券发行和交易的信息公开情况;    (5) Supervise and inspect according to the law the public disclosure of information on securities issuance and transactions;
(五)生产经营范围、经营方式;    (5)scope of Production or business operations and method of operation;
5.陶瓷原料的标准化精制、陶瓷用高档装饰材料生产    (5)Standardization refine of ceramic material and production of high-level decorative materials used for ceramics
(六)出资证明书的编号和核发日期。    (6) Serial number and issuing date of the investment certificate.
六、干部、职工的退职费、退休费;    (6) severance pay and retirement pay for cadres, staff members and workers;
(六) 赞助支出;    (6) Sponsorship expenditures;
(六)各地方所属综合外贸公司设立的有进出口经营权的二、三级公司。    (6) sub-companies of the second or third rank with the right to handle import and export trade, established by comprehensive foreign trade companies attached to various local governments.
(六)监督境外托管代理人,确保保险外汇资金被安全托管;    (6) Supervising overseas escrow agents and ensuring the foreign exchange insurance funds are in safe custody;
(六)各项税收的滞纳金和罚款;    (6) surcharges and fines for overdue payment of taxes;
  (六)停业整顿;    (6) Suspending business for consolidation;
七、各国政府驻华使馆、领事馆的外交官员薪金所得;    (7) salaries of diplomatic officials of foreign embassies and consulates in China;
(七)保密;    (7) secrecy clause;
(七)出票人签章。    (7) signature of the drawer.
7.部分木板和一次性木制品;    (7) Some wood boards and one-off wood products;
(七)监督、检查会员行为,对违反法律、行政法规或者协会章程的,按照规定给予纪律处分;    (7) Supervise and inspect the members' activities, and take disciplinary actions according to regulations against those who violate laws, administrative regulations, or the association's statutes;
??? (八)销售的自己使用过的物品。    (8)Sale of goods which have been used by the selle rs.
9.非合金铝制条杆等简单有色金属加工产品;    (9) Simple products processed from nonferrous metals such as non-alloyed aluminum bars;
*3.证券公司、证券投资基金管理公司    *3.Security companies, security investment fund management companies
(一)安全保管基金、集合计划资产,开设资金账户和证券账户;    1. Safely keeping the assets of a fund and pool plan, and opening a capital account and a securities account;
(一)利用公共、自有或者他人所有的建筑物、构筑物、场地、空间等(以下统称阵地)设置的路牌、灯箱、霓虹灯、电子显示牌(屏)、实物造型等;    1. Signposts, light boxes, neon signs, electronic signboards or screens and modeling of material objects that use buildings, structures, sites and spaces (hereinafter referred to as positions) owned by the public, by the business itself, or by other persons; and
1.老年人、残疾人服务    1.Service agencies for the elderly and the handicapped
(十)证券公司、证券投资基金管理公司    10.Securities company, securities investment fund management companies
(十二)专用设备制造业    12.Special Purpose Equipment Manufacturing Industry
(十七)专用设备制造业    17.Special Equipment Manufacturing
(二)安全保护基金、集合计划财产,准时将公司行为信息通知境内机构投资者,确保基金、集合计划及时收取所有应得收入;    2. Safely protecting the property of a fund or pool plan, punctually notifying the information on the company's behaviors to the QDII, and ensuring that proper incomes could be obtained for the fund or pool plan in a timely manner;
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