(三)中国的政府或者企业在境外发行的债券; (3) Bonds that the Chinese government or Chinese enterprises issue overseas;(三)因自然灾害、战争等不楞抗力而遭受严重损失,无法继续经营; (3) Business cannot be carried on because of heavy losses as a result of natural disasers, wars or other force majeure;(三)买卖本咨询机构提供服务的上市公司股票; (3) Buy or sell the stocks of listed companies served by their institutions;??? (三)非固定业户销售货物或者应税劳务,应当向销售地主管税务机关申报纳税。 (3)Businesses without a fixed base selling goods o -r taxable services shall report and pay tax with the local competent tax authorities where the sale s activitees take place.(四)破产; (4) Bankrupcy;(四)按其他合理的方法。 (4) based on any other reasonable method.(四)债券利息收入及卖出债券所得价款; (4) Bond interest income and the proceeds from selling bonds;(四)合作各方的营业执照或者注册登记证明、资信证明及法定代表人的有效证明文件,外国合作者是自然人的,应当提供有关其身份、履历和资信情况的有效证明文件; (4) Business licenses of all parties of the venture, their registration certificates, credit certificates and valid certificates of the legal representatives; in case the foreign party is a natural person, valid certificates of identification, curriculum vitae and credit conditions;(五)经法定验证机构验证的公司最近三年的或者公司成立以来的财务会计报告; (5) Balance sheets for the most recent three years, or since the company's founding, certified by a certifying organization;(五)拟任负责人的基本情况、身份证明; (5) basic information and identification of the person(s)-in-charge designate;(五) 货币掉期交易合同达成后,交易双方应严格履行合同义务,并按交易协定内容进行清算。 (5) both parties shall strictly fulfill the contractual obligations and make account settlement according to the contents of the contract, after a currency swap contract is concluded; and7.钡盐生产 (7)Barium salt production2.企业虽以流动资产形式取得政府补助,但已经或必须按政府补助条件用于非流动资产的购置、建造或改良投入。 (b) An enterprise has acquired government subsidies in the form of current assets, but it has used or must use such subsidies for purchase, construction or improvement of non-current assets in accordance with the requirements for government subsidies.2.从中国境内取得的存款或者贷款利息、债券利息、垫付款或者延期付款利息等; (b) Interest derived within China such as on deposits or loans, interest on bonds, interest on payments made provisionally for others, and deferred payments;2.核能技术; (b) nuclear power technology;2.外商投资在三千万美元以上,回收投资时间长的项目; (b) projects with foreign investments of over US $ 30 million and having long periods for return on investment;2.力求交易成本最小化; (b) seeking the minimized trading costs; and2.培育动植物新品种和生产高效低毒农药的技术; (b) technology provided for the supplying of new varieties of animals and plants and for the production of pesticides of high effectiveness and low toxicity;2.申请人所依据的仲裁协议; (b) the arbitration agreement relied upon by the Claimant;(一)保税货物经批准不复运出境的; 1. bonded goods are not transported away from the country after obtaining approval;(一)保税货物经批准不复运出境的; 1. bonded goods are not transported away from the country after obtaining approval;(一)营业执照; 1. Business license;(一)营业执照以及其他生产、经营资格的证明文件; 1. Business licenses and other documents certifying production and management qualifications;1.银行、财务公司、信托投资公司 1.Banks, finance companies, trust investment companies1.生物工程与生物医学工程技术 1.Biological engineering technique and bio-medical engineering technique