经营者不得在标价之外加价出售商品,不得收取任何未予标明的费用。? Business operators must not sell merchandises at prices above the marked prices or collect fees not specified.?? (五)有符合要求的营业场所和与业务有关的其他设施。 business premises and other facilities commensurate with an insurance business in compliance with relevant operational requirements.附:营业税税目税率表 BUSINESS TAX TAXABLE ITEMS AND TAX RATES TABLE未持有其机构所在地主管税务机关核发的外出经营活动税收管理证明,到外县(市)销售货物或者应税劳务的,应当向销售地主管税务机关申报纳税; Businesses selling goods and taxab le services in a different county (or city ) without the outbund business activities tax administration certificate issued by the local competent tax authorities where the establishment is located, shall report and pay tax with the local competent tax authorities where the sales activities take place.但是,外国合作者增加投资的,经合作各方协商同意,可以依照本条第二款的规定向审查批准机关申请延长合作期限。 But in case the foreign party has increased its investment, application for extending the cooperation term may be filed with the examination and approval authorities according to the second paragraph of this article after consultation between the parties.但在案件办理过程中,相关单位也遇到了一些分工协作、政策法律界限不够明确等问题。 But, in the case-handling process, the relevant units have confronted some issues on the ambiguous division of work and cooperation and boundaries in policy and law.申请设立分公司时,合资保险公司、独资保险公司注册资本达到前款规定的增资后额度的,可以不再增加相应的注册资本。 By the time of applying for the establishment of a branch, if the registered capital of a joint-equity or wholly-owned insurance company has reached the amount as stipulated in the preceding paragraph, the company will no longer be required to increase its registered capital.语际翻译 版权所有
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