

国务院反垄断执法机构作出决定前,经营者不得实施集中。    Before a decision taken by the antimonopoly execution authorities, the concentration shall be not implemented.
除由于不可抗力致使经济合同的全部义务不能履行或者由于另一方在合同约定的期限内没有履行合同的情况以外,协议未达成之前,原经济合同仍然有效。    Before an agreement is reached, the original economic contract shall continue to be effective, except that force majeure makes it impossible to perform the entire obligations of the economic contract or the other party to the economic contract fails to perform the contract within the time limit agreed upon in the contract.
在仲裁委员会主任就仲裁员是否回避作出决定前,被请求回避的仲裁员应当继续履行职责。    Before any decision is made by the Chairman of the Arbitration Commission, the challenged arbitrator shall continue to perform the duties of an arbitrator.
注销税务登记前,则应当缴销发票领购簿和发票。    before cancelling tax registration, they shall hand in the book for receiving and purchasing invoices and invoices for cancellation.
发行公司债券,必须依照公司法规定的条件,报经国务院授权的部门审批。发行人必须向国务院授权的部门提交公司法规定的申请文件和国务院授权的部门规定的有关文件。    Before issuing company bonds, one must abide by the provisions of the Company Law, and report to and attain prior approval from a relevant department authorized by the State Council. The applicant?issuer must submit to the relevant department authorized by the State Council, application documents as required by relevant provisions of the Company Law and other relevant documents as stipulated by the relevant department authorized by the State Council.
受理代位权诉讼的人民法院在债权人起诉债务人的诉讼裁决发生法律效力以前,应当依照《中华人民共和国民事诉讼法》第一百三十六条第(五)项的规定中止代位权诉讼。    Before judgment on the suit brought by the obligee against the obligor takes legal effect, the People's Court adjudicating the suit of subrogation against the secondary obligor shall stay such suit in accordance with Item (5) of Article 136 of the Civil Procedural Law of the People's Republic of China.
发行证券的信息依法公开前,任何知情人不得公开或者泄露该信息。    Before making public the information on the stock issue in accordance with the law, any person who has information on the issue shall not disclose such information.
设立证券登记结算机构必须经国务院证券监督管理机构批准。    Before securities registration and settlement organizations are established, they must attain prior approval from the securities regulatory body under the State Council.
进口货物到达前,纳税义务人经海关核准可以先行申报。具体办法由海关总署另行规定。    Before the arrival of the imported goods, taxpayers, upon ratification by the customs, may declare beforehand. The detailed measures will be worked out by the Customs General Administration.
进口货物到达前,纳税义务人经海关核准可以先行申报。具体办法由海关总署另行规定。    Before the arrival of the imported goods, taxpayers, upon ratification by the customs, may declare beforehand. The detailed measures will be worked out by the Customs General Administration.
破产企业的法定代表人在破产程序终结以前,根据人民法院或者清算组的要求进行工作,不得擅离职守。    Before the conclusion of the bankruptcy proceedings, the legal representative of the bankrupt enterprise shall carry out work according to the requirements of the people's court or the liquidation team, and may not leave his position without authorization.
破产企业的法定代表人在破产程序终结以前,根据人民法院或者清算组的要求进行工作,不得擅离职守。    Before the conclusion of the bankruptcy proceedings, the legal representative of the bankrupt enterprise shall carry out work according to the requirements of the people's court or the liquidation team, and may not leave his position without authorization.
破产企业的法定代表人在破产程序终结以前,根据人民法院或者清算组的要求进行工作,不得擅离职守。    Before the conclusion of the bankruptcy proceedings, the legal representative of the bankrupt enterprise shall carry out work according to the requirements of the people's court or the liquidation team, and may not leave his position without authorization.
企业应当在办理注销登记前,就其清算所得向税务机关申报并依法缴纳企业所得税。    Before the deregistration formalities are handled, an enterprise shall make a declaration to the tax organ and pay the enterprise income taxes on the basis of the income of the liquidation.
第二章 汇票    Bills of Exchange
汇票分为银行汇票和商业汇票。    Bills of exchange include banker's bills and commercial bills.
查帐征收户和定期定额征收户均应依法如实申报纳税,不申报、申报不实或者超过定额一定幅度未申报调整定额的,一经查出按偷税处理。    Both business households of taxation on audit of accounts and business households of taxation at regular intervals in fixed amount should declare and pay tax truthfully according to law, non-declaration, untruthful declaration or failure to declare the adjusted fixed amount exceeding a certain range of the fixed amount, once investigated and verified, shall be handled as tax evasion.
中国公民和外国公民均可以接受委托,担任仲裁代理人。    Both Chinese and foreign citizens can be authorized to act as arbitration agents.
交易双方认为必要时,可签订补充协议,对双方的权利义务、违约情形及违约责任等做出明确约定,补充协议是交易合同的组成部分。    Both parties may conclude a supplementary agreement when necessary to clarify the rights and obligations of both parties, default circumstances and default liabilities, which shall also be deemed as part of the trading contract.
保险公司分支机构不得从事外汇资金的境外运用业务。    Branches of an insurance company shall not be engaged in overseas use of foreign exchange funds.
经纪类证券公司必须在其名称中标明经纪字样。    Brokerage securities companies must use the word ""brokerage"" for their names.
国务院各部门和地方各级人民政府及其各部门的财政收支,国有的金融机构和企业事业组织的财务收支,以及其他依照本法规定应当接受审计的财政收支、财务收支,依照本法规定接受审计监督。    Budgetary revenues and expenditures of various departments of the State Council, of the local people's governments at various levels and their departments, financial revenues and expenditures of State-owned monetary organizations, enterprises and institutions, as well as other budgetary revenues and expenbditures and financial revenues and expenditures subject to auditing according to this Law, shall be supervised through auditing in accordance with the provisions of this Law.
建筑、安装工程合同中,应明确规定工程范围、建设工期、中间交工工程开、竣工时间、工程质量、工程造价、技术资料交付时间、材料和设备供应责任、拨款和结算、交工验收、双方互相协作等条款。    Building and installation contracts shall expressly provide the scope of the project, the construction work period, the time for beginning and completing intermediate construction projects, the quality of the work, the costs of construction, the time for delivery of technical data, the responsibilities for the supply of materials and equipment, the allocations of funds and settlement of accounts, the inspection and acceptance of the projects upon completion, the mutual cooperation by the parties and other similar terms.
建筑物,包括塔、池、槽、井、架、棚(不包括临时工棚、车棚等简易设施)、场、路、桥、平台、码头、船坞、涵洞、加油站以及独立于房屋和机器设备之外的管道、烟囱、围墙等;    buildings, including towers, ponds, troughs, wells, racks, sheds (not including temporary, simply constructed structures such as work sheds and vehicle sheds), fields, roads, bridges, platforms, piers, docks, culverts, gas stations as well as pipes, smokestacks, and enclosing walls that are detached from buildings, machinery and equipment;
业户可自行建帐,也可聘请社会中介机构代理建帐。    Business households can establish accounting books on their own.They can also employ intermediate agencies of society to establish accounting books as agents.
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