2.水产品加工、贝类净化及加工、海藻功能食品开发 (2)Aquatic products processing, seashell products cleansing and processing, and development of function food made from seaweed(三)营业场所使用证明; (3) a certificate of use of the business premises; and(三)所在国家或地区有关主管当局核发的、经所在国家或地区有权进行公证、认证的机构公证、认证并经中国驻该国使(领)馆认证的营业执照或合法开业证明的复印件; (3) a copy of the business license or of the attestation on lawfully opening business as issued upon verification by the related competent authority of the country or region where the applicant is located, notarized and certified by a competent notary public or certification institution in the country or region where the applicant is located, and certified by the Chinese embassy or consulate accredited to that country;(三)章程草案; (3) A draft of the articles of association;(三)有固定的经营场所和合格的交易设施; (3) A fixed operational site and up?to?standard trading facilities;(三) 外国保险公司对其中国境内分公司承担税务、债务的责任担保书。 (3) A letter of guarantee of a foreign insurance company to undertake the obligations of tax and duties payment and debts repayment on behalf of its branch in China.(三)技术资料出口清单; (3) a list of technical information relating to the export; and(三)筹建方案; (3) A preparatory establishment plan;(三)未了责任的处理方案。 (3) A proposal for solving the outstanding liabilities.(三)上一年度末和最近季度末经会计事务所审计的偿付能力状况报告及其说明; (3) A report of solvency status at the end of the previous year and that of the recent quarter audited by an accounting firm and their explanations;(三)股东会决议解散; (3) a resolution for dissolution is passed by the shareholders' meeting;(三)证券公司应在申请进入同业拆借市场前最近两个年度连续盈利,同期未出现净资本低于2亿元的情况; (3) A securities company shall have gained profits for two last successive years prior to making an application for entering the interbank borrowing market,, and its net capital shall be no lower than RMB 200 million yuan in the same term; and(三)确定的金额; (3) a sum certain in money;(三)确定的金额; (3) a sum certain in money;(三)确定的金额; (3) a sum certain in money;(三)拟设机构3年业务发展规划和市场分析; (3) A three-year business development plan and market analysis for the proposed branch;(三)按照成本加合理的费用和利润; (3) according to the cost, plus reasonable expenses and profit;(三)以自己为交易对象,进行不转移所有权的自买自卖,影响证券交易价格或者证券交易量; (3) Affecting the prices of securities trading, or the volume of securities trading, through purchase or sale that does not transfer ownership, considering the buyer or seller himself as the trading object;(三)虽设置帐簿,但帐目混乱或者成本资料、收入凭证、费用凭证残缺不全,难以查帐的; (3) although accounting books have been kept, the accounting entries have not been entered in an appropriate manner or the information on costs, receipt vouchers and expense vouchers are incomplete, causing difficulties in conducting an audit(三)其他在利益上相关联的关系。 (3) any other relationship in respect of an association of reciprocal interests.(三)签约双方法律地位的证明文件。 (3) any regulatory document certifying the legal status of the contracting parties.(三)签约双方法律地位的证明文件。 (3) any regulatory document certifying the legal status of the two parties to the contract.(三) 其他所得,参照前两项规定的方法计算应纳税所得额。 (3) As regards other incomes, the taxable income amount shall be calculated according to the approaches as mentioned in the preceding two items by analogy.(三)按照耗用的原材料、燃料、动力等推算或者测算核定; (3) assess the amount of tax payable according to a calculation or assessment of the amount of raw materials, fuel, power, etc. , consumed;3.氨基酸类:丝氨酸、色氨酸、组氨酸等生产 (3)Amino acid: production of serine, tryptophan, histidine, etc.