

(二)可行性研究报告;    (2) A feasibility study report;
(二) 对拟任外国保险公司分公司主要负责人的授权书;    (2) A letter of attorney issued to the proposed person-in-charge of the branch of a foreign insurance company;
(二)筹建工作完成情况报告;    (2) A progress report of the preparation work;
(二)无条件支付的承诺;    (2) a promise of unconditional payment;
(二)筹建工作报告;    (2) A report on work of the preparatory establishment;
(二)所在国家或地区金融监管当局出具的同意申请人设立代表处的意见书或其他有关文件;    (2) a written opinion or any other related document issued by the financial supervision authority of the country or region where the applicant is located on approval of establishing such a representative office by the applicant;
(二)按照再销售给无关联关系的第三者的价格所应取得的收入和利润水平;    (2) according to the profit margin obtainable if reselling the goods to a non-affiliated third party;
(二)依照本法规定应当设置但未设置帐簿的;    (2) accounting books are required to be kept by this Law but have not been kept;
(二)依法应当由行政机关处理的行政争议;    (2) administrative disputes that laws require to be handled by administrative authorities;
(二)通过公司章程;    (2) adopting the articles of association;
(二)与他人串通,以事先约定的时间、价格和方式相互进行证券交易或者相互买卖并不持有的证券,影响证券交易价格或者证券交易量;    (2) Affecting the prices of securities trading or trading volumes by working in collusion with others to buy or sell securities at time, prices, and methods previously agreed upon;
(二)主管税务机关受理退税申报后,对在外商投资企业与承建企业签订的总承包合同范围内采购的国产设备,凡增值税专用发票上购货单位为承建企业的,均须向供货企业的主管税务机关发函调查。主管税务机关对回函确认发票真实、发票所列货物已按规定申报纳税的,予以办理退税;对回函未能确认发票真实或回函未能确认发票所列货物已按规定申报纳税及未收到回函的,不予办理退税。    (2) After accepting the application for tax refund, for those equipments under the General Contract between the foreign-funded enterprises and the construction enterprises, whose VAT invoices read the construction enterprises as the purchasers, the competent tax authorities should send letters to the tax competent authorities of the supply enterprises to make an investigation. If the replies affirm the authenticity of the invoices and that the tax declaration of the equipment in the invoices has been made, the tax competent authorities shall handle the application. If the replies cannot affirm the authenticity of the invoices, or if the replies cannot affirm whether the tax declaration of the equipment in the invoices has been made, or if the replies can not be received, the tax competent authorities shall not transact the application.
(2)主管税务机关在对其领购发票申请及有关证明材料审核后,发给发票领购簿。    (2) After examining and approving the application for receiving and purchasing invoices and related documents, the competent tax authorities shall issue them invoice receiving and purchasing books.
(二)宗旨和业务范围;    (2) aims and business scope;
(二)法院破产裁定、公司依照《公司法》作出的决议或者决定、行政机关责令关闭的文件;    (2) an adjudication of bankruptcy made by court, resolution or decision made by the company in accordance with the Company Law or documents of ordering to close down issued by an administrative organ;
(二)无条件支付的委托;    (2) an order of unconditional payment;
(二)无条件支付的委托;    (2) an unconditional order to pay;
(二)交易系统和信息系统发生严重安全事故,对市场造成重大影响;    (2) Any severe safety accident arises in its trading system or information system, which brings major impact to the market;
(二)国务院授权部门或者省、自治区、直辖市人民政府的批准文件,募集设立的股份有限公司还应当提交国务院证券管理部门的批准文件;    (2) approval documents issued by the departments authorized by the State Council or the people's government of a province, autonomous region or municipality directly under the Central Government; For a company limited by shares which is established by the offer method; the approval documents issued by the securities administration authorities of the State Council shall also be submitted;
(二)与委托人约定分享证券投资收益或者分担证券投资损失;    (2) Arrange to share the profits or losses of their clients' securities investments;
(二) 转让财产所得,以收入全额减除财产净值后的余额为应纳税所得额;    (2) As regards incomes from assigning property, the taxable income amount shall be the balance of the total income amount less the net value of the property; and
(二)按照成本加合理的费用和利润核定;    (2) assess the amount of tax payable according to the cost, plus reasonable amounts of expenses and profit;
(二)在提交仲裁申请书时,附具申请人请求所依据的事实的证明文件。    (2) Attach to the Application for Arbitration the relevant documentary evidence which supports the facts on which the Claimant's claim is based.
(二)上一年度末和最近季度末经审计的偿付能力状况报告;    (2) Audited solvency status reports as of the end of the previous fiscal year and as of the end of the last quarter;
2.传统中药饮片炮制技术的应用及中成药秘方产品的生产    (2)Application of preparing technique of traditional Chinese medicines in small pieces ready for decoction, and production of the products of secret recipe of traditional Chinese patent medicines
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