

(一)开业申请书;    (1) An application for starting business;
(一)由董事长(理事长)或总经理签署的致中国证监会的申请书;    (1) an application letter as signed by the board chairman (director-general) or the general manager to the CSRC;
(一)登记申请书;    (1) an application letter for registration;
(一)申请书,至少应当包括申请人的基本情况、拟申请投资付汇额度以及投资计划;    (1) An application letter, at least including the basic information about the applicant, the proposed amount of foreign exchange payment for investment and the investment plan;
(一)有限责任公司的全体股东或者股份有限公司的全体发起人签署的公司名称预先核准申请书;    (1) application for name pre-approval signed by all the shareholders of the limited liability company or by all the promoters of the company limited by shares;
(一)公司董事长签署的设立登记申请书;    (1) application for registration of establishment signed by the chairman of the board of directors of the company;
(一)公司董事长签署的设立登记申请书;    (1) application for registration of establishment signed by the chairman of the board of directors of the company;
(一)申请减税、免税、退税;    (1) applying for a tax reduction, exemption or refund;
(一) 股息、红利等权益性投资收益和利息、租金、特许权使用费所得,以收入全额为应纳税所得额;    (1) As regards dividends, bonuses and other equity investment gains, interests, rentals and royalties, the taxable income amount shall be the total income amount;
(一)参照当地同类行业或者类似行业中经营规模和收入水平相近的纳税人的收入额和润率核定;    (1) assess the amount of tax payable with reference to the income and profit rate of other local taxpayers involved in the same or a similar line of business on a similar scale and at a similar level of income;
(一)协助证券监督管理机构教育和组织会员执行证券法律、行政法规;    (1) Assist the securities supervision and administrative organization in educating the association's members on securities laws and administrative regulations and organizing the members to implement these laws and regulations;
(一)对其他各营业机构的经营业务负有监督管理责任;    (1) assumption of supervisory and management responsibility over the business operations of the other respective business organizations;?
一、科学、技术、文化成果奖金;    (1) awards for scientific, technological and cultural achievements;
(一)按照独立企业之间进行相同或者类似业务活动的价格;    (1)according to pricing for the same or similar business transactions between independent enterprises;
(一)涂改、出租、出借民办非企业单位登记证书,或者出租、出借民办非企业单位印章的;    (1)alteration, renting out and lending of the certificate of registration of a people-run non-enterprise unit, or renting out and lending of the seal(stamp) of a people-run non-enterprise unit;
(十)汽车金融公司;    (10) auto financing companies;
(二)办公场所的合法使用权证明;    (2) a certificate for the lawful right to use the office;
(二)依照《公司法》作出的变更决议或者决定;    (2) a change resolution or decision made in accordance with the Company Law; and
(二)公司分配股利或者增资的计划;    (2) A company's plan for distributing dividends and increasing capital;
(二)注册资本或者营运资金的银行原始入账凭证的复印件。    (2) A copy of the original bank receipt voucher evidencing payment of the registered capital or working capital.
(二)技术出口合同副本;    (2) a copy of the technology export contract;
(二)技术出口合同副本;    (2) a copy of the technology export contract; and
(二)技术进口合同副本;    (2) a copy of the technology import contract; and
(二)企业集团财务公司、信托公司、金融资产管理公司、金融租赁公司、汽车金融公司、保险资产管理公司在申请进入同业拆借市场前最近两个年度连续盈利;    (2) A corporate finance company, trust company, financial assets management company, financial leasing company, auto financing company or insurance assets management company shall have gained profits for two last successive years prior to making an application for entering the interbank borrowing market;
(二)可行性研究报告;    (2) A feasibility study report;
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