第一百六十九条 国务院证券监督管理机构工作人员依法履行职责,进行监督检查或者调查时,应当出示有关证件,并对知悉的有关单位和个人的商业秘密负有保密的义务。 Article 169. While executing their duties according to law to supervise an inspection or investigation, personnel of the securities regulatory body under the State Council shall show their relevant identification papers. They are also obligated to protect the secrecy of business secrets that they have learned from relevant units and individuals.第十六条 行业协会不得组织本行业的经营者从事本章禁止的垄断行为。 Article 16: Association of industry shall be prohibited to organize undertakings to conduct monopoly activities being prohibited by this law.第十七条 私营企业歇业,应当在距歇业三十日前向工商行政管理机关提出申请,经核准后办理注销登记。 Article 17 In case of termination, the private enterprise shall file application with the departments in charge of administration of industry and commerce 30 days before termination, and cancel the registration after verification by the department.第十七条本条例自一九九四年一月一日起施行。一九八四年九月十八日国务院发布的《中华人民共和国营业税条例(草案)》同时废止。 Article 17 These Regulations shall come into effect from January 1, 1994, The promulgated by the State Council on September 18, 1984 shall be repealed on the same date.第十七条 依据本规定第四条所指的谅解、协议,公司可以将境外上市外资股股东名册正本存放在境外,委托境外代理机构管理;公司应当将境外代理机构制作的境外上市外资股股东名册的副本备置于公司的住所。受委托的境外代理机构应当随时保证境外上市外资股股东名册正本、副本的一致性。 Article 17 A company may keep the original list of its foreign capital stock holders abroad and entrust a foreign agency for its safekeeping according to the understanding and agreement referred to in Article 4 of this set of provisions. The company shall keep the copy of the list of foreign capital stock holders made by the foreign agency at the residence of the company. The entrusted foreign agency shall ensure the all-time identity of the original and copy of the list of foreign capital stock holders.第十七条合作企业可以向中国境内的金融机构借款,也可以在中国境外借款。 Article 17 A contractual joint venture may obtain loans from financial institutions within the territory of China and may also obtain loans outside the territory of China.第十七条代表处只能在所在城市变更办公场所。自变更之日起五个工作日内,代表处应当向中国证监会书面报告下列事项: Article 17 A representative office can change its office only inside the city where it is located. Within 5 working days as of the alteration, the representative office shall report the matters as follows to the CSRC in written form:第十七条个人独资企业投资人对本企业的财产依法享有所有权,其有关权利可以依法进行转让或继承。 Article 17 A sole proprietor has lawful title to the assets of the sole proprietorship enterprise, and any related right may be assigned or inherited in accordance with the law.第十七条从事生产、经营的纳税人应当依照税收征管法第十二条规定,自领取营业执照之日起十五日内设置帐簿。 Article 17 A taxpayer engaging in production or business operations shall in accordance with the provisions of Article 12 of the Tax Administration Law establish account books within 15daysofthedateofissueofits business licence.第十七条 招标人采用邀请招标方式的,应当向三个以上具备承担招标项目的能力、资信良好的特定的法人或者其他组织发出投标邀请书。 Article 17 A tenderer who adopts the invitational tender method shall issue invitations for submission of bids to three or more specified legal persons or other specified organizations capable of undertaking the project subject to tender and having a good reputation and creditworthiness.第十七条:公司中中国*基层组织的活动,依照中国*章程办理。 Article 17 Activities of the elementary-level cell of the Chinese Communist Party in a company shall be conducted in accordance with the Charter of the Chinese Communist Party.第十七条 收发货人办结集中申报海关手续后,海关按集中申报进出口货物报关单签发报关单证明联。“进出口日期”以海关接受报关单申报的日期为准。 Article 17 After a consignee or consignor has gone through the customs formality of centralized declaration, the customs shall issue a certification page of the customs declaration form based on the customs declaration form on the centralized declaration of import and export goods. And the ""day of import or export"" shall be the day when the customs accepts the declaration of the customs declaration form.第十七条?农药广告不得有下列内容: Article 17 An advertisement for any farm chemicals should not contain the following;第十七条 有下列情形之一的,仲裁协议无效: Article 17 An arbitration agreement shall be invalid under any of the following circumstances:第十七条 企业在汇总计算缴纳企业所得税时,其境外营业机构的亏损不得抵减境内营业机构的盈利。 Article 17 An enterprise may not offset the losses of its overseas business organs against the profits of its domestic business organs in the consolidated calculation of its enterprise income taxes.第十七条 企业在价格方面享有下列权利: Article 17 An enterprise shall have the right to:第十七条 外商投资企业应当在项目建议书和可行性研究报告批准后,合同、章程批准之前,预先单独申请企业名称登记注册。 Article 17 An enterprise with foreign investment shall apply separately for its enterprise name registration in advance after getting the approvals of its project proposal and feasibility study report, before getting the approvals of contract and articles of association.第十七条进口经营者凭进口配额管理部门发放的配额证明,向海关办理报关验放手续。 Article 17 An import business operator shall present the quotas certificate issued by the administrative departments of import quotas to the customs offices for handling the formalities of customs declaration and examination.第十七条 保险公司从事外汇资金的境外运用,应当委托境内商业银行托管其境外运用的全部资产。 Article 17 An insurance company engaged in overseas use of foreign exchange funds shall entrust domestic commercial banks to keep custody of all their assets used overseas.第十七条 合作各方应当依照有关法律、行政法规的规定和合作企业合同的约定,向合作企业投资或者提供合作条件。 Article 17 Each party shall contribute its investment or cooperation input to the contractual JV according to laws, decrees and contractual JV contract.第十七条 外资企业依照国家有关税收的规定纳税并可以享受减税、免税的优惠待遇。 Article 17 Enterprises with foreign capital shall pay taxes in accordance with relevant state provisions for tax payment, and may enjoy preferential treatment for reduction of or exemption from taxes.??? 第十七条? 纳税人兼营免税、减税项目的,应当单独核算免税、减税项目的销售额;未单独核算销售额的,不得免税、减税。 Article 17 For taxpayers engaged in tax exempt or tax reduced items, the sales amounts for tax exempt or tax red uced items shall be accounted for separately, If t he sales amounts have not been separately accounte d for, no exemption or reduction is allowed.第十七条 外国航空、海运企业从事国际运输业务,以其在中国境内起运客货收入总额的百分之五为应纳税所得额。 Article 17 Foreign air transportation and ocean shipping enterprises engaged in international transport business shall use 5% of the gross revenues from passenger and cargo transport and shipping services arising within China as taxable income.第十七条 保险合同中规定有关于保险人责任免除条款的,保险人在订立保险合同时应当向投保人明确说明,未明确说明的,该条款不产生效力。 Article 17 If there are any exclusion clauses imposed by the insurer in the insurance contract, then the insurer shall give specific and clear explanations thereof to the applicant when concluding the insurance contract, otherwise such clauses shall not be enforceable.第十七条设立有限责任公司,应当由全体股东指定的代表或者共同委托的代理人向公司登记机关申请设立登记。设立国有独资公司,应当由国家授权投资的机构或者国家授权的部门作为申请人,申请设立登记。法律、行政法规规定设立有限责任公司必须报经审批的,应当自批准之日起90日内向公司登记机关申请设立登记;逾期申请设立登记的,申请人应当报审批机关确认原批准文件的效力或者另行报批。 Article 17 In establishing a limited liability company, the registration of establishment should be applied for with the company registration authority by the representative appointed by all the shareholders or by the agent entrusted jointly by all the shareholders. In establishing a wholly state-owned company, the registration of establishment should be applied for by the state-authorized investment institution or the state-authorized department. Where the establishment of a limited liability company must be submitted for examination and approval in accordance with any law or administrative regulations, the registration of establishment should be applied for within 90 days from the date of approval. Where the registration of establishment is applied for beyond the time limit, the applicant should require the examination and approval authority to confirm the effect of the original approval documents, or submit for a separate approval.