

*2.会计、审计    *(2)Accounting and auditing
*6.代理公司(船舶、货运、外轮理货、广告等)    *6.Agencies (ship, freight forwarding, tally for foreign vessels, advertising)
(一)关税税额在人民币50元以下的一票货物;    1. a bill of goods for which the customs duty is less than RMB50;
(一)关税税额在人民币50元以下的一票货物;    1. a bill of goods for which the customs duty is less than RMB50;
(一)变更机构名称;    1. alteration of its name;
(一)变更托管人或境外托管人;    1. alteration of the custodian or custodian outside the territory of China;
(一)行政许可所依据的法律、法规修改或者废止的;    1. Alteration or abolishment of the laws and regulations on which administrative licensing is based;
(一)行政许可有效期届满未延续的;    1. An administrative license expires but has not been renewed;
(一)申请表;    1. an application form;
(一)发行人民币债券的申请报告;    1. an application report concerning the issuance of RMB bonds;
(一)使用无毒、无害等表明安全性的绝对化断言的;    1. Any absolute assertions of safety, such as toxic-free or harmless;
(一)怀疑客户为恐怖组织、恐怖分子以及恐怖活动犯罪募集或者企图募集资金或者其他形式财产的。    1. any client suspicious of raising or attempting to raise funds or property of other forms for any terrorist organization, terrorist or crime of terrorist activities;
(一)含有不科学的表示功效的断的断言或者保证的;    1. Any unscientific assertions or assurances in terms of efficiency or uses;
10、会计、审计:限于合作、合伙    10 Accounting and auditing: In cooperation with Chinese partner and in the form of partnership only.
10.民用卫星应用技术    10.Application technique of civil satellite
十一、凡经国务院批准开放的边境口岸都必须设立海关和商检机构,并应具备相应的检查检验场所;    11. All the frontier ports approved for opening-up by the State Council must set up customs and institutions of import and export commodities inspection and should have compatible places for inspection and examination;
十二、各边境省、自治区人民政府近期要组织专门力量,在海关、商检、边检、工商、技术监督及公检法等有关部门共同配合下,认真查处典型案例,依法从严从重惩处。    12. All the people’s governments of provinces and autonomous regions, with the coordination of the customs and the departments concerned of import and export commodities inspection, frontier inspection, administration of industry and commerce, technological supervision and the public security organs, procuratorial organs and people’s courts, should mobilize a special force to investigate and deal with typical cases, and punish strictly and severely.
(二)符合本办法第五条规定的证明文件;    2. a certification document as prescribed in Article 5 of the present Measures; and
(二)赋予公民保险行业特定资格,该公民死亡或者丧失行为能力的;    2. A citizen who has been granted the specific qualification of the insurance sector is dead or lost capacity.
(二)中国保监会的规章或者规范性文件调整行政许可的条件或者标准的;    2. Adjustment of conditions or standards of administrative licensing in the regulations or normative documents of the CIRC;
(二)无商业价值的广告品和货样;    2. advertisement articles and samples without commercial value;
(二)无商业价值的广告品和货样;    2. advertisement articles and samples without commercial value;
(二)变更投资顾问;    2. alteration of the investment consultant;
(二)无民事行为能力人或者限制民事行为能力人订立的仲裁协议;    2. an arbitration agreement concluded by persons without or with limited capacity for civil acts;
(二)怀疑客户为恐怖组织、恐怖分子、从事恐怖融资活动的人以及恐怖活动犯罪提供或者企图提供资金或者其他形式财产的。    2. any client suspicious of providing or attempting to provide funds or other forms of property for any terrorist organization, terrorist, person conducting financing activities for terrorist purposes or terrorist criminal activities;
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