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中国食品卫生与检验检疫法律法规中英数据库    A B C D E F G H I J K L M N O P Q R S T U V W X Y Z


(一)依照本法规定登船、登车、登机实施检疫;    (1) Embarking on a ship, a vehicle or an airplane to perform quarantine under this Law;
(一)执行《国境卫生检疫法》及其实施细则和国家有关卫生法规;    (1) enforce ""The Frontier Health and Quarantine Law"" and the rules for implementation of this law as well as other state regulations concerning public health;
(一)一类疫病,是指对人畜危害严重、需要采取紧急、严厉的强制预防、控制、扑灭措施的;    (1) Epidemics of Class I refer to those which cause serious damage to humans and animals and need to take urgent, rigorous measures to compulsorily prevent, bring under control or exterminate them.
(一)逃避检疫,向国境卫生检疫机关隐瞒真实情况的;    (1) evading quarantine inspection or withholding the truth in reports to the frontier health and quarantine office;
(一)对国境口岸和停留在国境口岸的入境、出境交通工具进行卫生监督和卫生宣传;    (1) exercise sanitary control and carry out publicity on hygiene and health to the conveyances at the frontier port or parked on the border waiting for exit or entry;
1、 投资预算可以包括下列费用:加盟费;培训费;房地产和装修费用;设备、办公用品、家具等购置费;初始库存;水、电、气费;为取得执照和其他政府批准所需的费用;启动周转资金。    (1) Expenditure on the investment budget may include the following: initial fee; training fee; real estate and decoration fee, procurement fee of equipment, office supplies, furniture, etc; initial inventory; water, electricity and gas fees; fees needed to obtain license and other government approvals; and working capital.
(二)入境、出境的交通工具,在入境检疫之前或者在出境检疫之后,擅自上下人员,装卸行李、货物、邮包等物品的;    (2) embark on or disembark from conveyances, load or unload articles such as luggage, goods or postal parcels from conveyances prior to entry quarantine and after exit quarantine;
(二)入境的人员未经国境卫生检疫机关许可,擅自上下交通工具,或者装卸行李、货物、邮包等物品,不听劝阻的。罚款全部上缴国库。    (2) embarking on or disembarking from conveyances upon entry, or loading or unloading articles such as baggage, goods or postal parcels, without the permission of a frontier health and quarantine office and refusing to listen to the office's advice against such acts. All fines thus collected shall be turned over to the state treasury.
(二)进入港口、机场、车站、邮局以及检疫物的存放、加工、养殖、种植场所实施检疫,并依照规定采样;    (2) Entering a seaport, an airport, a railway or coach station, a post office or a site where quarantine objects are stored, processed, bred or cultivated, to perform quarantine inspection and collect samples according to relevant regulations;
(二)二类疫病,是指可造成重大经济损失、需要采取严格控制、扑灭措施,防止扩散的;    (2) Epidemics of Class II refer to those which can cause great economic losses and need to take strict measures to bring under control or exterminate them and avoid their spread.
(二)暴发流行的流行病学调查;    (2) epidemiological investigation of the occurrence and prevalence of an epidemic disease;
(三)根据检疫需要,进入有关生产、仓库等场所,进行疫情监测、调查和检疫监督管理;    (3) Entering a site relating to production or storage according to the needs of quarantine, to carry out epidemic monitoring and investigations or quarantine supervision and control;
(三)三类疫病,是指常见多发、可能造成重大经济损失、需要控制和净化的。    (3) Epidemics of Class III refer to those which are so common and so frequently occur that great economic losses may be caused and control and purifying measures are required.
(三)对国境口岸的卫生状况实施卫生监督,对入境、出境的交通工具、人员、集装箱、尸体、骰骨以及可能传播检疫传染病的行李、货物、邮包等实施检疫查验、传染病监测、卫生监督和卫生处理;    (3) exercise sanitary supervision at the frontier port and conduct quarantine inspection, epidemic disease monitoring, sanitary control and sanitization to the conveyances, passengers, containers, corpses, human bones as well as luggage, goods, postal parcels that may spread quarantinable epidemic diseases;
(四)对不符合卫生要求的入境、出境交通工具,必须接受卫生检疫机关的督导立即进行改进。    (4) entry and exit conveyances that have not meet the sanitary requirements, are required to make improvement without delay under the supervision of the health and quarantine organ.
(六)未经检疫的入境、出境交通工具,擅自离开检疫地点,逃避查验的;    (6) entry and exit conveyances leave the quarantine inspection place without permission for the purpose of evading quarantine inspection;
(一) 特许人的企业名称及特许经营业务使用的注册商标、企业标志、专利、专有技术等经营资源。    1, enterprise name of a franchiser, registered trademark of franchise business, enterprise logo, patent, exclusive technology, and other business resources,
除引航员外,未经国境卫生检疫机关许可,任何人不准上下交通工具,不准装卸行李、货物、邮包等物品。具体办法由本法实施细则规定。    Except for harbour pilots, no person shall be allowed to embark on or disembark from any means of transport and no articles such as baggage, goods or postal parcels shall be loaded or unloaded without the health and quarantine inspector's permission. Specific measures for the implementation of this Law shall be stipulated in detailed regulations.
除紧急情况外,未经国境卫生检疫机关或者当地卫生行政部门许可,任何人不准上下船舶、航空器,不准装卸行李、货物、邮包等物品。    Except in cases of emergency, no person shall be allowed to embark on or disembark from the ship or airborne vehicle, and no articles such as baggage, goods and postal parcels shall be loaded or unloaded without the permission of a frontier health and quarantine office or the local health administration department.
对列入《种类表》的出口商品,海关凭商检机构签发的检验证书、放行单或者在报关单上加盖的印章验放。    Export commodities which are included in the List of Commodities shall be checked and released by the Customs upon presentation of the inspection certificate or the paper for release issued by the commodity inspection authorities or the seal of the same authorities affixed to the Customs declaration.
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