

“卫生处理”指隔离、留验和就地诊验等医学措施,以及消毒、除鼠、除虫等卫生措施。    ""Sanitization"" means both medical measures, including isolation, check-up detention and on-site clinical check-up; and ""sanitary measures"" including disinfection, deratization, and deinsectization.
1、 特许经营合同样本。    (1) Sample franchise contract
(一)监督和指导有关人员对啮齿动物、病媒昆虫的根除;    (1) supervise and direct concerned personnel on the prevention and elimination of rodents and insects that carry diseases;
(十)废旧物品、废旧交通工具,未向卫生检疫机关申报,未经卫生检疫机关实施卫生处理和签发卫生检疫证书而擅自入境、出境或者使用、拆卸的;    (10) ship in or out, use or dismantle used materials or used conveyance without applying to the health and quarantine organ, or without a health and quarantine inspection certificate after sanitization conducted by the health and quarantine organ;
(二)经停站、目的站;    (2) stop-over airport(s) and destination airport;
(三)监督从事食品、饮用水供应的从业人员的健康状况,检查其健康证明书;    (3) supervise the health of employees engaged in the supply of food and drinking water and check their health certificates;
(四)土壤。    (4) Soil.
(七) 特许经营合同样本。    7, Sample of franchise contract
第一节 生产者的产品质量责任和义务    Section 1 Liability and Obligation of Producers Concerning Product Quality
第二节 销售者的产品质量责任和义务    Section 2 Liability and Obligation of Sellers Concerning Product Quality
第一节 鼠 疫    Section I The Plague
第二节 霍 乱    Section II Cholera
第三节 黄 热 病    Section III Yellow Fever
第四节 就地诊验、留验和隔离    Section IV On-Site Clinical Check-up, Check-Up Detention and Isolation
国务院畜牧兽医行政管理部门、商品流通行政管理部门协商确定范围内的屠宰厂、肉类联合加工厂的屠宰检疫按照国务院的有关规定办理,并依法进行监督。    Slaughter quarantine in slaughterhouses and joint meat processing factories determined subject to consultation between the animal husbandry and veterinary administrative department and the commodity circulation department under the State Council shall be handled pursuant to the relevant provisions of the State Council and shall be under supervision according to law.
具体屠宰场(点)由市(包括不设区的市)、县人民政府组织有关部门研究确定。    Specific slaughterhouses (or points) shall be determined by the people’s governments in cities (including cities without districts) and counties after studies by the departments concerned organized by them.
动物防疫监督机构及人员进行动物防疫监督检查,不得收取费用。    Supervising agencies for animal epidemic prevention and their staff shall not collect fees for supervision and inspection of animal epidemic prevention.
动物防疫监督机构对屠宰场(点)屠宰的动物实行检疫并加盖动物防疫监督机构统一使用的验讫印章。    Supervising agencies for animal epidemic prevention shall carry out quarantine of animals slaughtered in slaughterhouses (or points) and affix to slaughtered animals their uniform stamps for having been inspected.
动物防疫监督机构有权对动物、动物产品运输依法进行监督检查。    Supervising agencies for animal epidemic prevention shall have the right to supervise and inspect the transportation of animals and animal products according to law.
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