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中国食品卫生与检验检疫法律法规中英数据库    A B C D E F G H I J K L M N O P Q R S T U V W X Y Z


食品用工具、设备:指食品在生产经营过程中接触食品的机械、管道、传送带、容器、用具、餐具等。    ""Utensils and equipment used for food"" means apparatus including machinery, piping, conveyor belts, containers, utensils and tableware that come in direct contact with food in the course of food production or marketing.
(二)在特殊情况下,对船舶、航空器实施除鼠。    (2) under special circumstances, the vessel or aircraft must undergo deratization.
(二)未经口岸动植物检疫机关许可擅自将进境动植物、动植物产品或者其他检疫物卸离运输工具或者运递的;    (2) Unloading animals or plants, animal or plant products or other quarantine objects entering the country from the means of transport or transporting or delivering the same, without permission of the port animal and plant quarantine office;
(二)船上啮齿动物有反常死亡,并且死因不明的。    (2) unusual death of rodent is found on the vessel and its cause of death is unknown.
(四)卸货应当在灭蚊以后进行,如果在灭蚊以前卸货,应当在卫生检疫机关监督下进行,并已采取预防措施,使卸货的工作人员免受感染。必要时,对卸货的工作人员,从卸货完毕时算起,实施6日的就地诊验或者留验。    (4) unloading work must be carried out after disinsectization. If it must be done before disinsectization, the health and quarantine organ is required to supervise the work and see to it that no worker shall be contaminated. If necessary, the workers shall have on-site clinical check-up or check-up detention for a period of 6 days counting from the day the unloading work is finished
(九)对监测对象开展健康检查和对监测传染病病人、疑似病人、密切接触人员的管理。    (9) undertaking physical check-up on persons subject to epidemic disease monitoring and exercising administration over victims of epidemic diseases under monitoring, suspects of such diseases, and people who have close contact with the victims.
任何单位或个人可向当地商务主管部门举报、投诉违反本办法规定的行为。    Units and individuals may inform local departments of commercial administrations of violation of these Measures, and write to state or request.
经卫生检疫机关对上述报告答复同意后,即可进港。    Upon approval of the above report, the vessel(s) may enter the port.
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