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中国食品卫生与检验检疫法律法规中英数据库    A B C D E F G H I J K L M N O P Q R S T U V W X Y Z


(一) 严格审批权管理。各级商务主管部门应严格按照《加工贸易审批管理暂行办法》有关审批机关及分级审批的规定履行加工贸易业务的审批权.    (1) Rigorously administering the power of examination and approval. The competent commerce departments at each level shall, strictly according to the provisions on examining and approving organ and graded examination and approval in the Interim Measures for Administrating Examination and Approval of Processing Trade, exercise the power of examination and approval over processing trade business.
(二)动植物疫情流行的国家和地区的有关动植物、动植物产品和其他检疫物;    (2) Relevant animals and plants, their products and other quarantine objects from countries or regions with prevalent epidemic animal or plant diseases;
(三)拒绝接受检疫或者抵制卫生监督,拒不接受卫生处理的;    (3) refuse to undergo quarantine inspection or sanitary supervision, or refuse to allow sanitation measures to be taken;
(三)发现有与人类健康有关的啮齿动物或者病媒昆虫,超过国家卫生标准的。    (3) revealing the presence of rodents which affect human health or insects which are carriers of disease and their number exceeds the state standard.
(四)国境口岸内监测传染病的回顾性调查;    (4) retrospective investigation of epidemic disease monitoring on the border ports;
(七)直接入口的食品应当有小包装或者使用无毒、清洁的包装材料;    (7) Ready-to-eat foods shall be kept in small packets or in nontoxic, clean packaging materials;
一、 加强各级加工贸易管理部门制度建设    1. Reinforcing the system construction of the processing trade administrative departments at each level
(七)腐烂、削皮的瓜果;    7. Rotten or peeled melons or fruit;
中华人民共和国国境卫生检疫法实施细则    Rules for the Implementation of Frontier Health and Quarantine Law of the People's Republic of China
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