(一)在原实施卫生处理的口岸或者该交通工具上,发生流行病学上有重要意义的事件,需要进一步实施卫生处理的; (1) when events of epidemiological significance have taken place either at the port where the conveyance underwent sanitization or on board that conveyance;(一)空舱; (1) when the hold is bare;1、 被有关行政执法部门处以30万元以上50万元以下罚款的。 (1) Where the fine imposed by the competent administrative law enforcement department is not less than 300, 000 but more than 500, 000.(一)更改输入国家或者地区,更改好的输入国家或者地区又有不同检疫要求的; (1) Where the importing country or region is changed, and the changed importing country or region has different requirements for quarantine inspection;1、 被特许人是否必须从特许人(或其关联公司)处购买产品、服务或设备及相关的价格、条件等。 (1) Whether the franchisee must purchase products, services or equipment from the franchiser (or its associated company), as well as the prices and conditions.(一)有产品质量检验合格证明; (1) with certification showing that the product has passed quality inspection;(二)在到达本口岸前的其他口岸实施的卫生处理没有实际效果的。 (2) when sanitization undertaken at other port proved to be practically ineffective.(二)舱内虽然装有压舱物品或者其他物品,但是这些物品不引诱鼠类,放置情况又不妨碍实施鼠患检查。 (2) when there is ballast or other goods in the hold, but these goods do not lure the mice and the layout of the goods does not hinder the inspection.2、 被判处刑事责任的。 (2) Where the franchiser and its legal representative have been sentenced to criminal responsibility.(二)改换包装或者原未拼装后来拼装的; (2) Where the packings are changed or the unpacked products or objects are subsequently packed;2、 被特许人是否必须从特许人指定(或批准)的供应商处购买产品、服务或设备。 (2) Whether the franchisee must purchase products, services or equipment from the suppliers appointed or approved by the franchiser.2、 特许人对消费者投诉和赔偿是否承担连带责任,如何承担。 (2) Whether the franchiser shall shoulder joint liability for the complaints and compensations of the consumers, and how to take the liability.(二)有中文标明的产品名称、生产厂厂名和厂址; (2) with name of the product, name and address of the factory that produced the product, all being marked in Chinese;(三)在船上发现死鼠或者捕获到鼠类时,应当向卫生检疫机关报告。 (3) when any dead rat is found or any rat is trapped, it is required to report to the health and quarantine organ.(三)必要时,对列车和其他车辆实施除鼠。 (3) when necessary, the train or other motor vehicle shall undergo deratization.(三)超过检疫规定有效期的。 (3) Where the stipulated valid period of quarantine is exceeded.3、 被特许人是否可以选择其他供应商,以及供应商应具备的条件。 (3) Whether the franchisee can choose other suppliers and the conditions that the suppliers must be equipped with.(三)根据产品的特点和使用要求,需要标明产品规格、等级、所含主要成份的名称和含量的,相应予以标明; (3) with corresponding indications regarding the specifications, grade of the product, the main ingredients and their quantities contained in the product, where such particulars are to be indicated according to the special nature and instructions for use of the product;(四)限期使用的产品,标明生产日期和安全使用期或者失效日期; (4) with production date, safe-use period or date of invalidity if the product is to be used within a time limit;(五)使用不当,容易造成产品本身损坏或者可能危及人身、财产安全的产品,有警示标志或者中文警示说明。 (5) with warning marks or warning statements in Chinese for products which, if improperly used, may cause damage to the products per se or may endanger the safety of human life or property.(六)船上有无船医。 (6) whether there are any vessel doctors on board the vessel.一、 外商独资银行、中外合资银行自本通知印发之日起即可申请经营银行卡业务。 1. Wholly foreign-funded banks and Chinese-foreign equity joint banks may apply for conducting the bank card business as of the day when the present Circular is printed and distributed.二、 凡出口本公告附件所列钢材的企业按照《货物出口许可证管理办法》的规定,向企业所在地省级(省、自治区、直辖市、计划单列市,新疆生产建设兵团)发证机构申领出口许可证。 2. When exporting steels listed in this announcement, enterprises shall apply for export license to provincial (province, autonomous regions, municipalities, cities separately listed in the sate plan and Xinjiang production and construction corps) license-issuing authorities of local place where the enterprises are located in accordance with Administrative Measures on Commodity Export License.(三)集市内食品生产经营过程不符合国家和本市卫生要求的,责令责任者改正,并给予警告或者处以五千元以下的罚款。 3. Where the process of food production and selling on the fair do not meet the health requirements of the State and this Municipality the responsible party shall be ordered to correct the mistakes and face a warning or pay a fine of less than 5,000 yuan.三、 经中国银监会批准,外商独资银行、中外合资银行在其客户对象范围内可以经营银行卡业务。申请人应当具备下列条件: 3. Wholly foreign-funded banks and Chinese-foreign equity joint banks may, upon approval of China Banking Regulatory Commission (hereinafter referred to as the CBRC), conduct the bank card business within the scope of its clients. An applicant shall satisfy the following requirements: