“传染病监测”指对特定环境、人群进行流行病学、血清学、病原学、临床症状以及其他有关影响因素的调查研究,预测有关传染病的发生、发展和流行。 ""To monitor epidemic diseases"" means to carry out survey in a specific environment and among specific groups of people on matters relating to epidemiology, serology, etiology, and clinical symptoms; and to make prognostication of the incidence, development and spread of an epidemic disease.“运输设备”指货物集装箱。 ""Transportation facility"" means cargo containers.(一)“Q’字旗表示:本船没有染疫,请发给入境检疫证; (1) The ""Q"" sign flag means that the vessel is free from quarantinable epidemic diseases, and is applying for an Entry Quarantine Permit;(一)检出一类传染病、寄生虫病的动物,连同其同群动物全群退回或者全群扑杀并销毁尸体; (1) The animals that are found suffering from Class A infectious or parasitic diseases, shall, together with all the other in-contact animals, be returned or slaughtered with their carcasses destroyed; or(一)交通工具上的宿舱、车厢必须保持清洁卫生,通风良好; (1) the berths and carriages must be kept clean and tidy and well ventilated;(一)国境口岸和国境口岸内涉外的宾馆、生活服务单位以及候船、候车、候机厅(室)应当有健全的卫生制度和必要的卫生设施,并保持室内外环境整洁、通风良好; (1) the border port, the port hotels accommodating inward or outward passengers, and ship, bus and airport terminals, are required to have an effective hygiene system and necessary hygienic facilities and to maintain clean and tidy and well ventilated;(一)保持内外环境整洁,采取消除苍蝇、老鼠、蟑螂和其他有害昆虫及其孳生条件的措施,与有毒、有害场所保持规定的距离; (1) The environment inside and outside any food production or marketing establishment shall be kept clean and tidy; measures shall be taken to eliminate flies, rodents, cockroaches and other harmful insects and to remove conditions for their propagation; and a prescribed distance shall be kept from any toxic or harmful site;1、 特许人对被特许人的经营活动进行指导、监督的方式和内容,被特许人须履行的义务和不履行义务的后果。 (1) The franchiser's methods and content of guidance and supervision over the franchise activities of the franchisee, the franchisee's obligations, and the consequences of failure to fulfill them.(一)缆绳上必须使用有效的防鼠板,或者其他防鼠装置; (1) the mooring rope must have effective rat guard or the like;(一)对染疫人实施隔离; (1) the person(s) contaminated with cholera shall be placed in isolation;(一)对染疫人实施隔离; (1) the person(s) contaminated with yellow fever shall be placed in isolation;(一)对染疫人实施隔离; (1) the person(s) who has contracted the plague shall be placed in isolation;(一)对离船、离航空器的染疫嫌疑人,从船舶、航空器离开疫区的时候算起,实施不超过6日的就地诊验或者留验; (1) the plague suspect(s) shall be required to have on-site clinical check-up or check-up detention for a period of less than 6 days from the day the vessel or aircraft left the pestilence area;(一)未将产品投入流通的; (1) The product has not been put in circulation;(一)航舶上没有鼠疫病例,但曾经有人在上船后6日以内患鼠疫的; (1) there is no plague case but there were persons who caught the plague 6 days after they had boarded the vessel;(一)封锁疫区内与所发生动物疫病有关的; (1) Those related to an animal epidemic disease occurring in a cordoned-off epidemic area;?(一)封锁疫区内与所发生动物疫病有关的; (1) Those related to an animal epidemic occurring in a cordoned-off epidemic area;?(一)红灯3盏表示:本船没有染疫,请发给入境检疫证; (1) Three red lights indicate that the vessel is free from quarantinable epidemic disease and is applying for an Entry Quarantine Permit;(一)进行食品卫生监测、检验和技术指导; (1) to provide monitoring, inspection and technical guidance for food hygiene;(一)封存造成食物中毒或者可能导致食物中毒的食品及其原料; (1) to seal up the food and its raw materials that have caused food poisoning or that are likely to cause food poisoning;(一)本细则第六十一条第(一)、第(三)、第(四)、第(六)项规定的卫生处理; (1) to undergo sanitization as stipulated in Items 1, 3, 4 and 6 of Article 71 of these Implementation Rules;(一)按本细则第七十八条第(一)、第(二)、第(四)、第(五)、第(七) 项规定的卫生处理; (1) to undergo sanitization as stipulated in Items 1, 3, 4, 5, 7 of Article 78 of these Implementation Rules;(一)本细则第七十八条第(五),第(六)项规定的卫生处理; (1) to undergo sanitization as stipulated in Items 5 and 6 of Article 78 of these Implementation Rules;(一)列车的车次,预定到达的时间; (1) train number and scheduled arrival time;(一)列车的车次,预定发车的时间; (1) train number and scheduled departure time;