- 中国食品卫生与检验检疫法律法规中英数据库 A B C D E F G H I J K L M N O P Q R S T U V W X Y Z
- (十)使用的洗涤剂、消毒剂应当对人体安全、无害。 (10) The detergents and disinfectants used shall be safe and harmless to human health.
- (二)“QQ”字旗表示:本船有染疫或者染疫嫌疑,请即刻实施检疫。 (2) The ""QQ"" sign flag means that the vessel has on board a quarantinable epidemic disease or a disease suspected to be quarantinable and asks for instant quarantine sanitization.
- (二)检出二类传染病、寄生虫病的动物,退回或者扑杀,同群其他动物在隔离场或者其他指定地点隔离观察。 (2) The animals that are found suffering from Class B infectious or parasitic diseases shall be returned or slaughtered; and the other in- contact animals shall be placed in an isolation camp or any other designated place for observation.
- 2、 应当披露此类诉讼的基本情况、诉讼所在地和结果。 (2) The basic information, [] of the litigation and the results shall be disclosed.
- (二)对染疫嫌疑人从到达时算起,实施不超过3日的就地诊验或者留验。 (2) the cholera suspect(s) shall undergo on-site clinical check-up or check-up detention for a period of less than 5 days starting from the day of arrival.
- 2、 保证金的收取、返还条件、返还时间和返还方式。 (2) The collection, return conditions, return time, and return mode of the margin.
- (二)对离船、离航空器的员工、旅客,从离开疫区时算起,实施不超过5日的就地诊验或者留验。 (2) the crew members and passengers leaving the vessel or aircraft are required to have on-site clinical check-up or check-up detention for a period of less than 5 days beginning from the day they left the cholera prevalent area.
- (二)产品投入流通时,引起损害的缺陷尚不存在的; (2) The defect causing the damage did not exist at the time when the product was put in circulation;
- (二)旅客请求在船上留验,经船长同意,并且船上有船医和医疗、消毒设备的。 (2) the passengers ask to have their detention check-up carried out on the vessel, with approval by the captain, and have available on board vessel physicians as well as facilities for medical treatment and disinfection.
- (二)对染疫嫌疑人实施除虫,并且从到达时算起,实施不超过6日的就地诊验或者留验。在此期问,船上的船员除因工作需要并且经卫生检疫机关许可外,不准上岸; (2) the plague suspect(s) shall undergo deinsectization and shall have on site clinical check-up or check-up detention for less than 6 days. During this period, no crew member shall be allowed to go on shore except those whose work requires them to do so and who are permitted by the health and quarantine organ;
- 2、 上述费用的数据来源和估算依据。 (2) The statistical source and basis for estimation of the above-mentioned fees
- (二)国境口岸有关部门应当采取切实可行的措施,控制啮齿动物、病媒昆虫,使其数量降低到不足为害的程度,仓库、货场必须具有防鼠设施; (2) the units concerned at the border port are required to take effective measures to minimize the number of rodents or vector pests so it may not cause any harm. Warehouses and storage ground are required to be equipped with anti-rat devices;
- (二)交通工具上必须备有足够的消毒、除鼠、除虫药物及器械,并备有防鼠装置; (2) there must be on board the conveyance adequate disinfectant and equipment, rat-killer and insecticides;
- (二)疫区内易感染的; (2) Those susceptible to an epidemic disease in an epidemic area;?
- (二)疫区内易感染的; (2) Those susceptible to an epidemic in an epidemic area;?
- (二)协助培训食品生产经营人员,,监督食品生产经营人员的健康检查; (2) to contribute to the training of personnel for food production and marketing and to supervise the medical examination of such personnel;
- (二)封存被污染的食品用工具及用具,并责令进行清洗消毒。 (2) to seal up the contaminated utensils used for food and order the food producer or marketer to have them cleaned and disinfected.
- (三)按照卫生监督员的建议,对国境口岸和交通工具的卫生状况及时采取改进措施。 (3) take prompt measures to improve sanitary conditions at the border port or on the conveyance as suggested by the sanitary supervisors.
- 3、 特许人(或其关联公司)的注册商标、企业标志、专利、专有技术等经营资源涉及诉讼或仲裁的情况。 (3) The information about business resources of the franchiser (or its associated company) involving in litigation or arbitration, such as the registered trademark, enterprise symbol, patent, and proprietary technology, etc.
- (三)对染疫人、染疫嫌疑人的行李、使用过的其他物品和卫生检疫机关认为有污染嫌疑的物品,实施除虫,必要时实施消毒; (3) the luggage and belongings of a plague victim or plague suspect and other Articles that the health and quarantine organ considers as having been contaminated shall undergo deinsectization or disinfection if necessary;
- (三)对染疫人、染疫嫌疑人的行李,使用过的其他物品和有污染嫌疑的物品、食品实施消毒; (3) the luggage and belongings of the cholera cases or of the suspects and other articles or food that are suspected of having been contaminated shall be disinfected;
- (三)将产品投入流通时的科学技术水平尚不能发现缺陷的存在的。 (3) The science and technology at the time the product was put in circulation was at a level incapable of detecting the defect.
- (三)依法应当检疫而检疫不合格的; (3) Those subjected to quarantine inspection according to law but failing to pass quarantine inspection;?
- (三)依法应当检疫而未经检疫或者检疫不合格的; (3) Those subjected to quarantine inspection according to law but failing to undergo or pass quarantine inspection;?
- (三)宣传食品卫生、营养知识、进行食品卫生评价,公布食品卫生情况; (3) to disseminate knowledge of food hygiene and nutrition, provide appraisals of food hygiene and publicize the existing situation in food hygiene;