

食品生产经营者:指一切从事食品生产经营的单位或者个人,包括职工食堂、食品摊贩等。    ""Producers or marketers of food"" means all units or individuals involved in food production or marketing, including workers' dining halls and food vendors.
(一)动植物病原体(包括菌种、毒种等)、害虫及其他有害生物;    (1) Pathogenic micro-organisms (including seed cultures of bacteria and viruses) of animals and plants, insect pests and other harmful organisms;
1、 以书面形式向被特许人说明能够提供的注册商标、企业标志、专利、专有技术、经营模式及其它经营资源情况。    (1) Provide the franchisee with the information on business resources available such as registered trademark, enterprise symbol, patent, proprietary technology, and business mode, etc.
(二)对染疫嫌疑人实施除虫,并且从到达时算起,实施不超过6日的就地诊验或者留验;    (2) plague suspect(s) shall undergo disinsectization and have on-site clinical check-up or check-up detention for a period of less than 6 days from the date of arrival;
 发航港、最后寄港;    (2) port of departure and port of final call;
(二)发航港、最后寄港;    (2) port of departure and port of last call;
(二)发航港、最后寄港;    (2) port of departure and port of last call;
(二)具备产品应当具备的使用性能,但是,对产品存在使用性能的瑕疵作出说明的除外;    (2) possessing the properties and functions that they ought to possess, except for those with directions stating their functional defects;
(二)始发站;    (2) primary departure station;
(二)国境口岸内的涉外宾馆,以及向入境、出境的交通工具提供饮食服务的部门,营业前必须向卫生检疫机关申请卫生许可证;    (2) prior to their operation, the port hotels accommodating inward or outward passengers and the restaurants providing service to the inward or outward conveyances are required to apply to the health and quarantine organ for a hygiene license;
(三)""植物""是指栽培植物、野生植物及其种子、种苗及其他繁殖材料等;    (3) ""Plants"" mean cultivated plants, wild plants, their seeds and seedlings and other propagating materials;
(四)""植物产品""是指来源于植物未经加工或者虽经加工但仍有可能传播病虫害的产品,如粮食、豆、棉花、油、麻、烟草、籽仁、干果、鲜果、蔬菜、生药材、木材、饲料等;    (4) ""Plant products"" mean the non-processed products or the processed products, from plants, still liable to spread diseases, insect pests or harmful organisms, such as grain, beans, cotton, oils, fibres, tobacco, kernel, dried fruits, fresh fruits, vegetables, raw medicinal herbs, logs and feeding stuffs;
(四) 购销台账制度。市场应当建立或要求经销商建立购销台账制度,如实记录每种食品的生产者、品名、进货时间、产地来源、规格、质量等级、数量等内容;从事批发业务的,还要记录销售的对象、联系方式、时间、规格、数量等内容。    (4) Purchase and sale machine account system. Markets shall establish or require operators to establish system of purchase and sale machine account, recording contents like producers, name, stock time, origin, specifications, quality grade, and quantity. Those undertaking wholesale business shall record buyers and their contact, time, specification and quantity.
(五)病死、毒死或者死因不明的禽、畜、兽、水产动物等及其制品;    (5) poultry, livestock, game and aquatic animals that have died from disease, poisoning or some unknown cause, as well as products made from them;
二、 完善加工贸易企业准入管理    2. Perfecting the access management for processing trade enterprises
(五) 与特许经营活动相关的商标权、专利权及其它经营资源的注册证书复印件。    5, photocopies of registration certificates of trademark right, patent right and other business resources related to franchise activities.
人民法院和处理违法案件的有关部门的工作人员购买没收的烟草制品的,责令退还,可以给予行政处分。    Personnel from a people's court or a relevant department dealing with law breaking cases who purchase the confiscated tobacco products shall be ordered to return the products and may be subjected to administrative sanctions.
烟草专卖行政主管部门和烟草公司工作人员利用职务上的便利犯前款罪的,依法从重处罚。    Personnel of a department of tobacco monopoly administration or of a tobacco company who, by taking advantage of their office, commit the crime specified in the preceding paragraph shall be subjected to heavier punishments according to law.
烟草专卖行政主管部门和烟草公司工作人员利用职务上的便利犯前款罪的,依法从重处罚。    Personnel of a department of tobacco monopoly administration or of a tobacco company who, by taking advantage of their office, commit the crime specified in the preceding paragraph, shall be subjected to heavier punishments according to law.
烟草专卖行政主管部门和烟草公司工作人员利用职务上的便利犯前两款罪的,依法从重处罚。    Personnel of a department of tobacco monopoly administration or of a tobacco company who, by taking advantage of their office, commit the crimes specified in the preceding two paragraphs shall be subjected to heavier punishments according to law.
患有人畜共患传染病的人员不得直接从事动物诊疗以及动物饲养、经营和动物产品生产、经营活动。    Persons suffering from epidemic diseases contracted commonly by both human beings and livestock shall not directly engage in diagnosis and treatment of animals, raising and marketing of animals or production and marketing of animal products.
禁止冒用、使用伪造的前款规定的认证标志。    Plagiarisms of above attestation symbols are forbidden.
国家动植物检疫机关在对外开放的口岸和进出境动植物检疫业务集中的地点设立的口岸动植物检疫机关,依照本法规定实施进出境动植物检疫。    Port animal and plant quarantine offices set up by the State animal and plant quarantine department at ports open to the outside world and at places busy with entry and exit animal and plant quarantine shall, in accordance with this Law, carry out entry and exit animal and plant quarantine.
中华人民共和国产品质量法    Product Quality Law of The People's Republic of China
上海市城乡集市贸易食品卫生管理规定(修正)    Provisions of Shanghai Municipality on the Control of Hygiene of the Food Sold on Urban and Rural Fairs
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