

“留验”指将染疫嫌疑人收留在指定的处所进行诊察和检验。    ""Check-up detention"" means that a suspect carrier of a quarantinable epidemic disease is being detained in a designated place for diagnosis and check-up.
食品容器、包装材料:指包装、盛放食品用的纸、竹、木、金属、陶瓷、搪料、橡胶、天然纤维、化学纤维、玻璃等制品和接触食品的涂料。    ""Containers and packagings used for food"" means products of various materials including paper, bamboo, wood, metal, enamelware, ceramics, plastics, rubber, natural fibres, synthetic fibres and glass that are used to wrap or contain food, as well as paints or coatings that come in direct contact with food.
“交通工具”指船舶、航空器、列车和其他车辆。    ""Conveyance"" means vessels, aircraft, trains and other motor vehicles.
(二)收集、整理、报告国际和国境口岸传染病的发生、流行和终息情况;    (2) collect, analyze information and report about the occurrence, prevalence and the cessation of quarantinable epidemic diseases at the frontier port or abroad;
(二)对离船、离航空器的员工、旅客,从卫生处理完毕时算起,实施不超过5日的就地诊验或者留验;从船舶到达时算起5日内,船上的船员除因工作需要,并且经卫生检疫机关许可外,不准上岸;    (2) crew members and passengers leaving the vessel or aircraft are required to have on-site clinical check-up or check-up detention for a period of less than 5 days counting from the day the vessel or aircraft underwent sanitization. No crew member is allowed to go on shore within 5 days after its arrival with the exception of those whose work requires them to do so and who are permitted by the health quarantine organ;
(二)对离船、离航空器的员工、旅客从到达时算起,实施不超过5日的就地诊验或者留验。在此期间,船上的船员除因工作需要,并经卫生检疫机关许可外,不准离开口岸区域;或者对离船、离航空器的员工、旅客,从离开疫区时算起,实施不超过5月的就地鳞验或者留验。    (2) crew members and passengers leaving the vessel or aircraft shall either have on-site clinical check-up or check-up detention for a period of less than 5 days counting from the day of its arrival, or they may have on-site clinical check-up or check-up detention for a period of less than 5 days counting from the day they left the cholera prevalent area. During this period, no crew member is allowed to leave the port zone with the exception of those whose work requires them to do so and who are permitted by the health and quarantine organ.
(二)对离船、离航空器又无有效的黄热病预防接种证书的员工、旅客,实施本细则第八十五条规定的卫生处理;    (2) crew members and passengers leaving the vessel or the aircraft without a valid certificate of inoculation against yellow fever are required to undergo sanitization as stipulated in Article 85 of these Implementation Rules;
(三)交通工具上的货舱、行李舱、货车车厢在装货前或者卸货后应当进行彻底清扫,有毒物品和食品不得混装,防止污染;    (3) cargo holds, luggage compartments and freight cars must be thoroughly cleaned before loading and after unloading. Mixloading of toxic articles and foods is strictly forbidden so as to prevent contamination;
(三) 索证索票制度。市场应当对入市经营的食品实行索证索票,依法查验食品供货者及食品安全的有效证明文件,留存相关票证文件的复印件备查。    (3) Certificate and license asking system. Markets shall ask food operators for certificate and invoice, investigate effective certification of food supplies and food safety, and keep copies of relevant certificates and licenses.
(三)符合在产品或者其包装上注明采用的产品标准,符合以产品说明、实物样品等方式表明的质量状况。    (3) conforming to the product standards marked on the products or the packages thereof, and to the state of quality indicated by way of product directions, samples, etc.
(三)船员名单和旅客名单;    (3) crew member list and passenger manifest;
(四)对入境、出境的微生物、生物制品、人体组织、血液及其制品等特殊物品以及能传播人类传染病的动物,实施卫生检疫;    (4) carry out health and quarantine inspection of any special articles such as exported or imported microzoaria, biological, human tissue, blood and hemoproducts as well as some animals that may spread human epidemic diseases;
(四)查阅、复制、摘录与检疫物有关的运行日志、货运单、合同、发票以及其他单证。    (4) Consulting, making copies of or excerpts from operational diaries, bills of lading, contracts, invoices or other documents relating to the quarantine objects.
(八)国境口岸以及国内外监测传染病疫情的收集、整理、分析和传递;    (8) collecting, processing, analyzing and disseminating information about epidemic disease monitoring at the border port, at home and abroad;
3. 加快淘汰落后生产能力。    (c) The elimination of outdated production capacity shall be accelerated.
(六) 由设区的市级商务主管部门开具的符合《条例》第七条第二款规定的证明文件;直营店位于境外的,特许人应当提供直营店营业证明(含中文翻译件),并经当地公证机构公证和中国驻当地使领馆认证。    6, certificates issued by a competent commercial department of a city divided into districts based on the provision in Paragraph 2 of Article Seven; where direct sales stores owned by the franchiser are located beyond the territory of China, the franchiser shall provide business certificates thereof (including Chinese translation ) and the certificates shall be notarized by a local notarization institution and certified by the Chinese embassy and consulate stationed in the local area.
(八) 特许经营操作手册的目录(须注明每一章节的页数和手册的总页数,对于在特许系统内部网络上提供此类手册的,须提供估计的打印页数)。    8, Catalogue of franchising operational manual (the number of pages of each chapter, and the total pages of the manual shall be noted, where this kind of manual is provided on the internal network of the franchise system, the estimated number of pages printed shall be provided)
第七十七条 航空器在到达的时候载有霍乱病例,为染有霍乱。    cases during its voyage but there have been no additional cases within 5 days before its arrival.
第一章 总则    Chapter I General Provisions
第一章 一般规定    Chapter I General Provisions
第一章 总 则    Chapter I General Provisions
第一章 总 则    Chapter I General Provisions
第一章总则    Chapter I General Provisions
第一章总则    Chapter I General Provisions
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