1、 业务培训的具体内容、提供方式和实施计划,包括培训地点、方式和时间长度。 (1) Detailed content, way of provision and implementation plans for professional training, including the [], approach and length of the training.(一)国境口岸和交通工具上的食品、饮用水必须符合有关的卫生标准; (1) drinking water and food provided at the border port or on the conveyance must be up to the relevant hygienic standards;(二)出发站、经停站; (2) departure airport, stop-over airport and destination airport;(二)出发站、经停站; (2) departure airport, stop-over airport and destination airport;(二)目的港、最初寄港; (2) destination port and primary departure port;(二)终到站; (2) destination station;2、 技术支持的具体内容,说明特许经营操作手册的目录及相关页数。 (2) Detailed content of the technical support, the catalogue of operation manual of franchise, and the number of pages.(五)船舶卫生证书的签发日期和编号、除鼠证书或者免予除鼠证书的签发日期和签发港,以及其他卫生证件。 (5) date of issuance and number of the vessel's sanitary certificate; date and port of issuance of the deratization certificate or a deratization laissez-passer, as well as other sanitary documents.(八)未经卫生检疫机关实施卫生处理,擅自排放压舱水、移下垃圾、污物等控制的物品的。 (8) discharge ballast water or remove such controlled things as rubbish or contaminated matter without prior sanitization by the health and quarantine organ;三、 下放加工贸易内销审批权限 3. Delegating the power of examination and approval on the domestic sale of processing trade to the lower levels县级以上地方商务主管部门负责本行政区域内流通领域食品安全的行业管理,负责指导、督促市场建立保障食品流通安全的管理制度。 Departments of commercial administration above county-level are responsible for industrial administration on food safety in circulating field, guiding and supervising markets to set up management system on food circulating safety.指定的存放、加工和隔离饲养或者隔离种植的场所,应当符合动植物检疫和防疫的规定。 Designated places for storage, processing, isolated feeding or planting shall conform to the provisions on animal and plant quarantine and epidemic prevention.从事动物诊疗活动,应当具有相应的专业技术人员,并取得畜牧兽医行政管理部门发放的动物诊疗许可证。 Diagnosis and treatment of animals shall be engaged in by qualified professional technicians who possess the permit for diagnosis and treatment of animals issued by the animal husbandry and veterinary administrative departments.在查验中,检疫医师有权查阅航海日志和其他有关证件;需要进一步了解船舶航行中卫生情况时,检疫医师可以向船长、船医提出询问,船长、船医必须如实回答。用书面回答时,须经船长签字和船医附签。 During the inspection, the quarantine physician has the right to read the deck logbook and other related documents; he may ask for detailed information about the sanitary situation of the vessel during its navigation course, if he considers it necessary and the captain or the vessel physician must give the true facts. The answers in written form must bear the signature of the captain and that of the vessel physician.夜间在明显处所垂直悬挂灯号: During the night, a light-signal shall be put up vertically at a conspicuous place on the vessel:在封锁期间,禁止染疫和疑似染疫的动物、动物产品流出疫区,禁止非疫区的动物进入疫区,并根据扑灭动物疫病的需要对出入封锁区的人员、运输工具及有关物品采取消毒和其他限制性措施。 During the sanitary cordon, animals or animal products having the epidemic disease or suspect of having the epidemic disease are prohibited from moving out of the epidemic area, and animals coming from outside the epidemic area shall be prohibited from entering the epidemic area. As required for the extermination of the animal epidemic, persons, means of transport and relevant articles which leave or enter the cordoned-off area shall be disinfected and imposed upon other restrictions.