

(一)船名、国籍、预定到达检疫锚地的日期和时间;    (1) name and nationality of the vessel, scheduled date and time of arrival at the quarantine anchorage;
(一)船名、国籍、预定到达检疫锚地的日期和时间;    (1) name and nationality of the vessel, scheduled date and time of arrival at the quarantine anchorage;
(一)船名、国籍、预定到达检疫锚地的日期和时间;    (1) name and nationality of the vessel, scheduled date and time of arrival at the quarantine anchorage;
(一)船名、国籍、预定开航的日期和时间;    (1) name and nationality of vessel and scheduled date and time of departure;
(一)航空器的国籍、机型、号码、识别标志、预定到达时间;    (1) nationality, make, number and markings of the aircraft and its scheduled arrival time;
(一)航空器的国籍、机型、号码、识别标志、预定到达时间;    (1) nationality, make, number and markings of the aircraft and its scheduled arrival time;
(一)航空器的国籍、机型、号码、识别标志、预定起飞时间;    (1) nationality, make, number and markings of the aircraft and its scheduled time of departure;
(一)防止对任何人的健康造成危害;    (1) no one's health is endangered;
(一)不具备产品应当具备的使用性能而事先未作说明的;    (1) not having the functions it ought to have, and no prior explanation thereabout having been given by the seller;
(二)防止对交通工具的结构和设备造成损害;    (2) no damage is done to the structure of and the equipment on the vehicle;
(二)不符合在产品或者其包装上注明采用的产品标准的;    (2) not conforming to the product standards marked on the product or its package;
(三)防止发生火灾;    (3) no fire is caused;
(三)不符合以产品说明、实物样品等方式表明的质量状况的。    (3) not conforming to the state of quality indicated by way of product directions or sample, etc.
(三)船员和旅客人数及健康状况;    (3) number of crew and passengers and their state of health;
(三)船员和旅客人数;    (3) number of crew and passengers;
(三)船员和旅客人数;    (3) number of crew and passengers;
(三)机组和旅客人数;    (3) number of crew members and passengers.
(三)机组和旅客人数。    (3) number of crew members and passengers.
(三)机组和旅客人数。    (3) number of crew members and passengers;
(三)病名或者主要症状、患病人数、死亡人数。    (4) name of disease or principal symptoms, number of cases and deaths.
(四)防止对行李、货物造成损害。    (4) no damage is done to the luggage or goods.
(五)病名或者主要症状、患病人数、死亡人数;    (5) name of disease or principal symptoms, number of cases and deaths;
出口商品经抽查检验不合格的,不准出口。    No permission shall be granted for the export of export commodities found to be substandard in a random inspection.
前款规定的进口商品未经检验的,不准销售、使用;前款规定的出口商品未经检验合格的,不准出口。    No permission shall be granted for the sale or use of import commodities specified in the preceding paragraph until they have undergone inspection; and no permission shall be granted for the export of export commodities specified in the preceding paragraph until they have been found to be up to standard through inspection.
凡患有痢疾、伤寒、病毒性肝炎等消化道传染病(包括病原携带者),活动性肺结核,化脓性或者渗出性皮肤病以及其他有碍食品卫生的疾病的,不得参加接触直接入口食品的工作。    No persons suffering from dysentery, typhoid, viral hepatitis or other infectious diseases of the digestive tract (including pathogen carriers), active tuberculosis, suppurative or exudative dermatosis or any other disease incompatible with food hygiene, may be engaged in any work involving contact with ready-to-eat foods.
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