“查验”指国境卫生检疫机关(以下称卫生检疫机关)实施的医学检查和卫生检查。 ""Inspection"" means that the Frontier Health and Quarantine Organ (hereinafter referred to as the ""Health and Quarantine Organ"") carries out medical inspection and sanitary inspection.“隔离”指将染疫人收留在指定的处所,限制其活动并进行治疗,直到消除传染病传播的危险。 ""Isolation"" means that a person affected by a quarantinable epidemic disease is being detained in a designated place for medical treatment until there is no longer any risk of spreading the disease.1、 特许人及代第三方收取费用的种类、金额、标准和支付方式,不能披露的,应当说明原因,收费标准不统一的,应当披露最高和最低标准,并说明原因。 (1) If the types, amount, criteria and payment mode of the fees collected by the franchiser or on behalf of the third party cannot be disclosed, then the franchiser shall explain the reason; if the standards to collect fees are not consistent, then the franchiser shall disclose the maximum and minimum standards, and explain the reason.1、 现有和预计被特许人的数量、分布地域、授权范围、有无独家授权区域(如有,应说明预计的具体范围)的情况。 (1) Information on the present and estimated number of franchisees, geographical distribution, scope of license, whether or not having exclusive license region (if yes, the estimated detailed scope shall be explained)(一) 加强加工贸易企业经营状况及生产能力核查。《加工贸易企业经营状况及生产能力证明》(以下简称《生产能力证明》)是确定企业开展加工贸易业务资格和审批机构进行加工贸易业务审批的重要依据。 (1) Inspection on the operation situation and production capacity of processing trade enterprises shall be reinforced. For determining an enterprise's qualification for engaging in processing trade business as well as examining and approving processing trade business by the examining and approving organ, the Certificate on Operation Situation and Production Capacity of Processing Trade Enterprises (hereinafter referred to as the Production Capacity Certificate) shall be deemed as an important basis.(一)首发病例的个案调查; (1) investigation on first individual cases;(一)本细则第七十八条第(二)至第(七)项规定的卫生处理; (1) it is required to undergo sanitization as stipulated in Items 2 to 7 of Article 78 of these Implementation Rules;(一) 资本充足率、资产质量等主要监管指标符合中国银监会的有关规定; (1) Its capital adequacy ratio, asset quality and other main supervisory indicators are in conformity with the related provisions of the CBRC;2、 如果特许人要求被特许人与特许人(或关联公司)签订其它有关特许经营的合同,应当同时提供此类合同样本。 (2) If the franchiser requires franchisee to sign with the franchiser (or the associated company) other franchise contracts, this type of sample contract shall be provided at the same time.2、 如果上述所列经营资源的所有者是特许人的关联公司,披露该关联公司的基本信息,特许人同时应当说明一旦解除与该关联公司的授权合同,如何处理该特许经营系统。 (2) If the owner of the above-mentioned business resources is the associated company of the franchiser, then the basic information of the associated company shall be disclosed, and the franchiser shall also explain how to handle the franchise system once the concession contract is rescind.(二) 将环保、能耗、用工、设备水平等指标纳入加工贸易企业经营状况及生产能力核查范围。 (2) Incorporating the indices about environmental protection, energy consumption, employment and equipment level, etc., into the scope of check on operation situation and production capacity.2、 对被特许人进行经营状况评估情况,特许人披露被特许人实际或预计的平均销售量、成本、毛利、纯利的信息,同时应当说明上述信息的来源、时间长度、涉及的特许经营网点等,如果是估算信息,应当说明估算依据,并明示被特许人实际经营状况与估计可能会有不同。 (2) Information on the evaluation of performance of the franchisee, the franchiser shall disclose information on the actual or estimated average sales volume, cost, gross profit, and net profit of the franchisee, and shall explain the source of the above-mentioned information, length and franchise network involved, if the information is estimated, then the franchiser shall explain the basis for estimation, and point out that the actual performance of the franchisee may be different from the estimation.(二)检查和检验食品、饮用水及其储存、供应、运输设施; (2) inspect and test food and drinking water and facilities for their storage, supply and delivery;(二) 具有符合经营银行卡业务需要的管理制度和风险管理措施; (2) It has management rules and risk management measures commensurate with its needs of conduction of bank card business;3、 要求被特许人在订立特许经营合同前支付费用的,应当以书面形式向被特许人说明该部分费用的用途以及退还的条件、方式。 (3) If the franchisee is required to pay the fee before the franchise contract is made, then the franchiser shall explain in writing to the franchisee the use of the fee and the conditions and mode to return the fee.(三)传染源调查; (3) investigation of the infectious agent;(三) 在中国境内建立符合相关业务、技术标准的计算机系统,并具有保障银行信息安全的技术能力; (3) It has established a computer system in conformity with the related business and technical standards and has the technical capability to ensure the safety of the banking information within the territory of China;4、 如果由特许人的关联公司向被特许人提供产品和服务,应当披露该公司的基本情况。 (4) If the franchiser's associated company provides products and services to the franchisee, the associated company's basic information shall be disclosed.(四) 具有符合经营银行卡业务需要的技术人员、管理人员和相应的管理机构; (4) It has technicians, managerial personnel and corresponding management institutions which can satisfying the needs of conduction of bank card business; and(五)船舶、航空器上有感染鼠疫的啮齿动物,卫生检疫机关必须实施除鼠。如果船舶上发现只有未感染鼠疫的啮齿动物,卫生检疫机关也可以实施除鼠。实施除鼠可以在隔离的情况下进行。对船舶的除鼠应当在卸货以前进行; (5) if any rodent on a vessel or on an aircraft is found to have caught the plague, the health and quarantine organ shall exercise deratization. If rodent is found to have not been contaminated with the plague, the health and quarantine organ may also exercise deratization. Deratization shall be conducted when the vessel is isolated and before unloading of cargo;5、 特许人或其关联公司在过去五年内破产或申请破产情况。 (5) Information on the bankruptcy and application for bankruptcy of the franchiser or of its associated company in the latest five years.(五)病原体的分离、鉴定,人群、有关动物血清学调查以及流行病学调查; (5) investigation into the separation and identification of the causitive agent, serological investigation in people and animals involved and epidemiological investigation;(六)有关动物、病媒昆虫、食品、饮用水和环境因素的调查; (6) investigation into the animal involved, causitive pests, food, drinking water and environmental factors;(六)签发卫生检疫证件; (6) issue health and quarantine certificates;(十) 特许人最近5年内与特许经营相关的重大诉讼和仲裁情况。 10. Information on major litigation and arbitration concerning franchises of the franchiser in the latest five years.