动物防疫监督机构在执行监测、监督任务时,可以对动物、动物产品采样、留验、抽检,对没有检疫证明的动物、动物产品进行补检或者重检,对染疫或者疑似染疫的动物和染疫的动物产品进行隔离、封存和处理。 In performing duties of monitoring and supervision, supervising agencies for animal epidemic prevention may collect samples of animals or animal products, seize them for inspection or make sample inspections, conduct inspections retroactively or re-inspect animals or animal products with no quarantine certificates, and may isolate, seal up or dispose of animals having epidemic diseases or suspected of having epidemic diseases or animal products contaminated by epidemic diseases.国境口岸卫生监督员在执行任务时,有权对国境口岸和入境、出境的交通工具进行卫生监督和技术指导,对卫生状况不良和可能引起传染病传播的因素提出改进意见,协同有关部门采取必要的措施,进行卫生处理。 In performing their duties, frontier port health supervisors shall be authorized to conduct health supervision and give technical guidance regarding frontier ports and conveyances on entry or exit; to give advice for improvement wherever sanitary conditions are unsatisfactory and factors exist that may spread infectious diseases; and to coordinate departments concerned to take necessary measures and apply sanitary treatment.输入动物产品和其他检疫物经检疫不合格的,由口岸动植物检疫机关签发《检疫处理通知单》,通知货主或者其代理人作除害、退回或者销毁处理。经除害处理合格的,准予进境。 In respect of import animal products or other quarantine objects that fail in the quarantine inspection, the port animal and plant quarantine office shall issue the Quarantine Treatment Notice notifying the owner or his or her agent to conduct such treatments as disinfection and disinfestation, returning or destruction. The products or objects that pass the quarantine inspection after a treatment of disinfection and disinfestation are allowed to enter the country.输入动植物、动植物产品和其他检疫物,需调离海关监管区检疫的,海关凭口岸动植物检疫机关签发的《检疫调离通知单》验放。 In respect of the import animals and plants, their products or other quarantine objects that need to be transferred away from a customs surveillance zone for quarantine inspection, the Customs shall, after verification, release the same on the strength of the Quarantine Transference Notice issued by the port animal and plant quarantine office.在运输、装卸过程中,货主或者其代理人应当采取防疫措施。 In the course of transportation, loading and unloading, the owner or his or her agent shall take preventive measures against epidemics.昼间在明显处所悬挂国际通语信号旗: In the day time, an international signal flag shall be put up at a conspicuous place on the vessel:发现有本法第十八条规定的名录所列的病虫害的,作不准带离运输工具、除害、封存或者销毁处理。 In the event any disease, insect pest or harmful organism specified in the catalogues mentioned in Article 18 of this Law is discovered, the cargoes shall be subjected to such treatments as prohibition from discharge from the means of transport, disinfection and disinfestation, sealing up or destruction.进出口商品的质量、数量、重量、包装鉴定,海损鉴定,集装箱检验,进口商品的残损鉴定,出口商品的装运技术条件鉴定、货载衡量、产地证明、价值证明以及其他业务。 inspection of the quality, quantity, weight and packing of import and export commodities; inspection of cargoes with respect to general or particular average; inspection of container cargoes;damage survey of import cargoes; inspection of technical conditions for the shipment of exports; measurement of dead tonnage; certification of the origin or value of exports and other superintending and surveying services.