(一)下令封锁陆地边境、国界江河的有关区域; (1) giving orders to blockade relevant sections of the border and frontier water course;(二)在消毒、除鼠、除虫等卫生处理方面进行技术指导; (2) give technical guidance in sanitization, such as disinfection, deratization and deinsectization;(二)指定某些物品必须经过消毒、除虫,方准由国外运进或者由国内运出; (2) giving orders that certain articles must be disinfected or treated with insecticides before they are allowed in or out of the country;(三)国境口岸的垃圾、废物、污水、粪便必须进行无害化处理,保持国境口岸环境整洁卫生。 (3) garbage, waste water, sewage, and excrement must be disposed after innocuous treatment in order to keep the environment at the border port clean and tidy.(三)禁止某些物品由国外运进或者由国内运出; (3) giving orders to prohibit shipment, in or out, of certain articles;(四)指定第一入境港口、降落机场。对来自国外疫区的船舶、航空器,除因遇险或者其他特殊原因外,没有经第一入境港口、机场检疫的,不准进入其他港口和机场。 (4) giving orders to designate the primary sea-ports and airports. Those vessels or aircraft from foreign pestilence areas, without going through quarantine inspection at the primary sea-port or airport, shall not be permitted to get into any other sea-port or airport, with the exception of cases of accidents or other special reasons.优良品种经全国或者省级烟草品种审定委员会审定批准后,由当地烟草公司组织供应。 Good varieties of tobacco shall, after examination and approval by the national or provincial tobacco evaluation committees, be supplied by local tobacco companies.