“染疫嫌疑人”指接触过检疫传染病的感染环境,并且可能传播检疫传染病的人。 ""Quarantinable Epidemic Suspect"" means a person who has been exposed to the quarantinable epidemic environment and may transmit quarantinable infectious diseases.“染疫人”指正在患检疫传染病的人,或者经卫生检疫机关初步诊断,认为已经感染检疫传染病或者已经处于检疫传染病潜伏期的人。 ""Quarantinable Epidemic Victim"" means a person who suffers from quarantinable infectious disease or a person who has been proved through primary diagnosis by the Health and Quarantine organ to have caught the quarantinable infectious disease or have become an incubation carrier.监测传染病,由国务院卫生行政部门确定和公布。 Quarantinable infectious diseases shall include plague, cholera, yellow fever and other infectious diseases determined and announced by the State Council. Infectious diseases to be monitored shall be determined and announced by health administration departments under the State Council.检疫锚地由港务监督机关和卫生检疫机关会商确定,报国分院交通和卫生行政部门备案。 quarantine anchorage or at the designated place approved by the health and quarantine organ. Quarantine anchorage shall be decided jointly by the harbour superintendency administration and the health and quarantine organ. A report about the decision shall be presented to the transportation department and the health administration department under the State Council for the record.动物检疫员应当按照检疫规程实施检疫,并对检疫结果负责。 Quarantine officers shall observe quarantine rules in carrying out quarantine and bear liability for the quarantine results.准贷记卡和贷记卡统称为信用卡。 Quasi-credit cards and credit cards are referred to as credit cards in general.语际翻译 版权所有
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