食品添加剂:指为改善食品品质和色、香、味、,以及为防腐和加工工艺的需要而加入食品中的化学合成或者天然物质。 ""Food additive"" means any synthetic compound or natural substance put into food to improve its quality, colour, fragrance or taste, or for the sake of preservation or processing.营养强化剂:指为增强营养成分而加入食品中的天然的或者人工合成的属于天然营养素范围的食品添加剂。 ""Food fortifier"" means any natural or artificial food additive belonging to the category of natural nutrients that is put into food to increase its nutritive value.食品生产经营:指从事一切食品的生产(不包括种植业养殖业)、采集 、收购、加工、贮存、运输、陈列、供应、销售等活动。 ""Food production or marketing"" means all operations in the production of food (other than planting and breeding) and activities such as the gathering, purchase, processing, storage, transport, display, supply and sale of指各种供人食用或者饮用的成品和原料以及按照传统既是食品又是药品的物品,但是不包括以治疗为目的的物品。 ""Food"" means any finished product or raw materials provided for people to eat or drink, as well as any product that has traditionally served as both food and medicament, with the exception of products used solely for medical purposes.“国境口岸”指国际通航的港口、机场、车站、陆地边境和国界江河的关口。 ""Frontier ports"" means international seaports, airports, railway or bus terminals on the border, and ports of entry at land frontiers and boundary rivers.(一)未报检或者未依法办理检疫审批手续的; (1) Failing to apply for quarantine inspection or failing to go through the formalities for examination and approval of quarantine inspection in accordance with the law;(一)对饲养、经营的动物不按照动物疫病的强制免疫计划和国家有关规定及时进行免疫接种和消毒的; (1) Failing to vaccinate or disinfect for immunization timely animals he raises or markets as required by the compulsory immunization plan against animal epidemics and the relevant state provisions;?(一)腐败变质、油脂酸败、霉变、生虫、污秽不洁、混有异物或者其他感官性状异常,可能对人体健康有害的; (1) foods that can be injurious to human health because they are putrid or deteriorated, spoiled by rancid oil or fat, moulded, infested with insects or worms, contaminated, contain foreign matter or manifest other abnormalities in sensory properties;(一)黄热病疫苗自接种后第10日起,10年内有效。如果前次接种不满 10年又经复种,自受种的七日起,10年内有效; (1) For yellow fever vaccine, it is valid for10 years from the day of inoculation. If the second inoculation follows the previous one is less than 10 years, it is valid for 10 years from the day of reinoculation.1、 特许人名称、通讯地址、联系方式、法定代表人、总经理、注册资本额、经营范围以及现有直营店的数量、地址和联系电话。 (1) Franchiser's name, address, contact details, legal representative, general manager, registered capital, scope of business, and the number of regular chains as well as their addresses and phone numbers.(十 )为防病等特殊需要,国务院卫生行政部门或者省、自治区、直辖市人民政府专门规定禁止出售的; (10) foods of which the sale has been specifically prohibited, for the prevention of diseases or other special reasons, by the administrative department of public health under the State Council or by the people's governments of the provinces, autonomous regions, or municipalities directly under the Central Government;(十一)含有未经国务院卫生行政部门批准使用的添加剂的或者农药残留超过国家规定容许量的; (11) foods that contain additives not approved for use by the administrative department of public health under the State Council or residues of pesticides exceeding the tolerance prescribed by the State; and(二)对动物、动物产品的运载工具、垫料、包装物不按照国家有关规定清洗消毒的; (2) Failing to clean and disinfect means of transport, padding materials or packing materials for animals and animal products according to the relevant state provisions; or(二)含有毒、有害物质或者被有毒、有害物质污染、可能对人体健康有害的; (2) foods that contain or are contaminated by toxic or deleterious substances and can thus be injurious to human health;(二)红、红、白、红灯4盏表示:本船有染疫或者染疫嫌疑,请即刻实施检疫。 (2) Four lights in the order of Red-Red-White-Red indicate that the vessel has been contaminated by a quarantinable epidemic disease or a disease suspected to be quarantinable and asks for instant quarantine sanitization.(三)不按照国家有关规定处置染疫动物及其排泄物、染疫动物的产品、病死或者死因不明的动物尸体的。 (3) Failing to dispose of animals infected with epidemic diseases and their excrement, products made from animals infected with epidemic diseases, and carcasses of animals which died of illness or died due to an unidentified cause according to the relevant state provisions.(三)含有致病性寄生虫、微生物的,或者微生物毒素含量超过国家限定标准的; (3) foods that contain pathogenic parasites, microorganisms or an amount of microbial toxin exceeding the tolerance prescribed by the State;(四)伪造或者涂改检疫单、证,不如实申报疫情的; (4) forge or alter the quarantine permit or certificate or fail to declare truthfully the quarantine situation on their vessel;(五)瞒报携带禁止进口的微生物、人体组织。生物制品、血液及其制品或者其他可能引起传染病传播的动物和物品的; (5) fail to declare to have carried in such forbidden articles as microzoaria, human tissue, biologicals, blood and hemoproducts as well as other articles that may cause the spread of epidemic diseases;(六)容器包装污秽不洁、严重破损或者运输工具不洁造成污染的; (6) foods contaminated by use of filthy or seriously damaged containers or packages, or filthy means of conveyance;(七)掺假、掺杂、伪造,影响营养卫生的; (7) foods that impair nutrition or health because they are adulterated or misbranded;(八)用非食品原料加工的,加入非食品用化学物质的或者将非食品当作食品的; (8) foods processed with non-food raw materials; foods mixed with non- food chemical substances, or non-food stuffs used as food;(八)执行国务院卫生行政部门指定的其他工作。 (8) fulfil other tasks assigned to it by the health administrative department under the State Council.(九)超过保质期限的; (9) foods that has expired the date for guaranteed quality;(十二) 特许经营合同文本。 12. Franchise Contract