- 中国食品卫生与检验检疫法律法规中英数据库 A B C D E F G H I J K L M N O P Q R S T U V W X Y Z
- 海关凭国家进出口商品检验部门出具的证书发行。 The Customs authorities shall grant clearance of export commodities on the basis of the certificates issued by the national inspection agency for import and export commodities.
- 海关凭卫生检疫机关签发的特殊物品审批单放行。 The Customs office shall let them pass after checking the Certificate of Approval for Special Articles issued by the health and quarantine organ.
- 海关凭卫生检疫机关签发的卫生处理证明放行。 The Customs office shall let them pass after checking the sanitization certificate issued by the health and quarantine organ.
- 海关凭卫生检疫机关签发的卫生处理证明放行。 The customs office shall let them pass after checking the sanitization certificate issued by the health and quarantine organ.
- 海关凭口岸动植物检疫机关签发的检疫单证或者在报单上加盖的印章验放。 the Customs shall, after verification, release the same on the strength of the quarantine certificates issued, or the stamps on the customs declaration forms affixed, by the port animal and plant quarantine office.
- 海关凭口岸动植物检疫机关签发的检疫证书或者在报关单上加盖的印章验放。 The Customs shall, after verification, release the same on the strength of the quarantine certificates issued, or the stamps on the customs declaration forms affixed, by the port animal and plant quarantine office.
- 贸易性动物产品出境的检疫机关,由国务院根据实际情况规定。 The department in charge of the quarantine of animal products leaving the country for trade purposes shall be designated by the State Council as it deems appropriate.
- 国务院农业行政主管部门主管全国进出境动植物检疫工作。 The department of agriculture administration under the State Council shall be in charge of the entry and exit animal and plant quarantine in the whole country.
- 商业、水产、环卫、公安等有关部门应按各自分工,做好工作,切实实施本规定。 The departments in charge of commerce, aquatic products, environmental protection and public security shall conscientiously implement the present Provisions according to their respective assigned jobs.
- 邮电、运输部门对重大动植物疫情报告和送检材料应当优先传送。 The departments of posts and telecommunications and departments of transportation shall give priority to transmitting or transporting reports concerning serious animal or plant epidemic or materials to be sent for quarantine inspection.
- 省、自治区、直辖市烟草专卖行政主管部门主管本辖区的烟草专卖工作,受国务院烟草专卖行政主管部门和省、自治区、直辖市人民政府的双重领导,以国务院烟草专卖行政主管部门的领导为主。 The departments of tobacco monopoly administration in the provinces, autonomous regions and municipalities directly under the Central Government shall be responsible for the tobacco monopoly within the areas under their respective jurisdiction, and shall be under the dual leadership of the department of tobacco monopoly administration under the State Council and the people's governments of the relevant provinces, autonomous regions and municipalities directly under the Central Government, with the leadership of the department of tobacco monopoly administration under the State Council as the main leading authority.
- 检疫制服、标志、旗帜的式样和使用办法由国务院卫生行政部门会同有关部门制定,报国务院审批。 The design of quarantine uniform, sign and flag and their uses shall be determined jointly by the health administrative department under the State Council and other departments concerned, subject to ratification by the State Council.
- 动物检疫员应当具有相应的专业技术,具体资格条件和资格证书颁发办法由国务院畜牧兽医行政管理部门规定。 The detailed measures for qualifications and issuance of qualification certificates shall be formulated by the animal husbandry and veterinary administrative department under the State Council.
- 上述第(一)至(三)项材料直接在网上填报,第(四)至(十)项应当在网上提交便携文件格式(PDF)的电子版材料。 The documents as mentioned in items 1 through 3 shall be filled in on the internet, and electronic documents in items 4 through 10 shall be submitted on the internet in the form of PDF.
- 如有必要,企业须提供与所申报内容相关的证明文件或材料。 The enterprise shall provide the evidentiary documents or materials in relation to the reported contents when necessary.
- 各级审批机关必须使用加工贸易电子联网审批管理系统为企业出具《加工贸易企业经营状况及生产能力证明》和《加工贸易业务批准证》. The examining and approving organs at each level shall issue the Certificate on Operation Situation and Production Capacity of Processing Trade Enterprises and the Approval Certificate for Processing Trade Business to enterprises by using the e-networked approval/administration system for processing trade.
- 铁道、交通的食品卫生监督员,由其上级主管部门发给证书。 The food hygiene supervisors appointed by departments in charge of railways and communications agencies shall be issued with the certificates by the competent authorities at a higher level.
- 经检验,属于被污染的食品,予以销毁;未被污染的食品,予以解封。 The food that is found to be contaminated after inspection shall be destroyed, while the food that is found not contaminated shall be unsealed.
- 检疫证明的格式和管理办法,由国务院畜牧兽医行政管理部门制定。 The format and control measures for the quarantine certificate shall be formulated by the animal husbandry and veterinary administrative department under the State Council.
- 前者是指定值保险,后者是指不定值保险。在实务中,要注意区分合同载明的是保险标的的保险金额还是保险价值。 The former means valued insurance and the latter means unvalued insurance. In actual practice, attention shall be paid to whether stipulation in the insurance contract is about the insurance amount or the insurance value of insurance subject matter.
- 在2007年5月1日前已经从事特许经营活动的特许人,应当自《条例》施行之日起1年内,依照本办法的规定向有关商务主管部门申请备案。 The franchiser that has been engaged in franchise activities prior to May 1 2007 shall archive files with competent commercial department in accordance with these Measures within one year since the Regulations is put into effect.
- 逾期不起诉又不履行的,国境卫生检疫机关可以申请人民法院强制执行。 The frontier health and quarantine office may apply to the people's court for mandatory enforcement of a decision if the concerned party neither files a lawsuit nor obeys the decision within the 15-day term.
- 港务监督机关应当将船舶确定开航的日期和时间尽早通知卫生检疫机关。 The harbour superintendency administration is required to notify the health and quarantine organ at the earliest possible time of the fixed date and time of departure of the exit vessel(s).
- 港务监督机关应当将船舶确定到达检疫锚地的日期和时间尽早通知卫生检疫机关。 The harbour superintendency administration must inform the health and quarantine organ at the earliest possible time of the scheduled arrival date and time of the vessel at the quarantine anchorage.
- 对来自检疫传染病和监测传染病疫区的人员,检疫医师可以根据流行病学和医学检查结果,发给就诊方便卡。 The health and quarantine physician may give an instant clinic card to every person coming from the pestilence area of the monitoring epidemic area according to the epidemiological and medical examination results.