你局《关于保险价值确定等问题的请示》(内保监发〔2007〕24号)收悉。经研究,现函复如下: We have received your Request for Instructions on Such Issues as the Determination of Insurance Value (Nei Bao Jian Fa [2007] No.24). Upon study, we hereby reply as follows:卫生检疫机关、医疗卫生单位遇到持有就诊方便卡的人员请求医学检查时,应当视同急诊给予医学检查;如果发现其患检疫传染病或者监测传染病,疑似检疫传染病或者疑似监测传染病,应当立即实施必要的卫生措施,并且将情况报告当地卫生防疫机构和签发就诊方便卡的卫生检疫机关。 When a person comes for a medical examination with an instant clinic card, the health quarantine organ and the medical and health unit are required to give him an emergency medical examination. If he is found to be a victim of a quarantinable infectious disease or to have been contaminated with a monitoring epidemic disease or he is suspected of being a quarantinable disease victim or of having caught the monitored epidemic disease, he is required to go through necessary sanitization. Meanwhile, the case shall be reported to the local health and epidemic prevention station and the health and quarantine organ that issued him the instant clinic card.口岸动植物检疫机关发现有前款规定的禁止进境物的,作退回或者销毁处理。 When a port animal and plant quarantine office discovers any objects prohibited from entering the country as prescribed in the preceding paragraph, such objects shall be returned or destroyed.卫生检疫机关发现染疫嫌疑人时,应当按照本细则第八章的规定处理, When a quarantinable epidemic suspect is found by the health and quarantine organ, he shall be dealt with in accordance with the rules stipulated in Chapter VIII.对油轮在实舱时进行检查,可以签发免予除鼠证书。 When an oil tanker is in full load, a certificate of exemption of deratization may be issued.申请从事加工贸易的企业,须如实申报《生产能力证明》各项内容,各级商务主管部门须实地勘察,据实审核。 When applying for engaging in processing trade business, an enterprise shall truthfully report each item listed in the Production Capacity Certificate, and the competent commerce departments at each level shall make on-the-spot investigation and make examination and approval in accordance with the actual situation.进口单位在申报检验市,应当提供输出国(地区)所使用的农药、添加剂、熏蒸剂等有关资料和检验报告。 When declaring such products for inspection, the importer shall submit the relevant data and inspection reports on the pesticides, additives, fumigants and other such substances used by the exporting country (region).省级商务主管部门下放审批权需依照规定并及时报商务部备案。 When delegating the power of examination and approval to lower levels, the provincial competent commerce departments shall observe the related provisions and file the related situation with the Ministry of Commerce for record.必要时,经省、自治区、直辖市人民政府批准,可以设立临时性的动物防疫监督检查站,执行监督检查任务。 When necessary, provisional supervising and inspecting stations for animal epidemic prevention may be set up subject to the approval of the people’s government of the province, autonomous region and municipality directly under the Central Government in order to perform supervision and inspection.销售者未按照第一款规定给予修理、更换、退货或者赔偿损失的,由管理产品质量监督工作的部门或者工商行政管理部门责令改正。 Where a seller fails to make repair, change, refund or compensation in accordance with the provisions in the first paragraph, the department in charge of supervision over product quality or the administrative department for industry and commerce shall order the seller to make rectification.生产、销售假冒他人注册商标的烟草制品的,由工商行政管理部门责令停止侵权行为,赔偿被侵权人的损失,可以并处罚款;构成犯罪的,依法追究刑事责任。 Where an enterprise or individual produces or sells tobacco products with counterfeit trade marks, the administrative department for industry and commerce shall order it or him/her to stop the infringing act and to compensate the losses of the infringed, and may concurrently impose a fine; if the infringement constitutes a crime, the offender's criminal responsibility shall be investigated according to law.无烟草专卖生产企业许可证生产卷烟纸、滤嘴棒、烟用丝束或者烟草专用机械的,由烟草专卖行政主管责令停止生产上述产品,没收违法所得,可以并处罚款。 Where an enterprise that does not hold a license for the tobacco monopoly production enterprise produces cigarette paper, filter rods, cigarette tow or cigarette manufacturing equipment, the department of tobacco monopoly administration shall order it to stop the production of the said products, confiscate the illegal income derived therefrom and may concurrently impose a fine.对未按规定履行劳动用工手续,或员工工资未达到企业所在地最低工资标准,以及不符合企业所在地缴纳社会保险有关规定的,不批准其开展加工贸易业务; Where any enterprise fails to go through employment registration formalities as required, fails to reach the minimum wage level at its locality or violates the related provisions at its locality on social insurance payment, engagement in trade business may not be approved;发现在本市场销售的食品存在安全隐患,经具有法定资质的检测机构确认,市场应当立即停止销售,并依法报相关部门处理。 Where any hidden danger is found in food for sale in the markets, markets shall terminate the sale of the food immediately upon confirmation of qualified investing authority and report to relevant departments for disposal according to law.在省、自治区、直辖市范围内从事商业特许经营活动的,向特许人所在地省、自治区、直辖市人民政府商务主管部门备案;跨省、自治区、直辖市范围从事特许经营活动的,向国务院商务主管部门备案。 Where commercial franchise activities are conducted within a province, an autonomous region or a municipality directly under the Central Government, files shall be archived in the competent commercial department in the province, autonomous region or municipality directly under the Central Government where a franchiser is located; Where commercial franchise activities are conducted in another province, autonomous region, or municipality directly under the Central Government, files shall be archived in the competent commercial department of the State Council.生产者之间、销售者之间、生产者与销售者之间订立的产品购销、加工承揽合同有不同约定的,合同当事人按照合同约定执行。 Where contracts for purchase and sale of products or for processing concluded between producers or sellers or between producers and sellers provide otherwise, the parties concerned shall act in accordance with the provisions of the contracts.因产品存在缺陷造成受害人财产损失的,侵害人应当恢复原状或者折价赔偿。受害人因此遭受其他重大损失的,侵害人应当赔偿损失。 Where damage is caused to the property of the infringed due to the defect of a product, the infringer shall restore the damaged property to its original state, or pay compensation at the market price. Where the infringed suffers any other serious losses, the infringer shall also compensate for such losses.销售不符合保障人体健康,人身、财产安全的国家标准、行业标准的产品的,责令停止销售。销售明知是不符合保障人体健康,人身、财产安全的国家标准、行业标准的产品的,没收违法销售的产品和违法所得,并处违法所得一倍以上五倍以下的罚款,可以吊销营业执照;构成犯罪的,依法追究刑事责任。 Where products sold do not comply with the relevant national or trade standards safeguarding the health or safety or human life and property, the seller shall be ordered to stop the sale. If a seller intentionally sells products not complying with the relevant national or trade standards safeguarding the health and safety of human life and property, the products for illegal sale and the unlawful earnings thus made shall be confiscated. And a fine from twice to five times the unlawful earnings shall be imposed concurrently, and the business licence may be revoked; if the case constitutes a crime, the offender shall be investigated for criminal responsibility according to law.疫区范围涉及两个以上行政区域的,由有关行政区域共同的上一级人民政府决定对疫区实行封锁,或者由各有关行政区域的上一级人民政府共同决定对疫区实行封锁。 Where the epidemic area involves two or more administrative regions, the decision on the cordon of the epidemic area shall be made by the common people’s government at the next higher level than the concerned administrative regions, or jointly by the people’s governments at the next higher level than the concerned administrative regions.特许人提交的文件、资料不完备的,备案机关可以要求其在7日内补充提交文件、资料。 Where the files or materials submitted by a franchiser are incomplete, the archiving organ may demand him/her to submit the remaining files or materials within seven days.销售者不能指明缺陷产品的生产者也不能指明缺陷产品的供货者的,销售者应当承担赔偿责任。 Where the seller can identify neither the producer of the defective product nor the supplier thereof, the seller shall be liable for compensation.食品卫生监督员在执行任务时,可以向食品生产经营者了解情况,索取必要的资料,进入生产经营场所检查,按照规定无偿采样。生产经营者不得拒绝或者隐瞒。 While carrying out their tasks, food hygiene supervisors may obtain information from the food producers or marketers, request necessary data, enter production or marketing premises to inspect them, and get free samples in accordance with regulations. The producers or marketers may not turn down such requests or hold back any information.超过国家规定的限量异地携带烟叶、烟草制品,数量较大的,依照第一款的规定处理。 Whoever brings from another place leaf tobacco or tobacco products far in excess of the quantity limits prescribed by the State shall be dealt with in accordance with the provisions of the first paragraph of this Article.以暴力、威胁方法阻碍烟草专卖检查人员依照治安管理处罚条例的规定处罚。 Whoever by means of violence or threat obstructs such inspectors from carrying out their duties according to law shall be investigated for criminal responsibility according to law; whoever refuses or obstructs such inspectors from carrying out their duties according to law, but without resorting to violence or threat, shall be punished by the public security organs in accordance with the Regulations on the Administrative Penalties for Public Security.携带动物进境的,必须持有输出国家或者地区的检疫证书等证件。 Whoever carries animals into the country must hold such papers as quarantine certificates issued by the exporting country or region.