第九十六条 受留验的人员在留验期间如果出现检疫传染病的症状,卫生检疫机关应当立即对该人员实施隔离。对与其接触的其他受留验的人员,应当实施必要的卫生处理,并且从卫生处理完毕时算起,重新计算留验时间。 Article 96 During his period of detention check-up,if the person has shown symptoms of a quarantinable epidemic disease, he must be isolated by the health and quarantine organ without delay.The other people subject to check-up detention with him are required to undergo necessary sanitization and the term of detention shall be counted from the time the sanitization is carried out.第九十七条 入境、出境的交通工具、人员、食品、饮用水和其他物品以及病媒昆虫、动物,均为传染病监测的对象。 Article 97 Entry or exit conveyances, people, food, drinking water and other articles as well as causitive pests, animals are all subject to epidemic disease(s)monitoring.第九十八条 传染病监测内容是: Article 98 Epidemic disease monitoring shall cover:第九十九条 卫生检疫机关应当阻止所发现的患有艾滋病、性病、麻风病、精神病、开放性肺结核的外国人入境。 Article 99 The health and quarantine organ should bar foreigners who are victims of AIDS, venereal disease, leprosy, psychosis, open tuberculosis from entry.在本通知发布前已批准的,要督促其限期改正,到期仍不能改正的,取消其加工贸易生产经营资格。 as for any such enterprise approved prior to the issuance of the present Circular, the competent commerce department shall urge it to correct within a fixed time limit, where it fails to do so, the competent commerce department shall cancel its qualification for engaging in processing trade business.但对第八章规定以外的其他病种染疫嫌疑人,可以从该人员离开感染环境的时候算起,实施不超过该传染病最长潜伏期的就地诊验或者留验以及其他的卫生处理。 As for those suspects suffering from contagious diseases other than plague, cholera and yellow fever as defined in Chapter VIII of these Rules, they shall be subject to on-site clinical check-up or check-up detention as well as other measures of sanitization for a period of time not exceeding the longest incubation period of that contagious counting from the day they left the infected environment.本法所称烟草专用机械是指烟草专用机械的整机。 As used in this Law, the term ""cigarette manufacturing equipment"" means a complete set of equipment for cigarette manufacturing.