第七十条 船舶在到达时,有下列情形之一的,为染有鼠疫嫌疑: Article 70 Under any one of the following circumstances, the vessel shall e considered as being suspected to have caught the plague:第七十一条 对染有鼠疫的船舶、航空器应当实施下列卫生处理: Article 71 A vessel or an aircraft contaminated with the plague shall undergo sanitization as follows:第七十二条 对染有鼠疫嫌疑的船帕,应当实施本细则第七十一条第 (二)至第(六)项规定的卫生处理。 Article 72 The vessel that is suspected of having caught the plague shall undergo sanitization as stipulated in Items 2 to 6 of Article 71 of these Implementation Rules.第七十三条 对没有染疫的船舶、航空器,如果来自鼠疫疫区,卫生检疫机关认为必要时,可以实施下列卫生处理: Article 73 The health and quarantine organ may, when it deems necessary, take the following sanitization measures to the vessel or aircraft coming from the plague prevalent area but free from contamination:第七十四条 对到达的时候载有鼠疫病例的列车和其他车辆,应当实施下列卫生处理: Article 74 Upon arrival, a train or other motor vehicle on which any plague case is found shall undergo sanitization as follows:第七十五条 霍乱潜伏期为5日。 Article 75 Incubation period of cholera is 5 days.第七十六条 船舶在到达的时候载有霍乱病例,或者在到达前5日以内,船上曾经有霍乱病例发生,为染有霍乱。船舶在航行中曾经有霍乱病例发生,但是在到达前5日以内,没有发生新病例,为染有霍乱嫌疑。 Article 76 A vessel shall be considered as having been contaminated with cholera when any cholera case is found on board upon its arrival or there were cholera cases on board within 5 days before its arrival. The vessel shall be suspected of having been contaminated with cholera if there were cholera航空器在航行中曾经有霍乱病例发生,但在到达以前该病员已经离去,为染有霍乱嫌疑。 Article 77 The aircraft shall be considered as having been contaminated with cholera if there is any cholera case on board. The aircraft shall be suspected of having been contaminated with cholera if there were cholera cases on board during the flight but the cases have left the aircraft before arrival.第七十八条 对染有霍乱的船舶、航空器,应当实施下列卫生处理: Article 78 The vessel or aircraft contaminated with cholera is required to undergo sanitization as follows:第七十九条 对染有霍乱嫌疑的船舶、航空器应当实施下列卫生处理。 Article 79 The vessel or aircraft that is suspected of having been contaminated with cholera is required to undergo sanitization as follows:第八条 特许人应当在每年3月31日前将其上一年度订立、撤销、续签与变更的特许经营合同情况向备案机关报告。 Article 8 A franchiser shall report to the archiving organ the information on the signing, canceling, renewing and altering of franchise contract prior to March 31 every year.第八条 特许人在向被特许人进行信息披露以后,被特许人应当就所获悉的信息内容向特许人出具回执说明(一式两份),由被特许人签字,一份由被特许人留存,另一份由特许人留存。 Article 8 After the franchiser discloses information to the franchisee, the franchisee shall provide the franchiser with a return receipt in duplicate, after the franchisee signs the receipt, each party retains one copy.第八条 烟草种植应当因地制宜地培育和推广优良品种。 Article 8 In growing tobacco, good varieties of tobacco shall be cultivated and popularized in line with the local conditions.第八条食品生产经营过程必须符合下列卫生要求 Article 8 In the process of food production or marketing, the requirements for hygiene stated below shall be conformed to:第八条 可能危及人体健康和人身、财产安全的工业产品,必须符合保障人体健康、人身、财产安全的国家标准、行业标准;未制定国家标准、行业标准的,必须符合保障人体健康,人身、财产安全的要求。 Article 8 Industrial products constituting possible threats to the health or safety of human life and property must be in compliance with the national standards and trade standards safeguarding the health or safety of human life and property; In the absence of such national standards or trade standards, the product must meet the requirements for safeguarding the health or safety of human life and property.第八条 鼓励市场申请绿色市场认证,并使用相应的认证标志。 Article 8 Markets are encouraged to apply for green market attestation and use relevant certificate symbols.第八条 出境的交通工具和人员,必须在最后离开的国境口岸接受检疫。 Article 8 Persons and conveyances exiting the country shall be subject to quarantine inspection at the last frontier port of departure.第八条 违反本规定第五条、第六条的,由集市举办者制止其出售和转移,并及时报告工商行政管理部门或者卫生行政部门进行处理。 Article 8 The fair organizers must stop those who violate the provisions of Articles 5 and 6 of the present Provisions from selling and moving away the food items involved, and must report the cases without delay to the industrial and commercial administrative departments or the public health administrative departments for disposal.第八条 国家商检部门和商检机构应当收集和向有关方面提供进出口商品检验方面的信息。 Article 8 The State Administration for Commodity Inspection and the commodity inspection authorities shall collect information on the inspection of import and export commodities and make it available to the relevant circles.第八条国家鼓励、支持动物防疫的科学研究,推广先进的科学研究成果,普及动物防疫的科学知识,提高动物防疫水平。 Article 8 The state encourages and supports scientific research on animal epidemic prevention, spreads advanced achievements of scientific research, popularizes scientific knowledge of animal epidemic prevention, and improves the level of animal epidemic prevention.第八条口岸动植物检疫机关在港口、机场、车站、邮局执行检疫任务时,海关、交通、民航、铁路、邮电等有关部门应当配合。 Article 8 When a port animal and plant quarantine office is carrying out its tasks of quarantine inspection in seaports, airports, railway or coach stations, or post offices, relevant departments such as the Customs, departments of communications, civil aviation, or railways, and postal services shall coordinate therewith.第八条 来自国内疫区的交通工具,或者在国内航行中发现检疫传染病,疑似检疫传染病,或者有人非因意外伤害而死亡并死因不明的,交通工具负责人应当向到达的国境口岸卫生检疫机关报告,接受临时检疫。 Article 8 When a quarantine infectious disease or a disease suspected to be quarantinable or a death due to an unidentified cause other than accidental harm is discovered on conveyance from a domestic pestilence area or in the course of a domestic voyage, the persons in charge of the conveyance are required to make a report to the health and quarantine organ on arrival at the frontier port and undergo preliminary quarantine inspection.第八十条 对没有染疫的船舶、航空器,如果来自霍乱疫区,卫生检疫机关认为必要时,可以实施下列卫生处理: Article 80 The vessel or aircraft coming from a cholera prevalent but free from contamination may undergo sanitization as follows if the health and quarantine organ thinks it necessary:第八十一条 对到达时载有霍乱病例的列车和其他车辆应当实施下列卫生处理: Article 81 Upon arrival, the train or other vehicle on which any cholera case is found is required to undergo sanitization as follows:第八十二条 对来自霍乱疫区的或者染有霍乱嫌疑的交通工具,卫生检疫机关认为必要时,可以实施除虫、消毒;如果交通工具载有水产品、水果、蔬菜、饮料及其他食品,除装在密封容器内没有被污染外,未经卫生检疫机关许可,不准卸下,必要时可以实施卫生处理。 Article 82 The conveyance coming from a cholera prevalent area or suspected of having been contaminated with cholera shall undergo disinsectization and disinfection if the health and quarantine organ thinks it necessary. If the conveyance carries aquatic products, fruit, vegetables, drinks or other food, no unloading shall be allowed without the permission by the health and quarantine organ. When necessary, they have to undergo sanitization, with the exception of those food canned in air-tight containers and free from contamination.