- 中国食品卫生与检验检疫法律法规中英数据库 A B C D E F G H I J K L M N O P Q R S T U V W X Y Z
- 第五十三条 以暴力、威胁方法阻碍食品卫生监督管理人员依法执行职务的,依法追究刑事责任 ;拒绝、阻碍食品卫生监督管理人员依法执行职务未使用暴力、威胁方法的,由公安机关依照治安管理处罚条例的规定处罚。 Article 53 Whoever prevents, by force or intimidation, food hygiene supervisors or administrators from performing their duties according to law shall be investigated for criminal responsibility in accordance with law; whoever prevents or obstructs, without resorting to force or intimidation, food hygiene supervisors or administrators from performing their duties according to law shall be punished by the public security organs in accordance with the Regulations on Administrative Penalties for Public Security.
- 第五十四条违反本法规定,逃避检疫,引起重大动物疫情,致使养殖业生产遭受重大损失或者严重危害人体健康的,依法追究刑事责任。 Article 54 Any violator of the provisions of this Law who evades quarantine inspection, resulting in a serious animal epidemic which causes great losses to the breeding production or does serious harm to human health, shall be investigated for criminal responsibility according to law.
- 第五十四条 本法下列用语的含义: Article 54 For the purpose of this Law, the definitions of the following terms are:
- 第五十四条 入境、出境的集装箱、行李、货物、邮包等物品需要卫生处理的,由卫生检疫机关实施。 Article 54 The sanitization that exit or entry containers, luggage, goods or postal parcels are required to undergo shall be conducted by the health and quarantine organ.
- 第五十五条 由国外起运经中华人民共和国境内的货物,如果不在境内换装,除发生在流行病学上有重要意义的事件,需要实施卫生处理外,在一般情况下不实施卫生处理。 Article 55 Goods that are shipped from abroad and are only passing through the People's Republic of China, shall, if there is no transshipment, be exempted from sanitization except in cases where events of epidemiological significance have taken place.
- 第五十五条动物检疫员违反本法规定,对未经检疫或者检疫不合格的动物、动物产品出具检疫证明、加盖验讫印章的,由其所在单位或者上级主管机关给予记过或者撤销动物检疫员资格的处分;情节严重的,给予开除的处分。 Article 55 If any animal quarantine officer, in violation of the provisions of this Law, issues the quarantine certificate and affixes the inspection mark on animals or animal products having not undergone quarantine inspection or having not passed quarantine inspection, the unit to which he belongs or the competent authority at the next higher level shall give him a demerit or disqualify him as an animal quarantine officer. If the circumstances are serious, the offender shall be discharged from his office.
- 第五十五条 出口食品的管理办法,由国家进出口商品检验部门会同国务院卫生行政部门和有关行政部门另行制定。 Article 55 Measures for the administration of food for export shall be formulated separately by the national import and export commodities inspection department in conjunction with the administrative department of public health and other relevant administrative departments under the State Council.
- 第五十六条 卫生检疫机关对入境、出境的废旧物品和曾行驶于境外港口的废旧交通工具,根据污染程度,分别实施消毒、除鼠、除虫,对污染严重的实施销毁。 Article 56 According to the extent of contamination, the health and quarantine organ shall exercise disinfectization, deratization or insectization respectively to the used materials waiting for entry or exit and to the used transportation vehicles that were in operation at foreign ports. In case of serious contamination, the used materials or vehicles shall be destroyed.
- 第五十六条动物防疫监督工作人员滥用职权,玩忽职守,徇私舞弊,隐瞒和延误疫情报告,伪造检疫结果,构成犯罪的,依法追究刑事责任;尚不构成犯罪的,依法给予行政处分。 Article 56 Any supervisor of animal epidemic prevention who abuses powers, neglects duties, commits malpractices for selfish gains, conceals or delays the report on epidemic situations, or forges quarantine inspection results, if a crime has been constituted, shall be investigated for criminal responsibility according to law. If a crime has not been constituted, the offender shall be imposed administrative sanctions.
- 第五十六条 军队专用食品和自供食品的卫生管理办法由中央军事委员会依据本法制定。 Article 56 Hygiene control measures for food specially used or supplied for its own use by the Army shall be formulated by the Central Military Commission in accordance with this Law.
- 第五十七条 入境、出境的尸体,骸骨托运人或者代理人应当申请卫生检疫,并出示死亡证明或者其他有关证件,对不符合卫生要求的,必须接受卫生检疫机关实施的卫生处理。 Article 57 Prior to the entry or exit of human remains or ashes, the shipper or the agent is required to apply for health and quarantine inspection and to present a certificate of cause of death or other related documents. If it fails to meet the hygiene requirements, it is required to undergo sanitization by the health and quarantine organ.
- 第五十七条 本法自公布之日施行。《中华人民共和国食品卫生法(试行)》同时废止。 Article 57 This Law shall come into force as of the date of promulgation. The Food Hygiene Law of the People's Republic of China (for tial implementation) shall be unnulled on the same date
- 第五十七条阻碍动物防疫监督工作人员依法执行职务,构成犯罪的,依法追究刑事责任;尚不构成犯罪的,依法给予治安管理处罚。 Article 57 Whoever hinders a supervisor of animal epidemic prevention in the performance of duties according to law shall, if a crime has been constituted, be investigated for criminal responsibility according to law. If a crime has not been constituted, the offender shall be imposed administrative penalty for public security violations according to law.
- 第五十八条 卫生检疫机关对已在到达本口岸前的其他口岸实施卫生处理的交通工具不再重复实施卫生处理。但有下列情形之一的,仍需实施卫生处理。 Article 58 In the case that a conveyance has previously undergone sanitization at another port, it is not necessary to conduct sanitization again upon its arrival unless any one of the following circumstances applies:
- 第五十八条本法自1998年1月1日起施行。 Article 58 This Law comes into effect as of January 1, 1998.
- 第五十九条 在国境口岸或者交通工具上发现啮齿动物有反常死亡或者死因不明的,国境口岸有关单位或者交通工具的负责人,必须立即向卫生检疫机关报告,迅速查明原因,实施卫生处理。 Article 59 In the case when any rodent is found to have died of unusual or unknown cause either at the border port or on the conveyance, the border port authorities or the captain of the conveyance is required to the health and quarantine organ about the case without delay so that prompt examination and sanitization can be carried out.
- 第六条 特许人应当在与中国境内的被特许人首次订立特许经营合同之日起的15天内向备案机关申请备案。 Article 6 A franchiser shall apply for archival filing with an archiving organ within 15 days after having concluded a franchise contract with the franchisee within the territory of China for the first time.
- 第六条 禁止在集市经营下列食品: Article 6 Dealing in the following food items on the fairs is prohibited:
- 第六条 食品应当无毒、无害、符合应当有的营养要求,具有相应的色、香、味等感官性状。 Article 6 Food shall be nontoxic and harmless, conform to proper nutritive requirements and have appropriate sensory properties such as colour, fragrance and taste.
- 第六条 卫生检疫机关应当阻止染疫人、染疫赚疑人出境,但是对来自国外并且在到达时接受就地诊验的人,本人要求出境的,可以准许出境;如果乘交通工具出境,检疫医师应当将这种情况在出境检疫证上签注,同时通知交通工具负责人采取必要的预防措施。 Article 6 Health and quarantine organs are required to bar any quarantinable epidemic victims or suspects from exit, with the exception of those who come from abroad and have undergone on-site clinical checked up on arrival. These persons can leave the port if they wish to; if they leave in conveyance, quarantine physicians are required to annotate and comment on their Exit Quarantine Certificates and to inform the person in charge of the conveyance to take the necessary precautionary measures.
- 第六条国外发生重大动植物疫情并可能传入中国时,国务院应当采取紧急预防措施,必要时可以下令禁止来自动植物疫区的运输工具进境或者封锁有关口岸; Article 6 In the event that a serious animal or plant epidemic occurs abroad and is liable to spread into the country, the State Council shall adopt emergent preventive measures and may, when necessary, issue orders to prohibit means of transport from animal or plant epidemic areas from entering the country or to blockade the relevant ports;
- 第六条 商检机构实施进出口商品检验的内容,包括商品的质量、规格、数量、重量、包装以及是否符合安全、卫生要求。法律、行政法规规定有强制性标准或者其他必须执行的检验标准的进出口商品,依照法律、行政法规规定的检验标准检验;法律、行政法规未规定有强制性标准或者其他必须执行的检验标准的,依照对外贸易合同约定的检验标准检验。 Article 6 Inspection on import and export commodities performed by the commodity inspection authorities shall cover quality, specifications, quantity, weight, packing and the requirements for safety and hygiene. Import and export commodities governed by compulsory standards or other inspection standards which must be complied with as provided for by laws or administrative rules and regulations shall be inspected in accordance with such inspection standards; in the absence of such stipulations, import and export commodities shall be inspected in accordance with the inspection standards agreed upon in the foreign trade contracts.
- 第六条 市场应当设立负责食品安全的管理部门或配备食品安全管理人员,监控本市场的食品安全状况。 Article 6 Market shall set up management departments in charge of food safety or have executive personnel of food safety, so as to supervise food safety status of markets.
- 第六条国务院畜牧兽医行政管理部门主管全国的动物防疫工作。 Article 6 The animal husbandry and veterinary administrative department under the State Council shall be in charge of animal epidemic prevention throughout the country.
- 第六条 国务院产品质量监督管理部门负责全国产品质量监督管理工作。国务院有关部门在各自的职责范围内负责产品质量监督管理工作。 Article 6 The department in charge of supervision and control over product quality under the State Council shall be responsible for nation-wide supervision and control over product quality. The relevant departments under the State Council shall be responsible for supervision and control over product quality within the scope of their respective functions and responsibilities.