第八十三条 对来自霍乱疫区的水产品、水果、蔬菜、饮料以及装有这些制品的邮包,卫生检疫机关在查验时,为了判明是否被污染,可以抽样检验,必要时可以实施卫生处理。 Article 83 During inspection on the aquatic products, fruit, vegetable, drinks or postal parcels containing such food shipped from a cholera prevalent area, the health and quarantine organ shall exercise sample examination in order to determine whether the food has been contaminated, when necessary, sanitization of the food shall be conducted.第八十四条 黄热病的潜伏期为6日。 Article 84 Incubation period of yellow fever is 6 days.第八十五条 来自黄热病疫区的人员,在入境时,必须向卫生检疫机关出示有效的黄热病预防接种证书。 Article 85 People coming from a yellow fever prevalent area are required to present valid certificate of inoculation against yellow fever to the health and quarantine organ upon entry.第八十六条 航空器到达时载有黄热病病例,为染有黄热病。 Article 86 An aircraft shall be considered as having been contaminated with yellow fever when yellow fever cases are found on board upon its arrival.第八十七条 来自黄热病疫区的航空器,应当出示在疫区起飞前的灭蚊证书;如果在到达时不出示灭蚊证书,或者卫生检疫机关认为出示的灭蚊证书不符合要求,并且在航空器上发现活蚊,为染有黄热病嫌疑。 Article 87 An aircraft coming from a yellow fever prevalent area is required to present disinsectization certificate issued before the flight. If it fails to present the disinfectization certificate, or the health and quarantine organ considers that the certificate is not up to the requirements and live mosquitoes are found inside the aircraft, then the aircraft shall be suspected of having been contaminated with yellow fever.第八十八条 船舶在到达时载有黄热病病例,或者在航行中曾经有黄热病病例发生,为染有黄热病。 Article 88 A vessel shall be considered as having been contaminated with yellow fever when yellow fever cases are found on board upon arrival or there were yellow fever cases on board during the voyage.第八十九条 对染有黄热病的船舶、航空器,应当实施下列卫生处理: Article 89 A vessel or an aircraft contaminated with yellow fever is required to undergo sanitization as follows:第九条 特许人应认真填写所有备案事项的信息,并确保所填写内容真实、准确和完整。 Article 9 A franchiser shall fill in all the information on archival filing, and ensure the authenticity, accuracy and completeness of the content filled.第九条动植物检疫机关检疫人员必须忠于职守,秉公执法。 Article 9 Any quarantine functionary of an animal and plant quarantine organ must be devoted to his or her duties and enforce the law impartially.第九条在动物防疫工作、动物防疫科学研究中做出成绩和贡献的单位和个人,由人民政府或者畜牧兽医行政管理部门给予奖励。 Article 9 Any unit or individual that has made achievements or contributions in animal epidemic prevention or scientific research on animal epidemic prevention shall be rewarded by the people’s government or the animal husbandry and veterinary administrative department.第九条 本法规定必须经商检机构检验的进口商品的收货人,必须向卸货口岸或者到达站的商检机构办理进口商品登记。 Article 9 For import commodities which are subject to inspection by the commodity inspection authorities in accordance with this Law, the consignee must register them with the commodity inspection authorities located at the port of discharge or the station of arrival.第九条 特许人隐瞒应当披露而没有披露的信息或者披露虚假信息的,被特许人可以解除特许经营合同。 Article 9 If the franchiser hides the information that shall be disclosed or discloses false information, the franchisee may rescind the franchise contract.第九条 在国内或者国外检疫传染病大流行的时候,国务院卫生行政部门应当立即报请国务院决定采取下列检疫措施的一部或者全部: Article 9 In times when quarantinable infectious diseases are prevailing at home or abroad, the administrative department of health under the State Council shall report the situation to the State Council for decisions on taking the following precautionary measures, partially or totally, in quarantine inspection:第九条 烟叶收购计划由县级以上地方人民政府计划部门根据国务院计划部门下达的计划下达,其他单位和个人不得变更。 Article 9 Leaf tobacco purchasing plans shall be assigned by the planning departments of the local people's governments at or above the county level on the basis of the plans assigned by the planning department under the State Council. No other organizations or individuals shall make any modifications thereto.第九条 市场现场制作食品、散装食品及生鲜食品销售应当具备保障食品安全的设施设备和条件,远离污染源,并符合国家有关食品安全标准。 Article 9 Relevant food safety facilities and conditions are required for sales of food of field fabrication sales, bulk sales and frozen and fresh food. These foods shall be away form contaminant and comply with national safety standards of relevant foods.第九条 禁止生产经营下列食品: Article 9 The production and marketing of foods in the following categories shall be prohibited:第九条 国家根据国际通用的质量管理标准,推行企业质量体系认证制度。企业根据自愿原则可以向国务院产品质量监督管理部门或者国务院产品质量监督管理部门授权的部门认可的认证机构申请企业质量体系认证。经认证合格的,由认证机构颁发企业质量体系认证证书。 Article 9 The State shall, in compliance with the international quality control standards in general use, practise a rule of authentication for enterprise quality system. an enterprise may on voluntary basis apply to the department in charge of supervision and control over product quality under the State Council or an authentication agency approved by a department authorized by the department in charge of supervision and control over product quality under the State Council for authentication of enterprise quality system. With respect to the enterprise which has passed the authentication, the authentication agency shall issue an authentication certificate of enterprise quality system.第九条 违反本规定,造成食物中毒事故或者其他食源性疾患的,应当负损害赔偿责任。 Article 9 Those who have caused food poisoning or other food-borne diseases in violation of the stipulations of the present Provisions shall be held liable for damages.第九条 来自国外的船舶、航空器因故停泊、降落在中国境内非口岸地点的时候,船舶、航空器的负责人应当立即向就近的国境卫生检疫机关或者当地卫生行政部门报告。 Article 9 When foreign ships or airborne vehicles anchor or land at places other than frontier ports in China, the persons in charge of the ships or airborne vehicles must report immediately to the nearest frontier health and quarantine office or to the local health administration department.第九十条 对染有黄热病嫌疑的船舶、航空器,应当实施本细则第八十九条第(二)至第(四)项规定的卫生处理。 Article 90 The vessels or aircraft suspected of having been contaminated with yellow fever are required to undergo sanitization as stipulated in Items 2, 3 and 4 of Article 89 of these Implementation Rules.第九十一条 对没有染疫的船舶、航空器,如果来自黄热病疫区,卫生检疫机关认为必要时,可以实施本细则第八十九条第(三)项规定的卫生处理。 Article 91 The vessel or aircraft coming from a yellow fever prevalent area but free from contamination may undergo sanitization as stipulated in Item 3 of Article 89 of these Implementation Rules if the health and quarantine organ considers it necessary.第九十二条 对到达的时候载有黄热病病例的列车和其他车辆,或者来自黄热病疫区的列车和其他车辆,应当实施本细则第八十九条第(一)、第(四)项规定的卫生处理;对列车、车辆彻底杀灭成蚊及其虫卵、幼虫;对无有效黄热病预防接种证书的员工、旅客,应当实施本细则第八十五条规定的卫生处理。 Article 92 A train or other vehicle on which yellow fever cases are found on board upon arrival, or a train or other vehicle coming from the yellow fever prevalent area must undergo sanitization as stipulated in Items 1 and 4 of Article 89 of these Implementation Rules; adult mosquitoes, their eggs and larvae on board must be annihilated; the crew members and passengers without valid certificate of inoculation against yellow fever are required to undergo sanitization as stipulated in Article 85 of these Implementation Rules.第九十三条 卫生检疫机关对受就地诊验的人员,应当发给就地诊验记录簿,必要的时候,可以在该人员出具履行就地诊验的保证书以后,再发给其就地诊验记录簿。 Article 93 The health and quarantine organ is required to issue a casebook to the person taking on-site clinical check-up. If necessary, the casebook shall be issued to the person after he/she has presented a guarantee for such check-up.第九十四条 卫生检疫机关应当将受就地诊验人员的情况,用最快的方法通知受就地诊验人员的旅行停留地的卫生检疫机关或者其他医疗卫生单位。 Article 94 The health and quarantine organ must inform by the quickest means the health and quarantine organ or the medical and health unit in places where the person subject to on-site clinical check-up will stop over on his journey of his condition.第九十五条 受留验的人员必须在卫生检疫机关指定的场所接受留验;但是有下列情形之一的,经卫生检疫机关同意,可以在船上留验。 Article 95 The person subject to on-site clinical check-up detention is required to have medical examination at the designated place. In any on of the following circumstances, the detention for medical check-up may be carried out on the vessel, with permission by the health and quarantine organ: