

(1989年2月10日国务院批准 1989年3月6日卫生部发布)    (Approved by the State Council on February 10, 1989 and promulgated by Decree No.2 of the Ministry of Public Health on March 6, 1989)
(一) 因特许人违法经营,被主管登记机关吊销营业执照。    1, a franchiser's business license is cancelled by the competent registration organ because of illegal operation.
(一)出售的各类食品,必须清洁卫生,无毒无害,符合国家和本市有关食品卫生的规定;    1. All food items sold on the fairs must be clean, hygiene, nonpoisonous and unharmful, and conform to the provisions of the State and the Municipality on food hygiene;
(一)未按照规定取得《食品卫生许可证》在集市中生产经营食品的,责令限期改正,没收违法所得,并处以违法所得一倍以上五倍以下的罚款;没有违法所得的,处以五百元以上三万元以下的罚款;    1. Anyone who fails to obtain the Food Hygiene License for producing and selling food items on the fairs shall be ordered to correct his mistakes within the specified time limit, have his/her illegal earnings confiscated and pay a fine between one and five times his/her illegal earnings. If he/she has no illegal earnings, he/she shall be ordered to pay a fine of between 500 and 30,000 yuan;
(一)违反本规定第五条第(一)项、第(二)项、第(四)项的,责令限期改正,给予警告,并处以五千元以下的罚款;    1. Anyone who has violated the provisions of Items 1, 2 and 4 of Article 5 of the present Provisions shall be ordered to correct his/her mistakes within the specified time limit, given a disciplinary warning and pay a fine of less than 5,000 yuan;
一、 从2007年5月20日起,对部分钢材产品出口按照《货物出口许可证管理办法》(商务部公告2004年第28号)的有关规定实行出口许可证管理(海关商品编号详见附件)。    1. As from May 20, 2007, export license administration (please refer to appendix for commodity code of the customs) shall be carried out on a part of steels in line with Administrative Measures on Commodity Export License (Announcement No.28, 2004 of Ministry of Commerce).
一、 关于保险价值,目前在立法上没有明确定义。根据全国保险业标准化技术委员会制定的《保险术语》的解释,保险价值是经保险合同当事人约定并记载于保险合同中的保险标的的价值,或保险事故发生时保险标的的实际价值。    1. As regards the term ""insurance value"", at present, there is not any clear definition in any legislation. In accordance with the interpretations on the Insurance Terms formulated by China Insurance Standardization Technical Committee, insurance value means the value of insurance object as stipulated by both parties and indicated in the insurance contract or the actual value of insurance subject matter at the time when the insurance accident occurs.
(二)生产经营禁止生产经营的食品的,责令停止生产经营并销毁该食品,没收违法所得,并处以违法所得一倍以上五倍以下的罚款;没有违法所得的,处以一千元以上五万元以下的罚款;    2. Anyone who produces and sells the food items that are prohibited from production and selling shall be ordered to stop the production and selling of such food items and to destroy them, have his/her illegal earnings confiscated and pay a fine between one and five times his/her illegal earnings. If he/she has no illegal earnings, he/she shall be ordered to pay a fine of between 1,000 and 50,000 yuan; or
(三) 特许人的法定经营场所地址与联系方式、法定代表人姓名。    3, address and contact of a franchiser's legal business site, the name of the legal representative, and
三、 以估价方式确定保险金额投保的,发生保险事故后,保险价值应当按照发生保险事故时保险标的的实际价值确定。    3. As regards an insurance, the insurance amount of which is determined by way of price appraisement, after an insurance accident occurs, the insurance value shall be decided in accordance with the actual value of insurance object at the time when the insurance accident occurs.
四、 外商独资银行、中外合资银行发行银行卡应当符合中国人民银行制定的银行卡业务、技术标准,满足银行卡联网通用要求。    4. A wholly foreign-funded bank or Chinese-foreign equity joint bank which plans to issue bank cards shall abide by the bank card business and technical standards as formulated by the People's Bank of China and meet the general requirements for the network of bank cards.
五、 外商独资银行、中外合资银行经营银行卡业务,应当参照《银行卡业务管理办法》规定的申请资料向其总行所在地银监局提出申请。    5. A wholly foreign-funded bank or Chinese-foreign equity joint bank which plans to conduct the bank card business shall apply to the branch of the CBRC of the place where its headquarters is located by analogy to the application materials as stipulated in the Measures for the Administration of Bank Card Business.
八、 外商独资银行、中外合资银行获准经营银行卡业务后,应就拟经营的银行卡品种,向所在地中国银监会派出机构报告。    8. A wholly foreign-funded bank or Chinese-foreign equity joint bank shall, after getting the approval to conduct the bank card business, report to the local institution dispatched by the CBRC the types of bank cards which it plans to conduct.
八、 自本公告发布之日起,商务部、海关总署和环保总局2005年第105号公告、2006年第63号公告、第82号公告所列商品目录停止执行,以本公告为准,其它规定继续有效。    8. As from the release of this announcement, Announcement No.105, 2005 of Ministry of Commerce, General Administration of Customs and State Environmental Protection Administration, and Catalogue Prohibited for Processing Trade of Announcement No.63, 2066 and No.82, 2006 are terminated at the same time. Other regulations shall continue to take effect.
(九) 国家法律法规规定经批准方可开展特许经营的产品和服务,须提交相关主管部门的批准文件。    9, As regards the products and services that may not be franchised without approval under the laws and regulations, the franchiser must submit approval documents issued by the competent departments; and
(九) 最近2年的经会计师事务所或审计事务所审计的特许人财务会计报告摘要和审计报告摘要。    9. Abstracts of the franchiser's financial and accounting reports and of the audit reports in the last two years audited by the accounting firms or auditing firms.
实施强制免疫的动物疫病病种名录由国务院畜牧兽医行政管理部门规定并公布。    A catalogue of animal epidemics subjected to compulsory immunization shall be formulated and published by the animal husbandry and veterinary administrative department under the State Council.
凡在境外居住1年以上的中国籍人员,入境时必须向卫生检疫机关申报健康情况,并在入境后1个月内到就近的卫生检疫机关或者县级以上的医院进行健康检查。公安机关凭健康证明办理有关手续,健康证明的副本应当寄送到原入境口岸的卫生检疫机关备案。    A Chinese citizen who has stayed abroad for over one year is, upon reentry, required to fill out health declaration form required by the health and quarantine organ and go to the local health and quarantine organ or to the hospital at or above the county level for physical check-up within one month. The public security organ shall allow him to go through related procedures on the strength of the health certificate. A copy of his health certificate must be sent to the port health and quarantine organ for the record.
承运人明知是烟草专卖品而为无准运证的单位、个人运输的,由烟草专卖行政主管部门没收违法所得,并处罚款。    A consignee who, knowing that the goods to be transported are tobacco monopoly commodities, undertakes the transportation thereof for units or individuals that do not hold transportation permits, shall be confiscated of the illegal income derived therefrom by the department of tobacco monopoly administration, with the concurrent punishment of a fine.
入境、出境的尸体、骸骨的托运人或者其代理人,必须向国境卫生检疫机关申报,经卫生检查合格后发给入境、出境许可证,方准运进或者运出。    A consignor or an agent for the transportation of a corpse or human remains into or out of the country must declare the matter to a frontier health and quarantine office; transport thereof, in either direction across the border, shall not be allowed until sanitary inspection proves satisfactory and an entry or exit permit is given.
烟叶、复烤烟叶的调拨必须签订合同。    A contract must be concluded for any allocation of leaf tobacco or redried leaf tobacco.
前款三类疫病的具体病种名录由国务院畜牧兽医行政管理部门规定并公布。    A detailed catalogue of epidemics of the three classes mentioned in the preceding paragraph shall be fixed and published by the animal husbandry and veterinary administrative department under the State Council.
加工贸易企业应按规定在当地劳动保障部门办理劳动用工备案手续,注重工人福利,遵守当地关于最低工资标准和缴纳社会保险的有关规定。    A processing trade enterprise shall go through employment registration formalities as required at the local labor security department, care for workers' welfare and respect the related local provisions on minimum wage level and social insurances payment.
加工贸易企业的二氧化硫(SO2)、化学需氧量(cod)等主要排放指标应达到环保部门要求,单位生产总值综合能耗应不高于当地平均水平。    A processing trade enterprise's major discharge indices such as sulfur dioxide (SO2) index, chemical oxygen demand (COD) index, etc., shall reach the requirements of the environmental protection departments, and its comprehensive energy consumption for gross unit output value may not be higher than the local average level.
生产者能够证明有下列情形之一的,不承担赔偿责任:    A producer shall not be liable for compensation if he can prove the existence of any of the following circumstances:
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