

第六条 特许人在推广、宣传活动中,不得有欺骗、误导的行为,其发布的广告中不得含有宣传单个被特许人从事特许经营活动收益的内容。    Article 6 The franchiser may not have any cheating and misleading practices in the promotion activities, and the advertisement may not include the content about the individual franchisee's profit from the franchise activities.
第六条 国家在民族自治地方实行烟草专卖管理,应当依照本法和民族区域自治法的有关规定,照顾民族自治地方的利益,对民族自治地方的烟叶种植和烟草制品生产给予照顾。    Article 6 The State shall exercise administration of tobacco monopoly in national autonomous areas, and shall, according to the relevant provisions of this Law and the Law on Regional National Autonomy, take the interests of national autonomous areas into account and give preferential treatment to the plantation of leaf tobacco and the production of tobacco products in such areas.
第六条 在国外或者国内有检疫传染病大流行的时候,国务院可以下令封锁有关的国境或者采取其他紧急措施。    Article 6 When a quarantinable infectious disease is prevalent abroad or within China, the State Council may order relevant sections of the border to be blockaded or adopt other emergency measures.
第六十条 国际航行船舶的船长,必须每隔6个月向卫生检疫机关申请一次鼠患检查,卫生检疫机关根据检查结果实施除鼠或者免予除鼠,并且分别发给除鼠证书或者免予除鼠证书。该证书自签发之日起6个月内有效。    Article 60 The captain of a ship of international voyage is required to apply to the health and quarantine organ for inspection of rat damage every 6 months. The health and quarantine organ shall exercise deratization or dispense with deratization according to the result of the inspection and issue a certificate of deratization or a deratization laissez-passer which shall be valid for 6 months from the day it is issued.
第六十一条 卫生检疫机关只有在下列之一情况下,经检查确认船舶无鼠害的,方可签发免于除鼠证书:    Article 61 Only under any one of the following circumstances shall the health and quarantine organ issue a certificate of exemption of deratization after making sure that the vessel is free of rodents:
第六十二条 对船舶的鼠患检查或者除鼠,应当尽量在船舶空舱的时候进行。如果船舶因故不宜按期进行鼠患检查或者蒸熏除鼠,并且该船又开往便于实施鼠患检查或者蒸熏除鼠的港口,可以准许该船原有的除鼠证书或者免予除鼠证书的有效期延长1个月,并签发延长证明。    Article 62 Normally the inspection of rat-damage or deratization shall be carried out while the hold is bare. If the vessel can not undergo rat-damage inspection or deratization by means of steam sterilization in due time owing to some reason or other, and it is sailing towards a port convenient for inspection or deratization, he term of validity of deratization certificate or the deratization laissez-passers the vessel is holding may be extended for one month, and the extended certificate may be issued.
第六十三条 对国际航行的船舶,按照国家规定的标准,应当用蒸熏的方法除鼠时,如果该船的除鼠证书或者免予除鼠证书尚未失效,除该船染有鼠疫或者鼠疫嫌疑外,卫生检疫机关应当将除鼠理由通知船长。船长应当按照要求执行。    Article 63 In the situation when the deratization certificate or the deratization laissez-passer of a vessel is still valid, but the vessel is found to have caught the plague or is suspected to have caught the plague, the health and quarantine organ must inform the captain that his vessel is required to undergo deratization by means of steam sterilization in accordance with the standard set by the state, and the captain must act as required.
第六十四条 船舶在港口停靠期间,船长应当负责采取下列的措施:    Article 64 While anchoring at the port, the captain is required to take effective measures as follows:
第六十五条 在国境口岸停留的国内航行的船舶如果存在鼠患,船方应当进行除鼠。根据船方申请,也可由卫生检疫机关实施除鼠。    Article 65 At the border port, if rodents are found on any home vessel of domestic voyage, the vessel must undertake deratization by itself. Upon application, the health quarantine organ may exercise deratization.
第六十六条 国务院卫生行政部门认为必要时,可以要求来自国外或者国外某些地区的人员负在入境时,向卫生检疫机关出示有效的某种预防接种证书或者健康证明。    Article 66 When necessary, the health administrative department under the State Council shall order the health and quarantine organs to check the valid certificate of certain preventive inoculation or health certificate of the persons upon their arrival at the entry port from abroad or from certain regions.
第六十七条 预防接种的有效期如下:    Article 67 Term of validity of preventive inoculation are as follows:
第六十八条 鼠疫的潜伏期为6日。    Article 68 Incubation period of the plague is 6 days.
第六十九条 船舶、航空器在到达时,有下列情形之一的,为染有鼠疫:    Article 69 Under any one of the following circumstances, a vessel or an aircraft, upon its arrival, shall be considered as having been contaminated with the plague:
第七条 特许人向被特许人披露信息前,有权要求被特许人签署保密协议。    Article 7 Before the franchiser discloses information to the franchisee, the former has the right to require the latter to sign Non-Disclosure Agreement.
第七条 本法所称烟叶是指生产烟草制品所需的烤烟和名晾烟,名晾烟的名录由国务院烟草专卖行政主管部门规定。    Article 7 For the purpose of this Law, the term ""leaf tobacco"" means flue-cured tobacco and selected air- and sun-cured tobacco needed for the production of tobacco products. The catalogue of selected air-and sun-cured tobacco items shall be determined by the department of tobacco monopoly administration under the State Council.
第七条 法律、行政法规规定由其他检验机构实施检验的进出口商品或者检验项目,依照有关法律、行政法规的规定办理。    Article 7 Import and export commodities or items subject to inspection by other inspection organizations under laws or administrative rules and regulations shall be inspected in accordance with the provisions of relevant laws or administrative rules and regulations.
第七条 市场应当建立以下管理制度:    Article 7 Market shall set up the following managerial systems:
第七条各级人民政府应当加强对动物防疫工作的领导。    Article 7 People’s governments at all levels shall strengthen the leadership over animal epidemic prevention.
第七条 入境的交通工具和人员,必须在最先到达的国境口岸的指定地点接受检疫。    Article 7 Persons and conveyances on entering the country shall be subject to quarantine inspection at designated places at the first frontier port of their arrival.
第七条 专供婴幼儿的主、辅食品,必须符合国务院卫生行政部门制定的营养、卫生标准。    Article 7 Principal and supplementary foods intended specially for infants and preschool children shall conform to the nutritive and hygienic standards promulgated by the administrative department of public health under the State Council.
第七条 因不符合新鲜销售卫生要求而不能直接销售的水产、肉类等食品,经食品卫生检查人员或者食品卫生监督员指导加工后,符合卫生要求的可以出售。    Article 7 The food items such as aquatic products, meat and other products which are not allowed to be directly sold because they do not meet the hygiene requirements for being sold fresh may be sold after they have been processed under the guidance of the food hygiene inspectors or food hygiene supervisors and have met the hygiene requirements.
第七条 产品质量应当检验合格,不得以不合格产品冒充合格产品。    Article 7 The quality of a product shall be inspected and proved to be up to the standards. No sub-standard product shall be passed off as a product up to the standards.
第七条国家动植物检疫机关和口岸动植物检疫机关对进出境动植物、动植物产品的生产、加工、存放过程,实行检疫监督制度。    Article 7 The State animal and plant quarantine department and port animal and plant quarantine offices shall practise a quarantine supervision system in relation to the procedures in the production, processing and storage of animals and plants and their products for entry or exit.
第七条 在国境口岸以及停留在该场所的入境、出境交通工具上,所有非因意外伤害而死亡并死因不明的尸体,必须经卫生检疫机关查验,并签发尸体移运许可证后,方准移运。    Article 7 When a death due to an unidentified cause other than accidental harm is discovered at a frontier port, the corpse shall be subject to quarantine inspection and only after an entry or exit permit is granted can the corpse be removed.
第七条 特许人的备案信息有变化的,应当自变化之日起30日内向备案机关申请变更。    Article 7 Where there is any alteration in the archival information of a franchiser, the franchiser shall apply for alteration with the archiving organ within 30 days from the date the alteration occurs.
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