第四十一条 烟草专卖行政主管部门对本法实施情况进行检查。 Article 41 The department of tobacco monopoly administration shall have the right to carry out inspection on the implementation of this Law.第四十一条 对入境航空器查验完毕以后,根据查验结果,对没有染疫的航空器,检疫医师应当签发入境检疫证;如果该航空器有受卫生处理或者限制的事项,应当在入境检疫证上签注,由机长或者其授权的代理人负责执行;对染疫或者有染疫嫌疑的航空器,除通知航空站外,对该航空器应当发给卫生处理通知单,在规定的卫生处理完毕以后,再发给入境检疫证。 Article 41 Upon completion of entry quarantine inspection of the aircraft, the quarantine physician must sign and issue an Entry Quarantine Permit to the aircraft which is free from contamination. If the aircraft needs to undergo sanitization or is subject to certain restrictions, a footnote and signature must be made on the Permit and the aircraft captain or his authorized agent shall be responsible for taking necessary measures accordingly; if the aircraft is proved to be contaminated, a sanitization notice shall be given to the aircraft and the aircraft shall be notified. After the required sanitization is done, an Entry Quarantine Permit shall be issued to the aircraft.第四十一条 生产者、销售者伪造产品的产地的,伪造或者冒用他人的厂名、厂址的,伪造或者冒用认证标志、名优标志等质量标志的,责令公开更正,没收违法所得,可以并处罚款。 Article 41 Where a producer or a seller forges the origin of a product or falsely uses another producer name and address, or forges or falsely uses authentication marks, famous-and-excellent-product marks or other product quality marks, the producer or seller shall be ordered to make public rectification, and the unlawful earnings shall be confiscated; a fine may be imposed concurrently.第四十一条违反本法规定,擅自开拆过境动植物、动植物产品或者其他检疫物的包装的,擅自将过境动植物、动植物产品或者其他检疫物卸离运输工具的,擅自抛弃过境动物的尸体、排泄物、铺垫材料或者其他废弃物的,有动植物检疫机关处以罚款。 Article 41 Whoever, in violation of this Law and without authorization, unpacks the packings of transit animals or plants, animal or plant products or other quarantine objects, discharges transit animals or plants, animal or plant products or other quarantine objects from the means of transport, or casts away transit animals' carcasses, excrements, bedding materials or other wastes, shall be fined by the port animal and plant quarantine office.第四十二条经铁路、公路、水路、航空运输动物、动物产品的,托运人必须提供检疫证明方可托运; Article 42 Any consignor of animals or animal products to be transported by railways, highways, waterways or by air must provide the quarantine certificate in consigning for shipment.第四十二条 违反本法规定,生产经营禁止生产经营的食品的,责令停止生产经营,立即公告收回已售出的食品,并销毁该食品,没收违法所得,并处以违法所得一倍以上五倍以下的罚款;没有违法所得的,处以一千元以上五万元以下的罚款。情节严重的,吊销卫生许可证。 Article 42 If anyone, in violation of this Law, produces or markets food the production and marketing of which is prohibited, he shall be ordered to stop producing or marketing such food, a public announcement shall be made immediately to recall the sold food and the food shall be destroyed; the illegal gains shall be confiscated and a penalty of not less than one time and not more than five times the illegal gains shall concurrently be imposed; if there are no illegal gains, a penalty of not less than 1,000 yuan and not more than 50,000 yuan shall be imposed; if the offence is serious, the offender's hygiene licence shall be revoked.第四十二条 人民法院和处理违法案件的有关部门的工作人员私分没收的烟草制品,依照关于惩治贪污罪贿赂罪的补充规定第一条、第二条的规定追究刑事责任。 Article 42 Personnel from a people's court or a relevant department dealing with law breaking cases who share out the confiscated tobacco products shall be investigated for criminal responsibility in accordance with the provisions of Article 1 and Article 2 of the Supplementary Provisions Concerning the Punishment of the Crimes of Embezzlement and Bribery.第四十二条 实施卫生检疫机场的航空站,应当在受出境检疫的航空器起飞以前,尽早向卫生检疫机关提交总申报单、货物仓单和其他有关检疫证件,并通知下列事项: Article 42 Prior to the departure of the aircraft subject to exit quarantine inspection, the airport is required to submit to the health and quarantine organ the general declaration, deck cargo declaration and other documents related to quarantine and to inform it of the following matters:第四十二条 以行贿、受贿或者其他非法手段推销、采购本法第三十七条至第四十条所列产品,构成犯罪的,依法追究刑事责任。 Article 42 Where anyone sells or purchases products mentioned in Article 37 to 40 of this Law by offering or accepting bribes or other unlawful means and if the case constitutes a crime, the offender shall be in vestigated for criminal responsibility according to law.第四十二条违反本法规定,引起重大动植物疫情的,比照刑法第一百七十八条的规定追究刑事责任。 Article 42 Whoever violates the provisions of this Law and causes a serious animal or plant epidemic shall be investigated for criminal responsibility by applying mutatis mutandis the provisions of Article 178 of the Criminal Law.第四十三条动物防疫监督工作人员执行监督检查任务时,应当出示证件,有关单位和个人应当给予支持、配合。 Article 43 Functionaries of animal epidemic prevention supervision shall produce their certificates in performing duties of supervision and inspection. Any unit or individual concerned shall lend support and cooperation to them.第四十三条 违反本法规定,生产经营不符合营养、卫生标准的专供婴幼儿的主、辅食品的,责令停止生产经营,立即公告收回已售出的食品,并销毁该食品,没收违法所得,并处以违法所得一倍以上五倍以下的罚款;没有违法所得的,处以一千元以上五万元以下的罚款。情节严重的,吊销卫生许可证。 Article 43 If anyone, in violation of this Law, produces or markets the principal and supplementary foods intended specially for infants and preschool children which do not conform to the nutritive and hygiene standards, he shall be ordered to stop producing and marketing such foods, a public announcement shall be made immediately to recall the sold foods and the foods shall be destroyed; the illegal gains shall be confiscated and a penalty of not less than one time and not more than five times the illegal gains shall concurrently be imposed; if there are no illegal gains, a penalty of not less than 1,000 yuan and not more than 50,000 yuan shall be imposed; if the offence is serious, the offender's hygiene licence shall be revoked.第四十三条 烟草专卖行政主管部门和烟草公司的工作人员滥用职权、徇私舞弊或者玩忽职守的,给予行政处分;情节严重,构成犯罪的,依法追究刑事责任。 Article 43 Personnel from the department of tobacco monopoly administration or from a tobacco company who abuse their power, seek personal interests and commit malpractice or neglect their duties shall be subjected to administrative sanctions; if the circumstances are so serious as to constitute a crime, the offender shall be investigated for criminal responsibility according to law.第四十三条 对出境航空器查验完毕以后,如果没有染疫,检疫医师应当签发出境检疫证或者在必要的卫生处理完毕以后,再发给出境检疫证;如果该航空器因卫生处理不能按原定时间起飞,应当及时通知航空站。 Article 43 Upon completion of exit quarantine inspection of the aircraft, the quarantine physician must sign and issue an Exit Quarantine Permit to the aircraft which is free from contamination, or, such Permit shall be issued upon completion of the necessary sanitization; if the aircraft cannot take off at the scheduled time due to sanitization; the health and quarantine organ must notify the airport without delay.第四十三条 产品标识不符合本法第十五条规定的,责令改正;有包装的产品标识不符合本法第十五条第(四)项、第(五)项规定,情节严重的,可以责令停止生产、销售,并可以处以违法所得百分之十五至百分之二十的罚款。 Article 43 Where the marks of a product do not comply with the provisions of Article 15 of this Law, the producer or seller concerned shall be ordered to make rectification; where the marks of the packed products do not comply with the provisions of item (4) or (5) of Article 15 of this Law and if the case is serious, the producer or seller concerned may be ordered to stop production or sale. And a fine from 15% to 20% of the unlawful earnings may be imposed concurrently.第四十三条伪造、变造检疫单证、印章、标志、封识,依照刑法第一百六十七条的规定追究刑事责任。 Article 43 Whoever forges or alters the quarantine certificates, stamps, marks or seals shall be investigated for criminal responsibility in accordance with the provisions of Article 167 of the Criminal Law.第四十四条 当事人对烟草专卖行政主管部门和工商行政管理部门作出的行政处罚决定不服的,可以在 接到处罚通知之日起15日内向作出处罚决定的机关的上一级机关申请复议; Article 44 A party, if not satisfied with the decision on administrative sanctions made by the department of tobacco monopoly administration or the administrative department for industry and commerce, may, within 15 days after receiving the notice about the decision on punishment, apply for reconsideration to the authorities at the next higher level over the authorities that made the decision on punishment;第四十四条当事人对动植物检疫机关的处罚决定不服的,可以在接到处罚通知之日起十五日内向作出处罚决定的机关的上一级机关申请复议; Article 44 If a party is not satisfied with the decision on punishment made by an animal and plant quarantine organ, it may, within 15 days after receipt of the notification of the punishment, apply for reconsideration to the organ at the next higher level over the organ that has made the decision on punishment;第四十四条 违反本法规定,生产经营或者使用不符合卫生标准和卫生管理办法规定的食品添加剂、食品容器、包装材料和食品用工具、设备以及洗涤剂、消毒剂的,责令停止生产或者使用,没收违法所得,并处以违法所得一倍以上三倍以下的罚款;没有违法所得的,处以五千元以下的罚款。 Article 44 If anyone, in violation of this Law, produces, markets or uses the food additives, food containers, packagings, utensils and equipment used for food as well as the detergents and disinfectants which do not conform to the hygiene standards and the hygiene control regulations, he shall be ordered to stop producing and using them; the illegal gains shall be confiscated and a penalty of not less than one time and not more than three times the illegal gains shall concurrently be imposed; if there are no illegal gains, a penalty of not more than 5,000 yuan shall be imposed.第四十四条 实施卫生检疫的车站,应当在受入境检疫的列车到达之前,尽早向卫生检疫机关通知下列事项: Article 44 Prior to the arrival of the trains subject to entry quarantine inspection, the railway station is required to inform the health and quarantine organ of the following matters:第四十四条动物饲养场所、贮存场所、屠宰厂、肉类联合加工厂、其他定点屠宰场(点)和动物产品冷藏场所的工程的选址和设计,应当符合国务院畜牧兽医行政管理部门规定的动物防疫条件。 Article 44 Selecting sites and designing for works of animal farms, warehouses, slaughterhouses, joint meat processing factories, other designated slaughterhouses or points and refrigeration sites for animal products shall conform to the requirements of animal epidemic prevention stipulated by the animal husbandry and veterinary administrative department under the State Council.第四十四条 伪造检验数据或者伪造检验结论的,责令更正,可以处以所收检验费一倍以上三倍以下的罚款;情节严重的,吊销营业执照;构成犯罪的,对直接责任人员比照刑法第一百六十七条的规定追究刑事责任。 Article 44 Whoever forges inspection data or inspection conclusion of a product shall be ordered to make rectification, and a fine from twice to three times the inspection fee may be imposed. If the circumstance is serious, the business licence shall be revoked; where the case constitutes a crime, the person held directly responsible shall be investigated for criminal responsibility by applying mutatis mutandis the provisions of Article 167 of the Criminal Law.第四十五条 受入境检疫的列车和其他车辆到达车站、关口后,检疫医师首先登车,列车长或者其他车辆负责人,应当口头或者书面向卫生检疫机关申报该列车或者其他车辆上人员的健康情况,对检疫医师提出有关卫生状况和人员健康的询问,应当如实回答。 Article 45 After the train or other motor vehicle subject to entry quarantine inspection arrives at the railway station on the border, the quarantine physician shall get on board the train first. The head of train crew or the person in charge of the vehicle is required to submit a report either orally or in written form to the health and quarantine organ on the state of health of the persons on board and to give true-to-fact answers to the inquiries by the quarantine physician concerning sanitary and health conditions on board.第四十五条 本法规定的吊销营业执照的行政处罚由工商行政管理部门决定,其他行政处罚由管理产品质量监督工作的部门或者工商行政管理部门按照国务院规定的职权范围决定。法律、行政法规对行使行政处罚权的机关另有规定的,依照有关法律、行政法规的规定执行。 Article 45 An administrative sanction in the form of revocation of business licence provided for in this Law shall be decided by the administrative department for industry and commerce, while other administrative sanctions shall be decided by the department responsible for supervision over product quality or the administrative department for industry and commerce according to the functions and powers prescribed by the State Council. Where the laws or administrative rules and regulations provide otherwise as to the authorities exercising the power of administrative sanctions, the relevant provisions of such laws and administrative rules and regulations shall apply.第四十五条 违反本法规定,未经国务院卫生行政部门审查批准而生产经营表明具有特定保健功能的食品的,或者该食品的产品说明书内容虚假的,责令停止生产经营,没收违法所得,并处以违法所得一倍以上五倍以下的罚款;没有违法所得的,处以一千元以上五万元以下的罚款。情节严重的吊销卫生许可证。 Article 45 If anyone, in violation of this Law, produces or markets the food indicated to have specific health functions without examination and approval by the administrative department of public health under the State Council, or if the product description of such food provides false information, he shall be ordered to stop producing or marketing such food, the illegal gains shall be confiscated and a penalty of not less than one time and not more than five times the illegal gains shall concurrently be imposed; if there are no illegal gains, a penalty of not less than 1,000 yuan and not more than 50,000 yuan shall be imposed; if the offence is serious, the offender's hygiene licence shall be revoked.