(二)发明专利申请实质审查费、复审费; (2) fee for substantial examination of an application for a patent for invention and re-examination fee;(二)为了存档而制作备份复制品。但这些备份复制品不得通过任何方式提供给他人使用。 (2) For the purpose of maintaining files, make a backup copy. However these ba ck-up copies may not be provided to other persons by any means.(三) 集体所有的教育、科学、文化、卫生、体育等设施; (3) Facilities for education, science, culture, sanitation and sports, etc that are in the ownership of collective;(四)著录事项变更费、优先权要求费、恢复权利请求费、延长期限请求费、实用新型专利检索报告费; (4) fee for a change in the bibliographic data, fee for claiming the right of priority, fee for requesting recovery of rights, fee for requesting extension of time limit, fee for the retrieval report on the patent for utility model;(四)伪造或者变造他人的专利证书、专利文件或者专利申请文件。 (4) forging or altering the patent certificate, patent documents or patent application documents of another person.(五)无效宣告请求费、中止程序请求费、强制许可请求费、强制许可使用费的裁决请求费。 (5) fee for requesting invalidation, fee for requesting suspension of procedures, fee for requesting compulsory license, fee for requesting a ruling on exploitation fee of a compulsory license.(五) 费用及其支付方式; (5) fees and payment method; and(五)伪造或者变造专利证书、专利文件或者专利申请文件。 (5) forging or altering the patent certificate, patent documents or patent application documents.(九)免费表演已经发表的作品; (9) free performance of a published work;十二、合作出版书刊,应按国内现行稿酬制度,分别情况向作者支付报酬; 12. For books and journals published cooperatively, remuneration shall be paid to the authors on the merits of each case and in accordance with the existing domestic system of remuneration.八、同我进行合作出版的单位,应是对我友好并有可靠的信誉和资金,不要同情况不明的外商签订合同。 8. Foreign units that are to co-operate with China in publication business shall be those which are friendly to China and have reliable credit and financial resources. It is imperative not to sign contracts with foreign businessmen whose standing is not clear.罚款按规定上缴国库。 Fines shall be turned over to the State Treasury according to provisions.非职务发明创造,申请专利的权利属于发明人或者设计人; For a non-service invention-creation, the right to apply for a patent belongs to the inventor or creator.两个以上管理专利工作的部门都有管辖权的专利纠纷,当事人可以向其中一个管理专利工作的部门提出请求; For a patent dispute over which two or more departments for the administration of patent work have jurisdiction, the party concerned may make a request to one of them;职务发明创造申请专利的权利属于该单位; For a service intention-creation, the right to apply for a patent belongs to the entity.发明专利已经在外国提出过申请的,国务院专利行政部门可以要求申请人在指定期限内提交该国为审查其申请进行检索的资料或者审查结果的资料; For an application for a patent for invention that has been already filed in a foreign country, the patent administration department under the State Council?may ask the app1icant to furnish within a specified time limit documents concerning any search made for the purpose of examining that application, or concerning the results of any examination made, in that country.有附图的专利申请,还应当提供一幅最能说明该发明或者实用新型技术特征的附图。 For an application for a patent which contains appended drawings, an appended drawing which best characterizes the invention or utility model shall also be provided.对国际申请,专利法第二十一条和第二十二条中所称的公布是指本条第一款所规定的公布。 For an international application, ""publication"" mentioned in Articles 21 and 22 of the Patent Law means the publication provided in Paragraph 1 of this Article.除首次提交申请文件外,向国务院专利行政部门提交各种文件、办理各种手续时,应当标明申请号或者专利号、发明创造名称和申请人或者专利权人姓名或者名称。 For any document (not including any application document submitted for the first time) submitted to and any formalities fulfilled in the administrative department for patent under the State Council, the application number or the patent number, the title of the invention-creation, and the name of the applicant or the patent holder shall be indicated.国务院专利行政部门邮寄的各种文件,自文件发出之日起满15日,推定为当事人收到文件之日。 For any document mailed by the administrative department for patent under the State Council, the 15th day from the date when the document was sent shall be presumed to be the date of the reception of the document.根据国务院专利行政部门规定应当直接送交的文件,以交付日为送达日。 For any document to be served by personal delivery as required by the provisions of the administrative department for patent under the State Council, the date of delivery shall be regarded as the date of service.决定前款第五项和第六项规定的事项,应当经专有部分占建筑物总面积三分之二以上的业主且占总人数三分之二以上的业主同意。决定前款其他事项,应当经专有部分占建筑物总面积过半数的业主且占总人数过半数的业主同意。 For making a decision on matters prescribed in Item (5) or (6) of the preceding paragraph, the consent of the 2/3 or more of the total owners with exclusive parts accounting for 2/3 or more of the total area of the building shall be obtained. For making a decision on any other issue prescribed in the preceding paragraph, the consent of half of the total owners with exclusive parts accounting for half of the total area of the building shall be obtained.首次出版的书稿,可按略高于国内稿酬标准支付报酬; For manuscripts that are published for the first time, the remuneration may be slightly higher than the domestic rates.对文物系统之外的部门、企事业单位或个人兴办的博物馆,文物行政管理部门要制定相应的规章制度,给予必要的指导和监督。 For museums run by departments, enterprises, institutions or individuals outside the system of cultural relics, the departments of cultural relics should formulate corresponding rules and regulations and provide necessary guidance and supervision.对前款第(四)项所列产品的生产方法,可以依照本法规定授予专利权。 For processes used in producing products referred to in items (4) of the preceding paragraph, patent right may be granted in accordance with the provisions of this Law.