(一)复制受保护的布图设计的全部或者其中任何具有独创性的部分的; (1) Reproducing the whole or any original part of a protected layout-design; and(一)复制,指以印刷、复印、临摹、拓印、录音、录像、翻录、翻扫等方式将作品制作一份或者多份的行为; (1) Reproduction is the making of if one or more copies of a work by means like printing, photocopying, copying by hand, rubbing, audio-recording, video-recording, re-recording or photographing;(一)对受保护的布图设计的全部或者其中任何具有独创性的部分进行复制; (1) Reproduction of the whole or any part of an original layout-design under protection; and(一)发表权,即决定软件是否公之于众的权利; (1) Right of publication, is the right to decide whether the software should b e released to the public;(十)专利实施许可合同的备案; (10) record of contracts on the license for exploitation of a patent;(十三)专利申请或者专利权的恢复; (13) recovery of a patent application or patent right;(14)制定相关法律法规,合理界定知识产权的界限,防止知识产权滥用,维护公平竞争的市场秩序和公众合法权益。 (14) Relevant laws and regulations shall be formulated to reasonably define limits of intellectual property so as to prevent abuse of intellectual property, maintain market order for fair competition and safeguard legitimate rights of public.(十六)国务院专利行政部门作出的更正; (16) rectifications made by the administrative department for patent under the State Council;(二)未经著作权人许可,以营利为目的,复制发行其作品的; (2) reproducing and distributing a work, for commercial purposes, without the permission of the copyright owner;(二)为保护文物与违法犯罪行为作坚决斗争的; (2) resolute struggle against criminal acts, in the interest of protecting cultural relics;(二)智力活动的规则和方法; (2) rules and methods for mental activities;(三)对自己独立创作的与他人相同的布图设计进行复制或者将其投入商业利用的。 (3) Reproducing or putting into commercial exploitation of one's own independently created layout-design that is identical with the layout-design of another person.(四)广播、电视节目,指广播电台、电视台通过载有声音、图像的信号传播的节目; (4) Radio and television broadcasts refer to the programme communicated by radio or television station by means of diffusing signals carrying sound or images or both;(四)专利实施许可合同的备案; (4) record of contracts on the license for exploitation of a patent;(四)报纸、期刊、广播电台、电视台刊登或者播放其他报纸、期刊、广播电台、电视台已经发表的社论、评论员文章; (4) reprinting by newspapers or periodicals, or rebroadcasting by radio stations or television stations, of editorials or commentator's articles published by other newspapers, periodicals, radio stations or television stations;(49)制定并实施地区和行业知识产权战略。建立健全重大经济活动知识产权审议制度。扶持符合经济社会发展需要的自主知识产权创造与产业化项目。 (49) Regional and trade intellectual property strategies shall be formulated and implemented. A reviewing system for intellectual property of major economic activities shall be established and improved. Independent intellectual property creation projects and industrializing projects which meet demands of social and economic development shall be supported.(五)发明专利申请公布后的驳回、撤回和视为撤回; (5) rejection and withdrawal of an application or an application deemed to be withdrawn for a patent for invention after its publication;(五)未经录音录像制作者许可,复制发行其制作的录音录像的; (5) reproducing and distributing a sound recording or video recording produced by others without the permission of its producer;(五)复制:指把软件转载在有形物体上的行为。 (5) Reproduction: refers to the act of transferring software into a material form.(五)未经软件著作权人或者其合法受让者的同意修改、翻译、注释其软件作品; (5) Revising, translating, or annotating software without the permission of the software copyright owner or his legal transferee;(六)未经广播电台、电视台许可,复制发行其制作的广播、电视节目的; (6) reproducing and distributing a radio programme or television programme without the permission of the radio station or television station which has produced that programme; or(七)专利权的恢复; (7) recovery of the patent right;(八)图书馆、档案馆、纪念馆、博物馆、美术馆等为陈列或者保存版本的需要,复制本馆收藏的作品; (8) reproduction of a work in its collections by a library, an archives center, a memorial hall, a museum, an art gallery or a similar institution, for the purposes of display, or preservation of a copy, of the work;(三)竞赛规程、规则、组织实施方案及其可行性分析报告; 3. Regulations, rules, organization and implementation plans and feasibility analysis of the contests;(四)复制,是指重复制作布图设计或者含有该布图设计的集成电路的行为; ?(4) Reproduction means an act to repetitively produce a layout-design or integrated circuit incorporating the layout-design; and