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中国文化与知识产权法律法规中英数据库    A B C D E F G H I J K L M N O P Q R S T U V W X Y Z


(一)由于必须执行国家有关政策、法律、法规和规章;    (1) Because it is necessary for the execution of national policies, laws, and rules and regulations;
(一)在国务院专利行政部门作好国家公布的准备工作之前;    (1) before the administrative department for patent under the State Council has completed the preparation of national publication;
(一) 建筑物和其他土地附着物;    (1) buildings and other objects fixed to land;
(二)由于必须执行国家技术标准;    (2) Because it is necessary for the setting of technical standards;
(二) 债券、存款单;    (2) bonds and deposit receipts;
(二)与重大历史事件、革命运动和著名人物有关的,具有重要纪念意义、教育意义和史料价值的建筑物、遗址、纪念物;    (2) buildings, memorial sites and memorial objects related to major historical events, revolutionary movements or famous people that are highly memorable or are of great significance for education or for the preservation of historical data;
(二) 集体所有的建筑物、生产设施、农田水利设施;    (2) Buildings, production facilities, farmland, and water conservancy facilities that are in the ownership of collective;
(二)未经文化行政管理部门批准,私自经营文物购销活动的,由工商行政管理部门给予警告或者罚款,并可没收其非法所得或者非法经营的文物;    (2) buying or selling cultural relics without the approval of the departments for cultural administration, for which the persons involved shall be warned or fined by the departments for the administration of industry and commerce, and their illegal earnings and the cultural relics illegally handled by them may be confiscated; or
(三)由于可供选用的表现形式种类有限。    (3) Because of the limited categories of forms of expression.
(三)播放,指通过无线电波、有线电视系统传播作品;    (3) Broadcasting is the communication of works through wireless radio waves and cable television system;
(五) 正在建造的建筑物、船舶、航空器;    (5) buildings, vessels and aircraft under construction;
(6)到2020年,把我国建设成为知识产权创造、运用、保护和管理水平较高的国家。知识产权法治环境进一步完善,市场主体创造、运用、保护和管理知识产权的能力显著增强,知识产权意识深入人心,自主知识产权的水平和拥有量能够有效支撑创新型国家建设,知识产权制度对经济发展、文化繁荣和社会建设的促进作用充分显现。    (6)???? By 2020, China will be built into a country with high abilities in creation, utilization, protection and administration of intellectual properties. The law environment of intellectual property will be further perfected; market subjects obtained markedly improved abilities in creation, utilization, protection and management of intellectual properties; people have strong sense of intellectual property; the level and ownerships of independent intellectual properties are able to meet the demands for supporting the construction of an innovative country; and the intellectual property system’s functions in the advancement of economic development, cultural prosperousness and social construction are manifested fully.
(七)未经表演者许可,从现场直播其表演的;    (7) broadcasting a live performance without the permission of the performer;
(一)能够独立承担民事责任;    1. Being able to bear sole civil responsibility;
(四)商业秘密。    4. Business secret
(七)参赛运动员、教练员、裁判员的基本情况以及体育运动项目协会出具的同意派出裁判员的证明材料;    7. Basic information on contestants, coaches and referees, and credentials issued by sports event associations for approval of appointing referees;
(八)竞赛经费的预算报告,包括竞赛的经费收支预算、盈利分配方法和亏损分担责任等事项;    8. Budget statement of contest funds including such matters as revenue and expenditure budget of contest funds, profit distribution and share of responsibility for losses;
在未制定新的标准以前,仍应按原有规定执行。    Before new standards are formulated, the existing provisions shall continue to be implemented.
尽量减轻由于保护遗址给当地群众生产、生活造成的负担,必要时采取适当方式给予补偿。    burden caused by the protection of ancient sites to the production and life of the local masses should be reduced to the extent possible and compensation should be made in suitable ways when necessary.
但是,该复制本不得以任何不合理地损害该作品著作权人合法权益的方式复制和使用。    but such copy may not be reproduced nor used in any manner susceptible to prejudice unreasonably the legitimate rights and interests of the copyright owner.
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