

(一)剽窃、抄袭他人作品的;    (1) plagiarizing a work created by others;
(一)制造或者销售标有专利标记的非专利产品;    (1) producing or selling an unpatented product marked with a patent mark;
(一)未经著作权人许可,发表其作品的;    (1) publishing a work without the permission of the copyright owner;
(一)未经软件著作权人同意发表其软件作品;    (1) Publishing software works without the consent of the software copyright ow ner;
(十一)专利权的质押、保全及其解除;    (11) pledge, preservation and cancellation of the patent right;
(11)运用财政、金融、投资、政府采购政策和产业、能源、环境保护政策,引导和支持市场主体创造和运用知识产权。强化科技创新活动中的知识产权政策导向作用,坚持技术创新以能够合法产业化为基本前提,以获得知识产权为追求目标,以形成技术标准为努力方向。完善国家资助开发的科研成果权利归属和利益分享机制。将知识产权指标纳入科技计划实施评价体系和国有企业绩效考核体系。逐步提高知识产权密集型商品出口比例,促进贸易增长方式的根本转变和贸易结构的优化升级。    (11) Policies on finance, investment and government purchasing as well as those on industrial, energy and environmental protection shall be utilized to guide and support the creation and utilization of intellectual property by market subjects. The guiding role of intellectual property policies in sci-tech innovations shall be enhanced and technical innovations shall be based on industrialization by law and directed by technical standards, pursuing obtain of intellectual property. The system on right ownership and interest share of achievements of scientific researches sponsored by the state shall be improved. The indicator of intellectual property shall be integrated into the sci-tech program implementation and appraisal system and performance evaluation system of state-owned enterprises. The proportion of intellectual property-intensive exports shall be raised in the total exports gradually to advance the thorough transformation of trade growth modes and optimization and upgrading of trade structures.
(15)加强知识产权宣传,提高全社会知识产权意识。广泛开展知识产权普及型教育。在精神文明创建活动和国家普法教育中增加有关知识产权的内容。在全社会弘扬以创新为荣、剽窃为耻,以诚实守信为荣、假冒欺骗为耻的道德观念,形成尊重知识、崇尚创新、诚信守法的知识产权文化。    (15) Propaganda for intellectual property shall be enhanced to raise the sense of intellectual property of the whole society. Universal education on intellectual property shall be conducted extensively. Contents concerning intellectual property shall be added to activities promoting cultural and ethical progress and program on education to popularize basic knowledge of laws. Moral concepts as “honor for innovation and shame on piracy and honor for honest and integrity and shame on counterfeiting and deceit” shall be advocated in the whole society so as to create a intellectual property culture featured by respecting knowledge and upholding innovation and honest and lawful principles.
(二)缴纳本细则第九十条第一款规定的申请费、申请附加费和公布印刷费;    (2) pay the application fee, additional fee for application and publishing and printing fee provided in Paragraph 1 of Article 90 of these Rules;
(二)表演,指演奏乐曲、上演剧本、朗诵诗词等直接或者借助技术设备以声音、表情、动作公开再现作品;    (2) Performance is the public presentation of a work through vocal sound, facial movements and body movements, directly or with the aid of technical devices;
(二)未经合作作者许可,将与他人合作创作的作品当作自己单独创作的作品发表的;    (2) publishing a work of joint authorship as a work created solely by oneself without the permission of the other co-authors;
(二)将受保护的布图设计、含有该布图设计的集成电路或者含有该集成电路的物品投入商业利用。    (2) Putting into commercial exploitation of a protected layout-design, integrated circuit incorporating a layout-design or article incorporating an integrated circuit.
(三)专利登记费、公告印刷费、申请维持费、年费;    (3) patent registration fee, fee for announcement and printing, fee for maintaining the application and annual fee;
(三)专利权的质押、保全及其解除;    (3) pledge, preservation and cancellation of the patent right;
(三)出版他人享有专有出版权的图书的;    (3) publishing a book where the exclusive right of publication belongs to another publisher;
(三) 利用目的和方法;    (3) purposes of use and methods;
(四)未经表演者许可,对其表演制作录音录像出版的;    (4) producing and publishing a sound recording or video recording of a performance without the permission of the performer;
(四) 所有权、使用权不明或者有争议的财产;    (4) properties with unclear or controversial ownership or use rights;
(五)录音制作者,指制作录音制品的人;    (5) Producer of sound recordings refers to a person who makes sound recordings;
(五) 依法被查封、扣押、监管的财产;    (5) properties legally confiscated, seized or controlled; or
(五)报纸、期刊、广播电台、电视台刊登或者播放在公众集会上发表的讲话,但作者声明不许刊登、播放的除外;    (5) publication in newspapers or periodicals, or broadcasting by radio stations or television stations, of a speech delivered at a public gathering, except where the author has declared that the publication or broadcasting is not permitted;
(六) 出让金等费用及其支付方式;    (6) payment methods for allotment fees and other fees; and
(六)录像制作者,指制作录像制品的人;    (6) Producer of video recordings refers to a person who makes video recordings;
(六)出版,指将作品编辑加工后,经过复制向公众发行;    (6) Publication is the public distribution of copies of the edited version of a work;
(七)表演者,指演员或者其他表演文学、艺术作品的人。    (7) Performer refers to persons who perform literary and artistic works professionally or not professionally.
(七)制作、出售假冒他人署名的美术作品的。    (7) producing or selling a work of fine art where the signature of the author is forged.
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