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(八)摄影作品,指借助器械,在感光材料上记录客观物体形象的艺术作品;    (8) Photographic works are the kind of artistic works created by recording images on light-sensitive materials with the aid of devices;
上海市人民政府令第66号颁布日期:19990325实施日期:19990701颁布单位:上海市人民政府    (Promulgated by Decree No. 66 of the Shanghai Municipal People''s Government on March 25,1999)
(一)专利。    1. Patent
一、完善知识产权制度,切实加强知识产权保护工作,是当前深化科技、经济配套改革,扩大对外开放的重要内容,也是加快建立社会主义市场经济体制,实现与世界经济接轨的基本要求。    1. Perfecting the intellectual property system and strengthening conscientiously the work of intellectual property protection, are currently important contents of deepening the systematic reforms in the scientific, technological and economic fields and expanding the scope of opening to the outside world, and also the basic requirements in our efforts to speed up the establishment of a system of socialist market economy and realize the link-up with the world economy.
一、对外合作出版,必须符合我国的外交政策和对外方针,有利于加强对外宣传和文化交流;不得有损于我主权和国家利益;并严格遵守国家有关保密的规定。    1. Publication in co-operation with foreign countries shall conform to China’s foreign policy and principle and facilitate the strengthening of China’s publicity in and cultural exchanges with, foreign countries, shall do no harm to China’s sovereignty and national interests and shall be strictly governed by the State provisions concerning the maintenance of secrets.
(二)促进知识产权创造和运用。    2. Promoting creation and utilization of intellectual properties
(四)防止知识产权滥用。    4. Preventing abuse of intellectual property
四、对外合作出版项目,应经双方充分协商确定。    4. Projects of publication in co-operation with foreign countries shall be determined through full consultation between the two parties thereto.
六、对外合作出版,只能由国家正式批准的出版社进行。    6. Publication in co-operation with foreign countries shall only be undertaken by the publishing houses that have been officially authorized by the State.
(八)推进知识产权文化建设。    8. Promoting intellectual property cultural construction
第一编 总则    Part I General Rules
第一编 总则    Part I General Rules
第二编 所有权    Part II Ownership
第二编 所有权    Part II Ownership
第三编 用益物权    Part III Usufructuary Right
第三编 用益物权    Part III Usufructuary Rights
第四编 担保物权    Part IV Real Rights for Security
第四编 担保物权    Part IV Real Rights for Security
第五编 占有    Part V Possession
第五编 占有    Part V Possession
不属于文物性质的珠、宝、翠、钻由外贸部门统一收购(或委托文物商店等机构代购)。    Pearls, gems, jadeite and diamonds that do not fall within the scope of cultural relics shall be unifiedly purchased by foreign trade departments (or shall be purchased by anique shops and other agencies that are entrusted by foreign trade departments with such purchase on their behalf).
各级人民政府应当采取措施,为老年人、残疾人参加体育活动提供方便。    People's governments at various levels shall take measures to provide conditions for the aged and disabled people to participate in physical activities.
地方各级人民政府要健全、完善所辖地区的文物保护管理制度,加强文物行政管理部门的力量。    People’s Governments at all levels must perfect the rules for the administration of the protection of cultural relics in areas under their respective jurisdiction and build up the strength of the departments of administration of cultural relics.
文物工作人员对所管理的文物监守自盗的,依法从重处罚。    Personnel working in the field of cultural relics who steal cultural relics placed under their care shall be punished severely according to law.
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