(46)加强知识产权司法解释工作。针对知识产权案件专业性强等特点,建立和完善司法鉴定、专家证人、技术调查等诉讼制度,完善知识产权诉前临时措施制度。改革专利和商标确权、授权程序,研究专利无效审理和商标评审机构向准司法机构转变的问题。 (46) Judicial interpretation for intellectual property shall be enhanced. In light of features of intellectual property cases, such as high profession, proceeding systems including expert evidence, expert witness, and technical investigation shall be established and improved, and the pre-judgment interim measure system shall be improved. We shall reform approval and authorizing procedures for patent and trademark, and study issues of transformation of agencies responsible for patent invalidity judgment and trademark accreditation into quasi-judicial organs.