

(一)贪污或者盗窃国家文物的;    (1) misappropriating or stealing cultural relics of the state;
(一) 汇票、支票、本票;    (1) money orders, checks, and cashier's checks;
(十一)地图、示意图等图形作品,指地图、线路图、解剖图等反映地理形象、说明事物原理或者结构的图形或者模型。    (11) Maps, diagrams and other graphic works refer to two- or three-dimensional works showing geographical phenomenon and demonstrating the fundamental or the structure of a thing or an object, such as geographical maps, plan of electrical circuit or an anatomical drawings.
(29)引导市场主体依法建立商业秘密管理制度。依法打击窃取他人商业秘密的行为。妥善处理保护商业秘密与自由择业、涉密者竞业限制与人才合理流动的关系,维护职工合法权益。    (29) Market subjects are advised to establish a business secret management system by law. We shall crack down behaviors steeling others’ business secrets, properly handle relationships between protection of business secrets and freedom of job selection, and competition restriction of secret involvers and rational flow of human resource, and safeguard employees’ legitimate rights and interests.
(三) 土地补偿费等费用的使用、分配办法;    (3) methods for using and distributing such fees as land compensation fees;
(三)音乐作品,指交响乐、歌曲等能够演唱或者演奏的带词或者不带词的作品;    (3) Musical works are works, with or without accompanying words, which can be sung or performed, such as symphony and songs;
(三)音乐、戏剧、曲艺、舞蹈作品;    (3) musical, dramatic, quyi and choreographic works;
(四) 生产设备、原材料、半成品、产品;    (4) manufacturing facilities, raw materials, semi-manufactured goods and finished products;
(42)鼓励和支持市场主体健全技术资料与商业秘密管理制度,建立知识产权价值评估、统计和财务核算制度,制订知识产权信息检索和重大事项预警等制度,完善对外合作知识产权管理制度。    (42) Market subjects are encouraged and supported to perfect the management system for technical information and business secrets, establish an intellectual property value evaluation, statistics and financial accounting system, as well as an intellectual property information retrieval system and a major issues forewarning system etc., and improve the management system for intellectual property in foreign cooperation.
(43)鼓励市场主体依法应对涉及知识产权的侵权行为和法律诉讼,提高应对知识产权纠纷的能力。    (43) Market subjects are encouraged to response to infringing acts and legal proceedings regarding intellectual properties by law, and improve their abilities in handling disputes involved intellectual properties.
(58)培育和发展市场化知识产权信息服务,满足不同层次知识产权信息需求。鼓励社会资金投资知识产权信息化建设,鼓励企业参与增值性知识产权信息开发利用。    (58) Marketizing intellectual property information service shall be cultivated and developed to satisfy demands for intellectual property information at all levels. Encouragement is given to intellectual property informationization invested with social capital, and development and utilization of intellectual property in a value-increasing manner by enterprises.
(六) 交通运输工具;    (6) means of communications and transportation; and
(六)在文物面临破坏危险的时候,抢救文物有功的;    (6) meritorious service in rescuing cultural relics in danger of being destroyed; and
(65)加强知识产权领域的对外交流合作。建立和完善知识产权对外信息沟通交流机制。加强国际和区域知识产权信息资源及基础设施建设与利用的交流合作。鼓励开展知识产权人才培养的对外合作。引导公派留学生、鼓励自费留学生选修知识产权专业。支持引进或聘用海外知识产权高层次人才。积极参与国际知识产权秩序的构建,有效参与国际组织有关议程。    (65) More efforts shall be made in overseas exchange and cooperation on intellectual property. We shall establish and improve an overseas information exchange system for intellectual property, increase exchange and cooperation on construction and utilization of international and regional intellectual property information resources and infrastructure, encourage foreign cooperation on intellectual property human resource training, advise national-supporting student abroad and encourage self-supporting students abroad to major in intellectual property, support introduction or employment of foreign talents in intellectual property, actively participate in building of international intellectual property order and effectively join in relevant agenda by international organizations
(七)摄制电影、电视、录像作品,指以拍摄电影或者类似的方式首次将作品固定在一定的载体上。将表演或者景物机械地录制下来,不视为摄制电影、电视、录像作品;    (7) Making of cinematographic, television and video works means the fixation for the first time of a work on some materials by means of cinematographic production or analogous process. This subsection shall not apply to the mere mechanical recording of performance or scenes or material objects;
(七)地图、示意图等图形作品;    (7) maps, sketches and other graphic works;
五、合作出版供我国读者使用的外国编辑的书稿,应是我国所急需的,必要时应根据我国的情况对其内容进行增删或改编,在经济上尽量做到不用外汇支付对方应得的收益。    5. Manuscripts edited by a foreign country to be jointly published for use by Chinese readers shall be those of which China is in urgent need and shall, when necessary, be duly supplemented, deleted or re-edited in accordance with the actual situation in China. Financially, every possible means shall be tried to avoid making payment in foreign exchange for the economic returns that the other party shall be entitled to.
(六)竞赛使用的器材和设施的名称、类型、来源等材料;    6. Materials about names, types and sources of apparatus and facilities for contests;
(三)疾病的诊断和治疗方法;    ?(3) methods for the diagnosis or for the treatment of diseases;
重大的文物利用项目要事前进行充分的科学论证,严格履行审批手续,避免对文物的破坏性利用。    Major projects of exploitation of cultural relics must go through adequate scientific authentication in advance and strict formalities of examination and approval to avoid destructive exploitation of cultural relics.
地方综合性运动会和地方单项体育竞赛的管理办法由地方人民政府制定。    Measures for the administration of local comprehensive sports games and local individual sport competitions shall be formulated by the local people's governments.
体育仲裁机构的设立办法和仲裁范围由国务院另行规定。    Measures for the establishment of sports arbitration institutions and the scope of arbitration shall be prescribed separately by the State Council.
文物的复制、拓印、拍摄等管理办法由国家文化行政管理部门制定。    Measures governing the production of replicas, rubbings and photographs of cultural relics shall be formulated by the state department for cultural administration.
必须加强对濒临毁灭的重要文物古迹和馆藏珍贵文物的抢救维修与保护。    Measures must be taken to step up rescue, maintenance and protection of important ancient sites of cultural relics and rare and precious collections of cultural relics in museums and art galleries on the verge of destruction.
而且它是我们独有的特殊商品,不存在和其它国家竞争的问题。    Moreover, as they are special commodities uniquely possessed by us, there are no such questions as competition with other countries.
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