

(一) 抵押权已登记的,按照登记的先后顺序清偿;顺序相同的,按照债权比例清偿;    (1) In case all the mortgage rights to have been registered, the payments shall be made according to the registration sequence; and where the sequence is the same, the payments shall be made on the basis of the proportion of obligee's rights;
(一) 属于村农民集体所有的,由村集体经济组织或者村民委员会代表集体行使所有权;    (1) In case it is owned by a farmers' collective of a village, a collective economic organization or the villagers' committee of the village shall exercise the ownership on behalf of the collective;
(一)在本职工作中作出的发明创造;    (1) in the course of performing his own duty;
(一)在全国有重大影响的侵权行为;    (1) Infringements against copyright that are of nationwide influence;
(一)对有著作权法第四十六条第(一)项行为的,罚款一百至五千元;    (1) Infringing act given by Article 46 (1) of the Law shall be liable to a fine of from 100 to 5 000 yuan in RMB;
(一)侵权复制品;    (1) infringing copies;
(一)集成电路,是指半导体集成电路,即以半导体材料为基片,将至少有一个是有源元件的两个以上元件和部分或者全部互连线路集成在基片之中或者基片之上,以执行某种电子功能的中间产品或者最终产品;    (1) Integrated circuit means a semi-conductor integrated circuit, namely a product, in an intermediate form or its final form, in which the elements, at least one of which is an active element, and two or more of the interconnections are integrally formed in and/or on a piece of material and which is intended to perform an electronic function;
(二) 分别属于村内两个以上农民集体所有的,由村内各该集体经济组织或者村民小组代表集体行使所有权;    (2) In case it is owned by two farmers' collectives or more, all the collective economic organizations or villagers' groups of the village shall exercise the ownership on behalf of the collective; and
(二) 没有约定债权确定期间或者约定不明确,抵押权人或者抵押人自最高额抵押权设立之日起满二年后请求确定债权;    (2) In case there is no stipulation on such term or the related stipulations are not explicit, and where the mortgagee or the mortgagor requires determine the obligee's rights after two years as of the date for the establishment of the mortgage right at maximum amount;
(二)履行本单位交付的本职工作之外的任务所作出的发明创造;    (2) in execution of any task, other than his own duty, which was delivered to him by the entity to which he belongs;
(二)在申请文件中,提供有关该生物材料特征的资料;    (2) in the application, submit relevant information on the characteristics of the biomaterial;
(二)涉外侵权行为;    (2) Infringements against copyright where a foreign party is involved;
(二)对有著作权法第四十六条第(二)、(三)、(四)、(五)、(六)项行为的,罚款一万至十万元或者总定价的二至五倍;    (2) Infringing acts given by Article 46 (2), (3), (4), (5), and (6) of the Law shall be liable to a fine of 10 000 to 100 000 yuan in RMB, or an amount of 2 to 5 times as much as the entire price of the infringing copies;
(三) 属于乡镇农民集体所有的,由乡镇集体经济组织代表集体行使所有权。    (3) In case it is owned by a farmers' collective of a town, a collective economic organization of the town shall exercise the ownership on behalf of the collective.
(三) 抵押权未登记的,按照债权比例清偿。    (3) In case no mortgage right has been registered, the payments shall be made on basis of the proportion of obligee's rights.
(三) 转让的不动产或者动产依照法律规定应当登记的已经登记,不需要登记的已经交付给受让人。    (3) in case registration is required by law, the alienated realty or chattel shall have been registered, while in case registration is not required, the delivery thereof shall have been accomplished.
(三)为了把该软件用于实际的计算机应用环境或者改进其功能性能而进行必要的修改。但除另有协议外,未经该软件著作权人或者其合法受让者的同意,不得向任何第三方提供修改后的文本。    (3) In order to carry out necessary revisions for the purpose of using said software in the real computer environment or improving its performance. However, except in cases where there is additional agreement, (the owner) may not provide to any third party the revised document, without the agreement of the software copyright holder or his legal transferee.
(三)涉及生物材料样品保藏的专利申请应当在请求书和说明书中写明该生物材料的分类命名(注明拉丁文名称)、保藏该生物材料样品的单位名称、地址、保藏日期和保藏编号;    (3) indicate, where the application involves the deposit of the sample of biomaterial, in the written request and the specification the name of its classification (with its Latin name), the name and address of the depository institution, the date on which the sample was deposited and the accession number of the deposit;
(三)认为应当由国家版权局查处的侵权行为。    (3) Infringements against copyright that should be redressed by the National Copyright Administration, as the Administration might think.
(三)对有著作权法第四十六条第(七)项行为的,罚款一千至五万元。    (3) Infringing act given by Article 46 (7) of the Law shall be liable to a fine of from 1 000 to 50 000 yuan in RMB
(四)重要的革命文献资料以及具有历史、艺术、科学价值的手稿、 古旧图书资料等;    (4) important revolutionary documents as well as manuscripts and ancient or old books and materials, etc., that are of historical, artistic or scientific value; and
(五)在文物保护科学技术上有重要发明创造或者其他重要贡献的;    (5) important inventions and innovations in, or other major contributions to, the science and techniques for the protection of cultural relics;
(五)专利权的无效宣告;    (5) invalidation of the patent right;
(七)专利权的无效宣告;    (7) invalidation of the patent right;
(一)提升知识产权创造能力。    1. Improving creating ability in intellectual property
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